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partying in portland...


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To Portland's worst citizen: ODDIO. How long did you think you could go on being the pied piper of these dregs, urging them on to more and more crime without any consequences? You and your buddies are costing the city hundreds of thousands of dollars a year, and private businesses probably as much. You are fowling your own nest. You are taking money away from schools and emergency services. Your selfish greed is dragging down Portland, and along with other petty criminals you are driving people and businesses to the suburbs. You are preparing the way for more conservative, reactionary politicians, and you're making this town damn ugly. Fuck you. We are a small band of concerned citizens who are beginning to watch for you, the head of the serpent. It's Oddio we want. We will harass you in petty ways, and will be on the lookout for a geek crawling under freeways taking pictures of graffiti. You are certainly one of the main taggers as well. Maybe you're Bonus or the guy who puts stupid cowboy hats on ugly letters. Maybe we will be waiting for you with night vision equipment and cell phones. We will come to your trial and smile at you during your sentencing. Start worrying and looking over your shoulder. Your carefree days are over. You are the hunted. Lastly, every minute you spend complaining about this or trying to track us down is another glorious minute you won’t be painting, ‘flicking’, or posting.

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To Portland's worst citizen: ODDIO. How long did you think you could go on being the pied piper of these dregs, urging them on to more and more crime without any consequences? You and your buddies are costing the city hundreds of thousands of dollars a year, and private businesses probably as much. You are fowling your own nest. You are taking money away from schools and emergency services. Your selfish greed is dragging down Portland, and along with other petty criminals you are driving people and businesses to the suburbs. You are preparing the way for more conservative, reactionary politicians, and you're making this town damn ugly. Fuck you. We are a small band of concerned citizens who are beginning to watch for you, the head of the serpent. It's Oddio we want. We will harass you in petty ways, and will be on the lookout for a geek crawling under freeways taking pictures of graffiti. You are certainly one of the main taggers as well. Maybe you're Bonus or the guy who puts stupid cowboy hats on ugly letters. Maybe we will be waiting for you with night vision equipment and cell phones. We will come to your trial and smile at you during your sentencing. Start worrying and looking over your shoulder. Your carefree days are over. You are the hunted. Lastly, every minute you spend complaining about this or trying to track us down is another glorious minute you won’t be painting, ‘flicking’, or posting.


why would you post this here? the only place where nobody gives a fuck.

im sure oddio is hiding under his bed right now.

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To Portland's worst citizen: ODDIO. How long did you think you could go on being the pied piper of these dregs, urging them on to more and more crime without any consequences? You and your buddies are costing the city hundreds of thousands of dollars a year, and private businesses probably as much. You are fowling your own nest. You are taking money away from schools and emergency services. Your selfish greed is dragging down Portland, and along with other petty criminals you are driving people and businesses to the suburbs. You are preparing the way for more conservative, reactionary politicians, and you're making this town damn ugly. Fuck you. We are a small band of concerned citizens who are beginning to watch for you, the head of the serpent. It's Oddio we want. We will harass you in petty ways, and will be on the lookout for a geek crawling under freeways taking pictures of graffiti. You are certainly one of the main taggers as well. Maybe you're Bonus or the guy who puts stupid cowboy hats on ugly letters. Maybe we will be waiting for you with night vision equipment and cell phones. We will come to your trial and smile at you during your sentencing. Start worrying and looking over your shoulder. Your carefree days are over. You are the hunted. Lastly, every minute you spend complaining about this or trying to track us down is another glorious minute you won’t be painting, ‘flicking’, or posting.



hahahahahahahha, good luck trying to prosecute somebody who isn't breaking the law, dumbass. oh and good luck coming back to this site. you're ip address is getting blocked

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To Portland's worst citizen: ODDIO. How long did you think you could go on being the pied piper of these dregs, urging them on to more and more crime without any consequences? You and your buddies are costing the city hundreds of thousands of dollars a year, and private businesses probably as much. You are fowling your own nest. You are taking money away from schools and emergency services. Your selfish greed is dragging down Portland, and along with other petty criminals you are driving people and businesses to the suburbs. You are preparing the way for more conservative, reactionary politicians, and you're making this town damn ugly. Fuck you. We are a small band of concerned citizens who are beginning to watch for you, the head of the serpent. It's Oddio we want. We will harass you in petty ways, and will be on the lookout for a geek crawling under freeways taking pictures of graffiti. You are certainly one of the main taggers as well. Maybe you're Bonus or the guy who puts stupid cowboy hats on ugly letters. Maybe we will be waiting for you with night vision equipment and cell phones. We will come to your trial and smile at you during your sentencing. Start worrying and looking over your shoulder. Your carefree days are over. You are the hunted. Lastly, every minute you spend complaining about this or trying to track us down is another glorious minute you won’t be painting, ‘flicking’, or posting


they hit the nail on the head.. they are going after you in "petty ways"..


it never ceases to amaze me when people complain about graffiti taking away money from schools and such.. why not get mad at the municipal administration for putting the buff above the school system..


it seems to me that it's poor managing.. i would like to see them run out of money for the buff because they gave teachers a raise so qualified people actually want to teach in public schools..


as a former business owner in a different city, that, no offense, had way more graffiti, we never for a single moment considered moving to the suburbs due to some tags or etch on the window..


these so called concerned citizens are pretty ignorant, as reactionary nosey neighbors usually are.. they have no clue what they are talking about, and i'll bet it was they who tried to break into oddio's account.


alot of the time these "citizen groups" get so caught up in trying to wage war against a subculture for commiting misdemeanors, they often break the law themselves, sometimes more seriously..


it brings to mind the vandal squad in sf, who tried to "get writer's goats" by putting orange x's over pieces and throw ups to "document" them.. and they became vandals themselves, because as any cop will tell you as he's cuffin' and stuffin' you, doing graffiti over graffiti is still illegal..


they eventually got so pumped on going over people's shit with their orange x's, they started xing out legal murals also.. so they actually made the walls look unglier, as anyone will agree, ragged out throw ups look worse than a clean throw up, and then they vandalized legitimate murals, which were culturally "different" from what their narrow minds could understand.


people like these need to b e sent to "re-education" camps.. they are the same type who blame foreign guest workers for the lack of high paying jobs..


it says something about american culture that a lynch mob has been formed to hunt down someone for documenting art. these people should take up mountain biking or some outdoor hobby, to help them with their spare time they clearly have an excess of.

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what i do is no different that cnn or fox news going to afganistan and documenting the war.. you say i am promoting graffiti by this.. the news promotes war and the death of our teenage brothers and sisters, and pumps them up to kill innocent civilians overseas. there is no law against what i am doing.


"Start worrying and looking over your shoulder. Your carefree days are over. You are the hunted."- i take this as a dirrect threat and if confronted i will defend myself with what ever means neccesary.

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