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i lost my free home internet connection again. whats up with the fact that i somehow connected to someone's wireless, used it for a few days, and now i can still connect to it but it won't load any pages?

and yes, i'm probably going to order my own nigganets soon but would like to steal/share as long as possible.

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Guest shai_hulud



-They reset the router and you need to get assigned a new dynamic IP.


-They noticed you were skimming and blocked your IP from the network, or enabled their encryption to keep you out.


-You moved your computer and that affected the signal.


-You didn't go over to their house and ask them nicely for the password. (Hey, sometimes it works!)


-You didn't use KisMac, which cracks WEP.

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Guest shai_hulud

Try restarting, then when you see the antenna in the top bar come up with a signal, right click it. Those are your available networks. Click on the one you want to use.


Then, see if anything loads. If not, move on to the next network and repeat the process.


If you're in a residential area, you SHOULD be able to lock into an open network without a whole lot of trouble. However, more people are locking down their wifi signals these days. Mostly it depends on how tech-minded they are and how lucky you are.


I'm new at doing this with Macs, but most of the time that seems to do it.


I should also add that this is probably illegal where you live and I'm only telling you how you do this for the sake of conversation. Whatever you decide to do is your call.

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thanks. i do have a basic understanding of what you are talking about. i was able to connect to this one particular network using the default password for that specific router(linksys), but then it stopped loading pages. ya know, people that haven't taken the time to change the router name from the default name probably haven't included protection either.

you're first explanation was more in tuned to what my current situation is. i usually have zero to no success down here in the TL with open networks. I thought it would be free internets all day.thanks for the advice though.


i'm probably going to investigate the KisMac thing soon. at first glance it seemed a bit more leet than what i know.

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Guest shai_hulud

By TL, do you mean Tenderloin?


If so, the only way you're gonna get a good signal is if you can get an antenna out a window somehow.


I used to live in SF. A lot of those older buildings are hard to get wifi signals in, even when the signal originates in the same apartment...more often than not you have to have a line of sight to the wifi router just to get a usable signal.


Actually, if you live in an older building somewhere other than SF, that applies as well.


KisMac is a little tricky, but is by far the best utility for stumbling out there on Macs. Just do what the site tells you to do to install it. You might need to install X11, though, which can be a bitch.

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Guest shai_hulud

I used to buy drugs there. I can attest to that.


There's a cafe at Leavenworth and McAllister that has free web with any purchase.


You can parlay that into....I don't know, hours of use if you play your cards right.

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ive been using firefox for a while now. (currently v2.0.0.11)

recently when i click to open images from a link, instead of firefox displaying it, it makes me download it or open it with a viewer. and these are just standard .jpg, its happened a bunch of times on 12oz.


anyone know why?

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