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never heard of 'em. i would assume they are a POS company?


good money, though. mostly win2k systems or have they switched up?


hardware distributioncenter is where i work and the POS is setup by PSG / most have switched up, thats why im there. nobody wanted to go back to school so they hired me

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if i get what you're laying down, i'm going to turn the mtu on.


and they do allow people on the internet here, i just want to be able to use my nifty laptop with all my games instead of the pos terminal.


im not doing anything that im not supposed to, im just trying not to fuck anything up.


besides, if anything goes wrong, the guy will blame it on the fact that someone switched off the breakers, just like last time.

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yeah, also, check under the mac address filtering. you may need to add you mac address.

find it (on your laptop) by going to start/run

type cmd

screen pops up, type ipconfig /all

the mac address is at the bottom

listed by "physical address"


add that to your routers mac address filtering section on the router if it needs to be added.

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Any suggestions on where to go to get a notebook fixed

I'm just trying to avoid getting jerked

Should i try the yellow pages?, bestbuy? circuit city?


I put a 120gb hard drive innit, but when the computer was made it only went up to 40gb.

The hp dude said it wouldn't work with the 120, but the computer guy at the store & different websites says it will.


Anyhow i'm trying to recover the windows xp on it

& i'm getting shit like:

Media test failure check cable

Operating System not found

& the BIOS is'nt allowing me to reset it


i'm about to bite the head off a baby

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whats the model of the laptop ( we will see if we can fix it for free here) never go to bestbuy or circut city) find local repairshops be friendly but you also have atleast know what the hell you are doing with a computer or they will damage yer wallet as as bad as the retailers

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mediatest error can be caused by a faulty cable/ loose cable ( so secure all connections) check to make sure you do not have any bootable cds or floppies in the computer



are you able to get into the BIOS to change settings


does the harddrive have jumpers on it? if so are they set to master?


last but not least it may be a bad harddrive

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yeah i figured that much, well they don't know just how cheap i am

haggle haggle haggle


it's a HP Pavilion ze4610US Notebook PC


the HP dude told me it's trying to boot from a LAN network

so i'm trying to change the settings in BIOS

but after restarting it and holding down f10, f8, f2 on the power up over and over again

a beeping noise started

and it's not getting me anywhere


I got this far


but they don't tell me what to do if I can't get to the Testing the Hard Drive part


I think i'm going to open it back up again and check out the connections better

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yeah, also, check under the mac address filtering. you may need to add you mac address.

find it (on your laptop) by going to start/run

type cmd

screen pops up, type ipconfig /all

the mac address is at the bottom

listed by "physical address"


add that to your routers mac address filtering section on the router if it needs to be added.



awesome, thats the sort of info i was looking for. props!

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Well I got to the BIOS Setup Utility part

and checked the config and the boot orders right


Hard Drive



The comps even reading the harddisk automatically


but after I exit i'm still getting:

PXE-E61: Media test failure check cable

Operating System not found

and there's no tool (tab)> test drive, option in the BIOS setup screen

there's only

Main System Devices Security Boot Exit



i'll be back later tomorrow

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Guest shai_hulud

That sounds like the shitty abbrieviated Phoenix BIOS I had on my Pavilion desktop.


Well, check the cable and the jumpers. Is there a working OS on the HD? If not, reinstall it and try again.


Or use a LiveCD to look at what's on the HD.

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I don't know who is in to it, but I started a thread in crossfire about Google and wireless spectrums. Sooo, I sorta wanna turn it into a thread about technology and upcoming future advancements.


Sorta like the technophile thread, but not so much haxing, etc. More thinking about integration of the technologies we have been imagining for the last fifty years into reality and near future technologies.


At any rate:


Fake Steve Jobs Blog Issues Challenge for new Google venture.

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Guest shai_hulud

I just saw that thread, crooked.


If you come to the Bay Area , you probably could land a job with Google if you're smart and good at coding. My friend got a job there recently, and he doesn't have a degree or anything. He's just very, very good at Linux adminstration.


I cant't really offer you any leads, though. I don't see him much these days.


As far as what Google itself is doing, I have mixed feelings about it. I don't like the datamining aspect, or the fact that they're trying to get involved in a little bit of everything. Just because they're not doing totally lame shit right now like selling information to the highest bidder doesn't mean it won't happen someday.


I am going to keep a skeptical eye on them. I can't say they're rotten yet, but some of the things that they are dabbling in (Doubleclick comes to mind) don't smell too good.

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Guest shai_hulud

Have you read anything by Marvin Minsky from MIT? He was one of the people who founded the AI lab at MIT. Interesting stuff.


I got interested in AI for a while. Nothing major, I just read up on some of the projects from the early days...like ELIZA, PARRY, and Lisp.

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Guest shai_hulud

LiveCDs are Linux systems that run on your computer from a CD.


They are a good way to look at what is on a hard drive without taking the hard drive out and putting it in an external USB case.


The easiest one to use is called Ubuntu. You can get it for free on the internet from-




Once you download that, you have to burn it to a CD as an ISO image. It's a little tricky, but the Ubuntu site walks you through it. I think.


Once it is burned, you restart your computer with the CD in the drive. Looking at what the BIOS says, it should start up without a problem.


It will run through a startup routine with a bunch of code on a command line that won't make a whole lot of sense. That's normal, it's just telling you what it is starting up on your computer.


Then, you will get to a login screen. Do what it tells you to do. Then, you will end up with a desktop.


Open up an application called Nautilus. That's the file browser. Then go to the root directory. That's "/".


Look for the /mnt directory. Those are the drives in the computer. /mnt/hda is the first hard drive. Open that. That is where Windows is installed. From there, you should be able to navigate around as if you were using Explorer, since all the directories are the same.


Ubuntu SHOULD let you copy files from the Windows drive to an external USB HD. If it doesn't, then you may have to take another approach.


Using Linux isn't that difficult. People make it sound like it's some super-intimidating nerd thing, but it really isn't.


There is also a Windows program called Norton Ghost that will make an image of the drive. Casek recommended another application a few days ago that does the same thing. Maybe he will bless us with the name of that program again.


And Mainter, I'm sure, has an idea or ten he could share.

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