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let's take it step by step.


ok, install this



and download this


(right click and save it to your desktop)


now it wants you to restart. let it, it will pop back up to this page.


now, go to tools on the top of mozilla browser and click it.

you should see "user agent switcher"



and import that xml file from your desktop


now you'll notice you have a huge list of user agents to switch to.

each time you use firefox and want to switch user agents, you'll have to manually go tools/user agent switcher and select what you want to use.


use googlebot 2.1 as most sites let google bots in so they can get their rank up

on google....


that's it.

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i have admin access to the router at my work finally. its a linksys befsr41 v4


i can connect to the router but cant get online, when i plug straight to the modem its all good so the connection isnt the problem.


do i just need to add firefox to the port forwarding list? is so, what ports?


UPnP is disabled do i need to enable it?


I dont want to fuck shit up because the connection is used to comunnicate w/ the warehouse and shit. i just need to get online to do a bit of work and browse the oontz.


any help would be awesome.

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i have admin access to the router at my work finally. its a linksys befsr41 v4


i can connect to the router but cant get online, when i plug straight to the modem its all good so the connection isnt the problem.


do i just need to add firefox to the port forwarding list? is so, what ports?


UPnP is disabled do i need to enable it?


I dont want to fuck shit up because the connection is used to comunnicate w/ the warehouse and shit. i just need to get online to do a bit of work and browse the oontz.


any help would be awesome.


what's up with dhcp on there? they assigning ip's or letting the router manage them?

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what's up with dhcp on there? they assigning ip's or letting the router manage them?


shit i didnt see your response before:


i think they're assigning them.


im at home now, but everything had ports assigned and ip's like etc...


like i said, i'm a noob at this. all i really know is from when i set up my wireless at home


if i cant figure something out tomorrow, i'll take screen shots and report back


thanks for the help so far

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im trying to find a fix i have a sony vaio laptop with vista and my camera wont work with aim. alot of people have this problem i just dont know how to find something to fix it


first check the AIM enhanced settings


update AIM and the camera with the latest




and go to the camera website and check for any updates

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yeah i looked that datamining up looks hard, im doing basic POS system troubleshooting now for retailers in my area 60k a year with all the goodies ( i couldn't pass the opportunity up



where'd you hook up with that? sounds pretty nice. no wonder you have a ton of free time.


same here, though. free time out the ass. have to take regular breaks from the screen

to keep my mind right.

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dudes. remember a little bit up the page where i was wondering how to configure that router?


well, i still haven't figured it out.


but right now im connected straight into the modem and as you can see, i'm online.


i took some screenshots:








i have a few more if need be....



im just trying to get online and not fuck any other settings up....



oh and casek... datamining? sounds interesting

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