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"Sony Corporation has put online a video of their new flexible 2.5 inch display. The display can be bent in half, is full color, and is apparently relatively inexpensive to make.





This could be used in hundreds of cool new products, as well as enhancing thousands of existing products. In fact, it's hard to see where this kind of display wouldn't be used, especially in portable consumer electronics. 'The display combines Sony's organic thin film transistor, or TFT, technology, which is required to make flexible displays, with another kind of technology called organic electroluminescent display, it said. The latter technology is not as widespread for gadgets as the two main display technologies now on the market - liquid crystal displays and plasma display panels. Although flat-panel TVs are getting slimmer, a display that's so thin it bends in a human hand marks a breakthrough ... "In the future, it could get wrapped around a lamppost or a person's wrist, even worn as clothing," said Sony spokesman Chisato Kitsukawa. "Perhaps it can be put up like wallpaper."'"

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here casek This page is a perpetual work in progress. Currently it has off-site links to hundreds of free videos on-line dealing in esoteric, controversial and conspiritorial subjects. Soon it will have thousands.







9/11 Truth: Denial Stops Here - From 911 to Peak Oil and Beyond (1hr 58m)


Painful Deceptions (1hr 24m)


9/11 Demolition Experts Conference (1hr 50m)


Perspective on 9-11 Video Collection (1hr 58m)


Iraq Veteran Speaks on War Crimes (22m)


The Truth & Lies of 9/11


Important Truth (2hr 3m)


Confronting the Evidence (2hr 41m)


Rigged USA Elections 2004 exposed (12m)


America - From Freedom to Fascism - Director Commentary


We Interrupt The Bush Empire (52m)


Police State 9-11 Martial Law (3hr)


War and Globalization - The Truth Behind September 11


Illuminazi (1hr 23m)


Uncovered: The Whole Truth About The Iraq War


Morgan Reynolds at Chicago 911 Truth Conference 02 Jun 2006:


Controlled Demolitions of September 11, 2001:


9/11 Loose Change 1st Edition (1hr 1m)

9/11 Loose Change 2nd Edition (1hr 22m)


Screw Loose Change (2hr 58m)


Screw 'Screw Loose Change' (51 sec)


The 9/11 Kean Commission Comes to SF Bay Area


Peace, Propaganda & The Promised Land (1h 19m)







2012 - The Future of Mankind (3hr 25m)


William Cooper: JFK Assassin Unmasked


Norman Solomon: War Made Easy (1hr 26m)


The Federal Reserve


Masters of the Universe - The Secret Birth of the Federal Reserve


Money, Banking and the Federal Reserve


The Money Masters Pt. 1

The Money Masters Pt. 2


Terrorism, Globalism and Conspiracy (1hr 1m)


Race, Gender and Class Stuggle (1hr 8m)


Who Controls Our Children? (Public Education Dumbs Down Kids Deliberately) (1hr)


What Is Fascism?


The Dark Side of the Anti-Defamation League (1hr 15m)


Mark Of The Beast: IBM, Verichip and the Fourth Reich


Welcome to the Police State


Police State 2000 Martial Law Posse Comitatus


Police State 2: The Takeover


FEMA Camp footage & Assault on Beech Grove


Conspiracy of Silence - US Politicians Pedophile Ring (55m)


Satanism & the CIA's International Trafficking in Children:


Death of a Nation: East Timor (1hr 15m)


Cambodia - The Betrayal (51m)


Depleted Uranium (59m)


IRS Agents Say the IRS is Illegal Private Corporation (1hr 42m)


War Recruiters - Leave My Child Alone


JFK/George Bush Sr. CIA Link Conspiracy


Texe Marrs Gulag USA Concentration Camps In America


The Truth Behind the Gates of Auschwitz pt 1

The Truth Behind the Gates of Auschwitz pt 2


John Birch Society - Civilian Disarmament

John Birch Society - Injustice For All

John Birch Society - Indoctrinating Our Youth In Earth Worship

John Birch Society - In the Name of Prosperity

John Birch Society - United States vs United Nations

John Birch Society - A Look Into the Future

John Birch Society - The UN Crusade Against God and Family

John Birch Society - One World Government - A look into the Future


The Pictures that Fooled the World - Yugoslavian Death Camp Hoax (32m)


Arithmetic, Population and Energy (Energy Crisis) (1hr 6m)


Death and Taxes (tax protestor gunned down by local law) (1hr 54m)


Secret History of the Credit Card (54m)


Waco: The Rules of Engagement pt1 (1hr 9m)

Waco: The Rules of Engagement pt2 (1hr 6m)

Waco: The Rules of Engagement Bonus 911 Calls (26m)


Waco: A New Revelation pt1 (54m)

Waco: A New Revelation pt2 (58m)







Bilderberg 2006 Expose (29m)


Bilderberg - The Secret Rulers of the World:


Occult History of America: The New Atlantis, 2h44m


Invisibly Visible (Identifying Masonic Symbols)


Hidden Symbols in Every Day Icons, 1h58m


What is Freemasonry?:


Freemasons - US govenrment conspiracy mini documentary


Top 13 Illuminati Bloodlines:


THE LIGHTBRINGERS: The Emissaries of Jahbulon (History of Freemasonry)


Inner World of the Occult (3h)


Goddess Columbia - Masonic origins of America, 29m


Columbia, The Illuminati Goddess, 52m


Aleister Crowley - The Other Loch Ness Monster, 29m


Dark Secrets: Inside Bohemian Grove, 1h53m


Secret Rulers of the World - The Satanic Shadowy Elite? (Bohemian Grove) (49m)


Occult Symbols and Corporate Logos, 29m


Behind Corporate Logos


The Occult and Extra-Terrestrials in Government


Satan's Kingdom, 33m


Shadows in motion - Exposing the New World Order, 57m


One Dollar Talisman, Magickal Symbols on the One Dollar Bill


The Eagle Has Landed! Magic, Alchemy, and The Illuminati Conquest of Outer Space:


Who Infiltrated America? Jesuits? Zionists? Illuminati? NWO? Aliens?


Revelations of a Mother Goddess pt1 (8m)

Revelations of a Mother Goddess pt2 (8m)

Revelations of a Mother Goddess pt3 (8m)

Revelations of a Mother Goddess pt4 (8m)

Revelations of a Mother Goddess pt5 (8m)

Revelations of a Mother Goddess pt6 (8m)

Revelations of a Mother Goddess pt7 (8m)

Revelations of a Mother Goddess pt8 (8m)

Revelations of a Mother Goddess pt9 (8m)

Revelations of a Mother Goddess pt10 (8m)

Revelations of a Mother Goddess pt11 (8m)

Revelations of a Mother Goddess pt12 (8m)

Revelations of a Mother Goddess pt13 (8m)

Revelations of a Mother Goddess pt14 (8m)

Revelations of a Mother Goddess pt15 (8m)

Revelations of a Mother Goddess pt16 (8m)

Revelations of a Mother Goddess pt17 (8m)

Revelations of a Mother Goddess pt18 (8m)

Revelations of a Mother Goddess pt19 (8m)

Revelations of a Mother Goddess pt20 (8m)

Revelations of a Mother Goddess pt21 (8m)

Revelations of a Mother Goddess pt22 (8m)


Occult Symbols, the Doomsday Clock and 2012, 1h5m


Freemasonry and the Banking Elite, 1h1m


Michael Tsarion on Aliens, Atlantis and the Occult and Their Role in Government, 1h5m


The Occult History of the Third Reich


The Brotherhood of Darkness (1hr 43m)


Occult World of Commerce (1hr 7m)


The Knights of Malta (53m)


The Beginner's Guide to Scientology (49m)







The Boy Who Lived Before, 46m


The Tibetan Book of the Dead pt1, 48m

The Tibetan Book of the Dead pt2, 45m


Reincarnation - Fact or Fiction? (1hr 27m)


Being No One: Consciousness, The Phenomenal Self, and the First-Person Perspective, 56m


You Are the World: An Overview of J. Krishnamurti, 7m


J. Krishnamurti on sex and celibacy, 9m


Who IS Robert Anton Wilson? 9m


Robert Anton Wilson: The Eye in the Triangle seminar 1990, 1h56m


Robert Anton Wilson at Disinformation, 1h10m (starts at 25:45)


Grant Morrison at Disinformation, 45m


(The Reverend Derrek Younger isn't actually a reverend and doesn't belong to any denomination despite wearing traditional clergy clothing. He's a philosopher and a free thinker.)

The Reverend Derrek Younger - Unity and Diversity

The Reverend Derrek Younger - The Beast

The Reverend Derrek Younger - True Resurrection, 24m

The Reverend Derrek Younger - Dogma Equals Division

The Reverend Derrek Younger - Demystifying Paganism

The Reverend Derrek Younger - It's OK To Question

The Reverend Derrek Younger - Conversion


The Secrets of Solomon's Temple


Suns of God (Jesus was fashioned after Pagan Sun Gods)


The New Age - A Pathway to Paradise?


Platonism and Alchemy (1hr 16m)


Art, Alchemy and Spirituality pt1 (14m)

Art, Alchemy and Spirituality pt2 (21m)

Art, Alchemy and Spirituality pt3 (18m)

Art, Alchemy and Spirituality pt4 (31m)


The Naked Truth: The Origins of the World's Religions (1hr 53m)


Terence McKenna - Seeking the Stone pt1 (1hr)

Terence McKenna - Seeking the Stone pt2 (45m)







Shamans of the Amazon, 52m


Experiment at Petaluma, 30m


Alien Dreamtime (excerpt), 12m


LSD - The Beyond Within, 1h21m


The History & Future of LSD, 1h56m


Timothy Leary - The Man Who Turned On America, 49m


The History of Marijuana, 1h19m


Terence McKenna and Rupert Sheldrake speak on Morphogenetic Field Theory, 1h2m


How to Operate Your Brain - Leary (29m)







Most of Our Universe is Missing, 48m


Thunderbolts of the Gods, 1h4m


Stanford Prison Experiment


The Evolutionary Mind pt1, 1h10m

The Evolutionary Mind pt2, 1h8m


The CIA & Remote Viewing, 49m


Codename Artichoke - Secret CIA Experiments on Humans, 54m


Science Report: Alternative 3


DNA Pirates of the Sacred Spiral


The Missing Secrets of Nicola Tesla (46m)


Orgone Energy, Wilhelm Reich and UFOs (1hr 17m)


Alex Schiffer Explains Free/Orgone Energy (24m)


Free Energy: The Race to Zero Point (1hr 50m)


Hidden Messages in Water (2hr 6m)


Creating the Wow Now - Medical Mysticism (29m)


Interview with Freeman Dyson (click "CC" button in lower right to turn off subtitles) (45m)


Electric Healing Hands (51m)


Dolphins are Deep Thinkers (29m)







HIV = AIDS, Fact or Fraud? (how the USA gave AIDS to the world) (1hr 55m)


Health Secrets, A Lecture on Aspartame, 9m


Aspartame = Deadly Poison:


Aspartame = Sweet Poison of the Masses, 1h 55m


The Fluoride Deception (Interview With Christopher Bryson):


Vaccination - The Hidden Truth (1998):


Chemtrails, Clouds of Death, 27m


Chemtrails, Nano-Tech and Morgellons, 6m


Aerosol Crimes, 1h 39m


Chemtrails, What's Wrong With Our Sky? 55m


World Without Cancer (1hr 13m)


Frankensteer, 43m


The Truth About Genetically Modified Foods, 1h 29m


Genetically Modified Food: Panacea or Poison? (54m)







Nasa: Moon Landing Hoax and the Occult Part 1

Nasa: Moon Landing Hoax and the Occult Part 2

Nasa: Moon Landing Hoax and the Occult Part 3

Nasa: Moon Landing Hoax and the Occult Part 4

Nasa: Moon Landing Hoax and the Occult Part 5


A Funny Thing Happened On The Way To The Moon


Dark Side of the Moon, 52m


Lost Secrets of the Sacred Ark, 1h21m


Stargates of the Gods, 41m


Sumerian Origin Of Humans


Terence McKenna - Shamanic Approaches to the UFO, 43m


UFOs - The Secret Government:


The truth about UFOs and Extraterrestrial Technologies and Life Forms:


UFO's: The Hidden Truth


Sons of God, 1h 26m


Legend of Atlantis pt1

Legend of Atlantis pt2

Legend of Atlantis pt3

Legend of Atlantis pt4

Legend of Atlantis pt5


The Destruction Of Atlantis - Michael Tsarion


The Origins of Evil - Michael Tsarion, 1h51m


Quest for the Lost Civilization part 1 - Heaven's Mirror (51m)

Quest for the Lost Civilization part 2 - Forgotten Knowledge (50m)

Quest for the Lost Civilization part 3 - Ancient Mariners (50m)


The Disclosure Report - National Press Club, Washington DC (UFOs) (1hr 58m)


UFO Galactic Federation (2hr)


Star Nation and Star Kids (2hr 2m)


Star Kids - Top Secret Agenda (1hr 53m)


Babylon Mystery: Nebucanezzar (47m)

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top 8 linux games




  1. Battle For Wesnoth
    David White who started Wesnoth back in 2003, had a vision of a free open source strategy game that had very simple rules, uses a strong artificial intelligence, challenging and fun. Wesnoth has already passed the 1 million mark for downloads. As of March 2007, the game is available in 35 different languages.
    A normal Wesnoth player has
    • 200+ unit types
    • 16 different races
    • 6 major factions

to choose from. Actually, you can even make your own custom units, design your own map, scenarios or even campaigns. It’s all up to your creativity. The most interesting part of any game is the ability to multiplay. You can challenge up to a total of 8 friends in multiplayer fantasy battles.




Nexuiz is a free, cross platform, first person shooter distributed under GNU General Public License by Alientrap Software. It started back in May 31 2005 with version 1.0 using DarkPlaces, a significanlty modified quake engine. The current version, 2.2.3, was released on January 26, 2007. Nexuiz’s logo is based on the chinese character “力” which means strength.

Several notable features of the game include

  • ability to multiplay up to 64 players
  • ability to generate bots for practice sessions
  • dynamic lighting system similar to Doom 3

[*]America’s Army



America’s Army is a tactical, multiplayer, first-person shooter owned by the United States Government and released as a global public relations initiative to help with U.S. Army recruitment. The first version, Recon, was released on 4th July 2002. The current version 2.8.1 was released on 22nd Mar 2007.

It’s the first well known computer game used for political aims. The game is used as a playable recruiting tool and critics have charged the game serves as a propaganda device. A counter on the homepage of the PC version shows over eight million registered accounts as of 2007. GameSpy tracked the game usage and reported an average of 4,500 players at any one time between 2002 and 2005. It is enough for America’s Army to rank in the Top 10 Online Games chart.

[*]Enemy Territory : Quake Wars



is a first-person shooter follow-up to Wolfenstein: Enemy Territory. It also has the same science fiction universe as Quake 4, with a story serving as a prequel to Quake II. Quake Wars is the second multiplayer-only game in the Quake series after Quake III Arena. The gameplay is almost the same as Wolfenstein: Enemy Territory, but with the addition of controllable vehicles and aircraft, asymmetric teams, much larger maps and the option of computer-controlled bots. Enemy Territory: Quake Wars is being developed by Splash Damage for the PC using a modified version of id Software’s Doom 3 engine and MegaTexture rendering technology.

At E3 2006(Electronic Entertainment Expo), the game won the Game Critics Award for Best Online Multiplayer.




Tremulous is an open source team-based first-person shooter with a game play that is similar to Gloom(a quake 2 mod) and Natural Selection (a Half-Life mod). The game features two teams, humans and aliens, each with their own strengths and weaknesses. The game has been downloaded over 200,000 times and was voted “Player’s Choice Standalone Game of the Year” in Mod Database’s “Mod of the Year” 2006 competition.

[*]Tux Racer



Tux Racer is a newbie friendly, open source, 3D computer game starring the Linux mascot, Tux the penguin. Like many open-source games, the replay value of Tux Racer is extended by easy modification of the game. New maps can be created by making three raster images to indicate height, surface, and object placement. The last release of Tux Racer was version 0.61, 29th October 2001.

[*]World Of Padman



WOP is a new and free comic style game that uses the Quake 3 engine. The game was recently featured in 3 German magazine covers; PC Action, ‘BRAVO Screenfun’ and ‘Linux Intern’.




is a first person twitch based MMORPG. New players get an 8 hour trial which is enough to get anyone hooked to it. After that, you gotta pay $5 a month which is quite worthwhile, especially considering the incredibly communicative development of the game. It has a native linux installer as well as one for Macs and Windows.

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i want this in my backyard inmarsat-4-f-1c.jpg


The Inmarsat Broadband Global Area Network (BGAN) system has been specified to support point to point telecommunication services on portable and semi fixed land mobile platforms with low to medium gain non-tracking antennas providing bit rates in the range 216 Kbps to 432 Kbps in downlink, and 72 Kbps to 432 Kbps in uplink, depending on type of terminal.




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Big Red is one of the largest IBM e1350 systems in the world, with a peak theoretical capability of 20.4 trillion mathematical operations per second. Note: A single dual-core Pentium D is capable of 1,397 Mops (millions of operations per second). It contains a total of 1024 dual-core IBM PowerPC 970 MP chips. Each chip has two floating point processor elements, one vector processor per chip, and runs at a clock rate of 2.5GHz. Big Red is made up of 512 JS21 Blade servers, each of which contains two IBM dual-core PowerPC 970MP processors and 8GB of RAM (for a system total of 4TB). The JS21 Blade servers have Ethernet and Myrinet2000 interconnects (high data-rate, low latency). At the time of implementation Big Red was number 23 on the Fastest Supercomputers list and #1 among universities.


t this configuration has been recently doubled, which, theoretically, should double all of the figures above. On the Big Red info page is says, “Expansion Activities Completed” but little else.


Indiana University, home to Big Red, constantly ranks among the “Top Wired” campuses in the nation. I spent 3 1/2 years there studying computer science and have to say that the budget for computing at IU seems endless. They are on an approximately 3-year upgrade cycle. Just think about that for a second…from registration as a freshman to graduation all of the computers at IU will have been upgraded (approximately). A majority of their computer systems are enclosed in a non-discreet building that shows no signs of housing some of the most powerful computing equipment in the world.

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Do you know if I can buy this ram:




And just stick it into my computer paired with the ram that's already in there? Or does it all have to be the same?



dont waste yer money get just a single 1 GB and put the other card in the slot next to it that will make 1536 MB or = 1.5 GB this will leave you room to upgrade more in the future (the best suggestion is get 2 of the same 1 GB cards and store the 512 in an antistatic bag somewhere



get 2 of these http://www.newegg.com/Product/Product.aspx?Item=N82E16820134045


kingston is a great name brand in memory and it runs fast never had any issues with it

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