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NEW YORK - A group of researchers led by the University of Tokyo has broken Internet speed records — twice in two days.Operators of the high-speed Internet2 network announced Tuesday that the researchers on Dec. 30 sent data at 7.67 gigabits per second, using standard communications protocols. The next day, using modified protocols, the team broke the record again by sending data over the same 20,000-mile path at 9.08 Gbps.

That likely represents the current network's final record because rules require a 10 percent improvement for recognition, a percentage that would bring the next record right at the Internet2's current theoretical limit of 10 Gbps.




However, the Internet2 consortium is planning to build a new network with a capacity of 100 Gbps. With the 10-fold increase, a high-quality version of the movie "The Matrix" could be sent in a few seconds rather than half a minute over the current Internet2 and two days over a typical home broadband line.

Researchers used the newer Internet addressing system, called IPv6, to break the records in December. Data started in Tokyo and went to Chicago, Amsterdam and Seattle before returning to Tokyo. The previous high of 6.96 Gbps was set in November 2005.

Speed records under the older addressing system, IPv4, are in a separate category and stand at 8.8 Gbps, set in February 2006.

The Internet2 is run by a consortium of more than 200 U.S. university. It is currently working to merge with another ultrahigh-speed, next-generation network, National LambdaRail.

The announcement of the new record was made at the Internet2 consortium's spring meeting, which ends Wednesday in Arlington, Va.

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well reinstalled vista for the 3rd time



good thing I didnt have to pay for this piece of shit program



how come no one has full control over the OS not even the administrator


then on top of that you have to enable administrator account on any of the flavors of vista even ultimate, then you have to take ownership of all files



so so many more things.................................




any support tech is going to have plenty of money going in there pockets because this shit sucks major ass

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Guest R@ndomH3ro

Hey, I am taking out a Xcel 2000 motherboard and putting it in a new case


dont ask why


but the front power connectors are not labeled on the motherboard. Got any idea how they go?

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Guest R@ndomH3ro
Hey, I am taking out a Xcel 2000 motherboard and putting it in a new case


dont ask why


but the front power connectors are not labeled on the motherboard. Got any idea how they go?



okay so I found the manual online...but when I connect the power cords from the case to the motherboard. and try to test to see it the leds go on....nothing.


what the hell??!!!

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okay so I found the manual online...but when I connect the power cords from the case to the motherboard. and try to test to see it the leds go on....nothing.


what the hell??!!!


there's a four pin connector, did you plug it in? square, white, four holes.

goes from power supply to mobo. some of them need that hooked up.

also, the little wires have black coverings on front, they have words or abbreviations

on them. did you hook those up properly?

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Guest R@ndomH3ro

I plugged the power supply into the mobo...(big white connecter)


Then I plugged the front lights and power switch according to the diagram


but the mobo is not labeled pos or neg on the pins so I am guessing on the way they are plugged.


But even both ways I tried nothing happens.

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I plugged the power supply into the mobo...(big white connecter)


Then I plugged the front lights and power switch according to the diagram


but the mobo is not labeled pos or neg on the pins so I am guessing on the way they are plugged.


But even both ways I tried nothing happens.



link me to your manual.

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Guest R@ndomH3ro
you fried the mobo


how the hell did that happen?


there was no smoke? and I only hooked up the PSW cable.


the actual power supply was hooked in right.

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just a guess from what you said


the mobo is not labeled pos or neg on the pins so I am guessing on the way they are plugged.


But even both ways I tried nothing happens.

if you turned on the power to the mobo when they were in the wrong position its likely that it fried the board



dont need to be any smoke or anything

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