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i only changed it on 2 of the three tabs.... didnt notice the shit on the third.... thanks.... tinyxp isnt that bad at all.... looks more like 2k though.... and the driver thing is a pain in the testicles...... will photoshop and shit run on it?


i got a MB, HD, p4 processor and a few other random scrap from a sony vaio laptop.... the thing suffered some blunt force trauma to the screenage and and stuff, but i completely took it apart and kept the parts worth keeping... how much of a pain would it be to build a laptop? i think id only need a screen and some memory and i should be good, but that shit dont look as easy as building a desktop... .

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Dammit, I hate bullshit general questions like this, but:


why the fuck did my sound just completely stop working for no apparent reason?

- volume's up;

- speakers are turned on (and up);

- connection is good; and

- the stopped working in the middle of listening to music at a normal level.


I've tried all the common sense shit to get 'em working (restart, plug, unplug, power cycle speakers, etc.), but nothing gives.



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did you hear any beeps when you reset (try again) do a full system shutdown and boot it back up you will hear the motherboard 1 beep it should be a short beep if you hear more then one beep or its a long one, you have an error


an other way to verify this that you need a soundcard is check for hardware conflicts and devices that are turned off


Open Device Manager.

Double-click Sound, video and game controllers.

Look for an exclamation point (!) in a yellow circle next to your sound device, or a red 'X'.

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looks as tho bombingscience has been hacked... the mid nineties called: they said that shit's definitely not cool any more... get a life douche bag(s)


so, you're blaming us for hacking another graffiti forum? haha. as if either of us have the time or give two fucks about bombing science



reported for being a shit stain.

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how do i utilze system restore to back up my comp to a previous date, like last sunday??


i used a mass deletion program that supposably deletes duplicate files....on completion, half the songs in ITUNES wernt working, even after i restored all files from the recycle bin...

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what static shit?


A problem of mine i mentioned a few weeks ago:


Ok guys, this annoyance has finally gotten on my nerves.


A few weeks back my bro installed a new HD as the master and installed windows xp pro sp2. Since then every now and then, pretty much randomly (though i just changed tabs in firefox and it started, could be a coincidence), the audio goes all static-y. This shit is REALLY FUCKING ANNOYING. Ok, so god damnit, my great speakers shit the bed, so i try BRAND NEW ONES and the same shit happens. So i'm like, ok, this is weird and decide to try and record off the sound card (stereo mix) and sure enough, it records the static. So this must mean it is NOT my speakers, correct? If so, what's it mean? My sound card's fucked up? Is this like a driver issue? I really hope this is a simple issue.


Plx hElp!!11


casek (and maybe you) tried to help out, but NOTHING worked. And my sound card is integrated. Is my only option buying an 'actual' sound card? What is that doesn't work?

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