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So... Anyone who's not a total dick that would like me to check a locked photobucket account for them?


For those who don't know, I'm able to get into a large percentage (say 80%) of locked photobuckets. And I am not sharing the means of doing this for obvious reasons... the last exploit got patched within a day, apparently.

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get rid of ewido and use any of these


►Ad Aware Personal 1.06

►AVG Anti-Spyware

►CWShredder 2.19

►HijackThis 1.99.1

►Rootkit Revealer 1.70

►Spybot Search and Destroy 1.4

►SpywareBlaster 3.5.1

►Windows Defender 1.1.1592


okay so i'm in the middle of getting these.


1. do i need to get all of them?


2. the ad aware personal--it quarantined items, what does that mean? can i delete those things that it called questionable


i'm sure i'll have more in the next few hours...

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For the .bin and .cue files:


When burning, select the .cue file, and it will tell your prog how to burn the .bin correctly. Make sure the bin and cue are in the same folder. FYI: The .bin is the data, while the .cue is just a text file made to direct the prog on how to burn it.


For the rar files:


Make sure you have WinRAR installed and just right-click>Extract to ________/ and it will extract the contents from all the parts.

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Anyone use OPEN OFFICE??? Is it really good enough to replace Microsoft Office?


Or should I just "get" Micro Office?


I have no experience with OpenOffice, but i heard it's great.


Let me tell you this though, from what i know only M$ Office 2003 Pro is able to be cracked, so don't waste any time on any other versions. That's assuming you want 2003 though.

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so im trying to get my SAT game on, but im not about to pay $2500 for prep from Kaplan, so i settled for their 2006 edition review software via torrentspy....

so i unzip the rar, and its a bunch of .ISO files??


do i neccesarily need alchohol 120% ???



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Word, thanks, i'll try that out casek. Looks like you're a digger from some of your posts.


Here's a handy prog. It helps organize all you context (right-click) menus. Example:




More info here: http://www.hace.us-inc.com/mmm.shtml


Download here: http://www.myfilehut.com/userfiles/9596/Mmm%2B%20v2.02.zip


By the way, you can disable that colorful bar on the side.

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so im trying to get my SAT game on, but im not about to pay $2500 for prep from Kaplan, so i settled for their 2006 edition review software via torrentspy....

so i unzip the rar, and its a bunch of .ISO files??


do i neccesarily need alchohol 120% ???




ISOs are disc images (it's basically a virtual disc). If you don't want to burn it, you can mount it with Alcohol. If you rather burn them, use any ol burning prog.

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Ya, i've had that prog for a few years now. Tis a nice small handy one.


Ya, i do the digg. I always see you post stuff that i either just read, or i end up reading afterwards. I use NetVibes to handle a bunch of RSS feeds, and i couldn't put my finger on which it was you were getting them from, seemed like you had a bunch of the same feeds/sites as i.


I'm fucking hungry.

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