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mauler: nah, it's not windows. may be your video card or connection to the video card. check the plug, make sure it's up in there tightly.


ever opened your computer up? if not, it's rather simple most of the time. just open it up and push the video card (make sure your comp is off) up into the agp or pci slot. if it's an integrated video card, you're shit out of luck on pushing it anywhere. just clean the dust bunnies out and put your case back together. you may need a new video card. $100 should get you a pretty nice standard video card that will handle alot of the newer games (if you play games).



edit: you may need newer drivers for your videocard and/or monitor. i'd check that shit before i'd go buying anything.

tell me what kind of computer and monitor you have.

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I have an old bunky computer, and can't be stuffed opening it up just yet. I lowered the brigthness on my monitor, and it seems to have made a difference. It isn't schitzing out as much now, but if the symptoms persist, I'll let you guys know.


Thanks to all for your help, you guys are great.



that's cool, but i can guarantee you your problems will persist.

later on when you can open it up, do it and clean it out. make sure your connections are all secure.

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OK there Mel. Blame it on the jews.


It is still doing it. When I wake up in the moanin I'll open my comp up and check out the insides.


Anyone have a code for ewido to work constantly, as my trial period is up and I keep gettign malware infections everyday as it provides no constant protection anymore. Or should I just keep the daily scanning routine going?

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get rid of ewido and use any of these


►Ad Aware Personal 1.06

►AVG Anti-Spyware

►CWShredder 2.19

►HijackThis 1.99.1

►Rootkit Revealer 1.70

►Spybot Search and Destroy 1.4

►SpywareBlaster 3.5.1

►Windows Defender 1.1.1592



that ewido portable that i uploaded the other day works consistantly.

no patches, serials, etc needed.


and btw: i use spybot and spyware blaster. they both work well, but headed off by ewido,

they work supremely. i use ewido to get rid of tracking cookies, btw.



oh, and windows defender is bad for bidmess./

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mindvapors, page or two back i listed all the codecs you need.


And i replied to you saying something along the lines of "no, already tried that."


nope mindvapor i did post it all fuckin credit goes to me


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Join Date: Sep 2003

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icon3.gif iTunes 7 DRM Already Cracked 09-16-2006, 06:10 PM

It's only been a day since Apple updated iTunes to version 7, but the folks over at the Hymn project have already posted a new version of a program that can be used to remove the DRM from songs purchased from it.








here is the proof http://www.12ozprophet.com/forum/showthread.php?t=111310&highlight=hymn


I totallly did though. In response to someone asking. But apparently the search function hates me.

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