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Re: Mounting ISO's


So I've tried mounting an ISO using DAEMONTOOLS to my hard drive, and i've tried burning the iso image to a cd, but when I try to run the program it still says "cannot find cd, etc". I downloaded and ran sd4hide.exe, but that hasn't helped either. Any suggestions? Any help would be appreciated, i've been dling these torrents for days and now I can't get them to work. thanks for the help




If this is for a game, and you haven't already solved the problem, you can try getting a no-cd crack from either http://www.gamecopyworld.com or http://www.gameburnworld.com ... but you should use both sites at your own risk.

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but mostly just hacking, that shit is uber

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hey Mainter or whoever else might be able to help ...


since i tried importing all my preferences and such to a new profile ive lost the ability to copy and paste a single folder or even a document from the old to the new. i can copy but when i switch to the other profile and try to, paste is unselectable. any ideas?

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koo koo xp is easy what you talking about willis


and for cygwin that shit is garbage its just a GUI it has no real linux in it you can't run apps or do coding anthing like that


No, I needed it for text-editing some config scripts for a distributed streaming system for the local pirate station I had UL'ed to Mooload. I tried running Puppy from a USB key on a laptop going through a house wifi hub, but since there was no wifi support on the distro, I decided to try Cygwin. Then, I decided it could wait till I got home.


Then, once I got here, the BBQ in the backyard kind of distracted me, and here I am. So, now, I'm putting things on hold till I can give them my undivided attention.

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i want some barbeque!


Well, if it's any consolation, I missed out on everything besides the beer. Which is fine with me.


Oh, to the guy that needed an ISO burner- if you're using XP, try BurnCDCC. It works great, and it's free...look for it at http://www.terabyteunlimited.com.


casek, I guess we were talking about different people when you mentioned the Guatemalan drug pimp. I thought you were referring to spectr....he kind of fits the bill.

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That's um, all bad.


Do what I did- take the side cover off and use a house fan. It really works.


However, depending on the amount of dust and cat hair floating around Chez Casek, it may or may not be a bad idea. It's your call.

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Five fans? Where do you live, the Equator?


I thought my arrangement was a little extreme. Little did I know.


Well, I'm running Tiny XP 4 now. Pretty cool, this is nothing like the XP I used to love to hate.


Is there anything I should turn off or remove from the registry? I'm sure I don't need to elaborate...mostly I'm worried about the WGA thing, but I only used IE long enough to get Opera.


But, yeah, this is nice. Really snappy, kind of reminds me of how Puppy runs on an HD install with lots of RAM. Whoever did this did a kickass job. I may use this a lot more than I planned to...and have to learn how to regedit and use the command prompt again.

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I'm doing a full install of Cygwin right now. (Take that, Mainter.)


This could be interesting...if it works out, I could very well end up having the best of both worlds on one machine, and have a seperate Linux box to use whenever I get homesick.


Now all I have to do is install a CVS client and SLSK, then I can get to work installing all of my old XP apps that had the foresight to save.


I just realized that I could also toss the P4 board into the RAID box, since the RAID driver was XP only. I'd love to get back to work on the beast again. I just got an extra PCI video card from spectr....whoo, dual monitors! Finally!


Well, I guess I'll be busy for a couple days. I'll stop in and let you know what the progress looks like.

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Okay, forget the full install of Cygwin. Four gigs is too much. I just wanted Midnight Commander. I'll just go with a dual boot setup, in the interest of expediency.


I've got a question for casek. I want to reinstall the Foldershare client....since it's an MS app, would they be able to figure out what version of XP I'm running? Better yet, which one were you running when I had you sign up for it?


What I've decided to do is simply find all the XP versions of the Open Source apps I was running on MEPIS. There's not too many- so far I've installed GTK, the GIMP, GAIM, and Opera. Oh, I got SLSK back too...same username, for those who remember when I was on there a lot last year.

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