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Guest R@ndomH3ro
So I had to reformat and reinstall windows again.


It never really bothered me last time. But this time I'm kind of wondering why all ads and music and videos don't show up on myspace.com


Seriously everything works fine everywhere else. But on Myspace I don't see any ads, just a "page not found". And the music and videos are always just blank.


Any ideas?




Your browser is missing a plugin, like flash or macromedia.....no thing, just download it.


Not like you want all the ads and shit.

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Guest R@ndomH3ro
Nope. my browser has Flash. Like I said, it only stops that shit from happening on Myspace.



???, maybe cause your browser doesnt like Gayspace and its trying to tell you something....


Like go to sleep and take care of your puss face.

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New Walmart Ad states that Wii sales will begin at 12:01 A.M., November 19th with a minimum of 20 units per store..




that is marketing strategists hard at work. haha. i feel bad for the people who will stand in the cold like little eric cartmans to get a wii. wait, no, i don't feel bad at all.

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so i plug the hd with a 250 gb label on it into my shit and its showing like 7.something gigs? im close to full on my hd and if this thing is really 250 gigs that would be fucking awesome cuz i could back up all my files and format....


and then i plug a 40gb hd in and my computer flips out on me.... the 40gb has an os and a bunch of shit installed on it.... i want to try to take some files off it and then wipe it clean... im pretty sure its got some viruses and/or spyware on it too....


all of this shit came out of a frankencomputer that has 3 cdrw drives and and some midiman pc audio card and a whole bunch of other shit... im hoping i can strip the good stuff out of it and help my computer be all it can be.... with the help of you guys of course...

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i will... thanks... first im tryin to see whats on the drive with the pc it came out of, so i can tell if theres anythgin on there i need to back up.... how should i set everything up between the two hd's a.)120 and b.) 250 as far as running the os and software and file storage with partitions and shit? right now my 120 is split into 105 and 15... then smaller holding all the recovery data... and why do you think my pc freaked out when i put the 40gb hd in there?

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johnny: not sure why your pc freaked out with the 40gig.

as far as the partitions...i'd go with the smaller of the two HD's

containing your OS, the 250, you should probably try and split 125/125.

split the 120 to 60/60.


keep your big shit, mp3 archive, movies, etc on the 250 drive.

keep programs and important files on the 120.


hope that wasn't confusing.

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Guest R@ndomH3ro

Casek or Mainter,


Sometimes when I use a program (virtual dj) my computer will just shut off. I booted in safe mode and used tuneup and scanned for viruses, but it still does it. Suggestions?

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Guest R@ndomH3ro
yeah, i think ilboxes is correct. increase screen res for that program.

if that doesn't work, look for faqs on their site.



Are you talking to me???

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shut the fuck up and give me a straight answer



oooh, touchy.



i did give you a straight answer. increase your screen res.

it's important for that program.





there ar e a few other programs that you can use that ar a little better than virtual dj.

can't think of the names of them right now.

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