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ok, so dont loller at me... im just starting to d-load movies from p2p and i get that i dont have the proper codecs to view the video portion (the audio works fine) i tried downloading a codec pack but cant figure out how to get it to work... please help me... this is a last resort... i tried everything i could think of... thx

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ok, so dont loller at me... im just starting to d-load movies from p2p and i get that i dont have the proper codecs to view the video portion (the audio works fine) i tried downloading a codec pack but cant figure out how to get it to work... please help me... this is a last resort... i tried everything i could think of... thx


man, first off: don't let this be the last resort. just come here and ask us.

things like that are routine for us.


it's most likely a .avi (call me psychic)

here's the xvid codec




and ffd show




and divx free codec (you don't need this, i'm just throwing it in)




realplayer alternative




quicktime alternative




again, i just threw those in. you should use them and use the windows media player classic that comes with them. only have to install that once.(check options)




enjoy your movies.

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mine has the blue-ish fan with the ruby graphic on it.


ok, prelim tests:


bf2 is bad ass. alot better than that 9550 softmodded to 9600 pro.

textures are outstanding.

highly recommended for the low end graphics card that supports all the newer games.



i bought this card for 76$ at bestbuy today. not a bad deal.



now to pawn my 9550 off on some unsuspecting putz.

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hooray? beer.




oh yah, update (long overdue) on stupid bitch (neighbors sister)


so, bitch brought in her computer to some store. guy found 1900+ virii on her machine

and (this is a big one) told her she needed to keep norton antivirus on it. haha.


he only charged her $50. cheap price for shoddy service (advice)

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hey misteraven, can you hook casek and I up with special badges (example)


Computer Digerati

Tech Guru

Modorator (haha)

anything along them lines



we contribute quite a bit to this site in the tech suppot kind of way so i thought we could get better badges besides Veteran

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fuck.. i got web fundamentals right now.. *twirls finger in air and makes a whooooping sound*


then this afternoon, i got Geography of current events. go GEN ED!!


then tomorrow morning.. i got introduction to programming for the internet. that should be easy work.

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