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Guest R@ndomH3ro
Capacity: 384 MB


like i said, not exactly computer literate...




384MB of RAM???


Your computer sucks, your running XP??

This maybe a shot in the dark but doesnt Win use 418MB just to run???!!!



That could be your problem cause your computer is to busy swaping and not really busy on teh burnings.

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384MB of RAM???


Your computer sucks, your running XP??

This maybe a shot in the dark but doesnt Win use 418MB just to run???!!!



That could be your problem cause your computer is to busy swaping and not really busy on teh burnings.


nah man. not necessarily. it can, and his might be, but i doubt that is the problem

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instead of us reading thru all the crap and making you look for stuff you will not find go here http://www.crucial.com/index.asp and press scan my system it will scan the computer and tell you what kind you need for example it will look like this




dont mind them prices (most likley they will not be this expensive)


what we need here is the specs that the scanner gave you for yer computer

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Guest R@ndomH3ro
mainter is runnin a lab. he's trying to find the cure for republinazis.


I think he is going to need more RAM then 4GB, maybe 666GB!!!!!:lol: :lol:

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Here's How:To Rip An Audio CD Using Windows Media Player 10 with a little more help


first open windows media player go to the start menu right click in a blank area and select task manager from there right click windows mediaplayer in the task manager window /select Go To Process it will go to the wmplayer.exe in the processes tab automatically while its selected go to it and right click a drop box will come down (select set priorty) a slide box will come up and select high and a prompt box will come up (select yes close the webbrowser and any other programs you have running and do the process below


what this does is has yer memory prioritized to work with windows media player very fast (this is the easiest way i can but it)


be sure any other programs are closed before continuing


and do not run any while its ripping

1. Insert the music CD into your computer’s CD drive. If a window titled “Audio CD” pops up, select “Take No Action” and click Ok.


2. Start Windows Media Player from the Start Menu.


3. With the “Now Playing” tabbed menu on the screen, select “Rip”. You’ll notice a list of your CD tracks appear, with the title, length, artist and other information either filled in or showing as unknown. If you have an Internet connection, click “Find Album Info” to have it downloaded and filled in automatically. Alternatively, you can click on items like artist once and manually type in the information.


4. Select Tools from under the top menu and choose Options. Choose the Rip Music tab. Check to see that the “Rip Music to this location” option is to your liking. If not, click Change. Under File Name, you can also choose what options (i.e. artist, song title) to include in the name.


5. Under Rip settings, select the Format you wish to save your music to. The Three Windows Media Audio formats can provide slightly better audio results then MP3, especially at lower bit rates (known as audio quality in Windows Media Player – see next step), but are not as widely supported on digital audio players as MP3s.


6. Audio quality selection is next. The slider, by moving it to the right, will increase the bit rate by which the music is recorded to. The higher the bit rate (i.e. displayed in the box as 192 Kbps), the better sounding quality the music will be. It also will increase the size of the individual music files, which may ultimately limit how many you can store on a portable device.


7. After confirming your selections, click Ok to return to the Rip CD screen.


8. Looking at the screen, you will see checkmarks next to each of the tracks to be copied. If you wish to not copy some of them, uncheck those marks.


9. Click Rip Music. A progress bar will appear next to each song title as it is copied onto your hard drive. You can stop the rip at anytime by clicking Stop Rip.


10. When all of the songs have been ripped, you can eject the CD and put it away.


11. Congratulations – you’ve ripped a CD using Windows Media Player 10!

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Guest R@ndomH3ro
haha. prank call kevin rose




he lives in los angeles. it's public.


We should h4x som miecez in his mailbox









Then pee in his butt.

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