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$20,000 MP3 Player...Wow


You can find this on Amazon among other places. This is for serious bling hunters only. But if you're in that cateogry then (a) send me some money, and (b) check out the $20K MP3-playing TrekStor i.Beat DAP from TrekStor. For all those bucks you get 1GB of media playing space and a gold-plated case that's encrusted with 62 one-karat diamond bits.



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Bridgestone Gets into Wireless--Want It

[Tire pressure sensor press art via http://www.bridgestone.com]

Having just had a tire problem based on my never checking my tire pressure. Hey, it's a pain in the booty to get all dirty and, besides, I've got a bad back.



Well that wouldn't be a problem with the new wireless tire pressure system that Bridgestone is about to unveil. This job would place a sensor into the tire rim. That will hold some kind of radio frequency ID sensor (RFID), that would alert your dashboard if it senses that your tires are over- or under-inflated. They've even got a version for your dealer that can store info on 1080 tire readings from 90 vehicles. So now your dealer can call you if your tire pressure gets too low? Guess that's a good idea for leased vehicles.

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dont go thru any bs 'ethical hacking' courses


read text-files for free if you want to learn how to root


oh, i've known the stuff i'm looking at for quite some time.

i'm not paying for any course, man. or these cd's i've got.

i was just considering taking the cert.


i'm just hoping these cd's get into more of the stuff i don't know how to do.

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DVR: Start Thinking About Terabytes


Buy a digital video recorder (DVR) today--whether it's from Panasonic, Sony or TiVo--and you're most likely to get a 250GB hard disk installed as the storage base. For standard digital content, that's pretty good. Figure a standard DVD movie is about 4GB so a 250GB disk can handle around 60 of those.


But what about when we all move to HDTV content. A move in HD format can be 29GB, which can put a crimp in your 250GB disk pretty darn quick. That's why folks who are building their own DVRs today are moving to 500GB or 1 terabyte (1TB) storage arrays--usually two 500GB disks working together.


Hitachi is thinking the same way, having just introduced three new models of its WOO DVR--with the highest end version packing 1TB worth of storage and HDMI connectors for all your hi-def needs.


They're only available in Japan right now, but they'll be here soon enough, so take that into account if you're thining of buying a DVR today.

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Hack distributed for Windows Media

Microsoft works to update player after program released to allow piracy


Seems some hacker dude with too much time on his hands decided to release a program called FairUse4WM. All it does is strip digital rights protection from Windows Mediaencoded files--like those distributed by Movielink or Amazon. Microsoft already delivered one fix in late August, but the hacker came right out with a fix of his own so they're back on the defensive. No word on a new release date.



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