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Guest spectr

ok if you knew me a year ago you would know i don't drink that much now and shit it was only a fifth of yager i have this odd feeling your passing out early at my birthday party.

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Yeah, well, sure....I drink a whole lot less than I did when I was that age, too. I don't have a death wish, or anything....the reason I said no was because I had made plans to go out, and it was, what...5 pm when you went to the store? You know me...I could have done it no problem, but if I had it would have conked out by 10 or 11...about the time I was supposed to be going out.


BTW, you didn't miss much. I'm assuming you didn't go because you would have still been there when I showed up. I really like that house a lot, it's got a nice feel to it. Mostly it was a bunch of hippies smoking dope on the back deck, and offering to get me high...me saying, no thanks...them forgetting, and passing me the joint...followed by me passing it down the line....repeat for two hours. Nice folks, though.


By the time I left, I had a pretty good contact buzz on top of all the beer I drank. I could barely stay awake on the ride home.


But, enough of the fascinating social life of Shai...I'm gonna try dropping that IDE video card you gave me into the Linux box, if I can find a driver for it and figure out a way to bypass the onboard Intel 8180 video chipset. If it works, I'll figure out a way to square up with you on the deal.


I'm kind of waiting for my lady to come by right now...and halfheartedly working on setting up a JBOD array (similar to RAID, except that instead of striping the data it uses disk concatenation and makes the comp read the disks as one large HD) for the XP box with that RAID card now that I can install the drivers for it. If that goes well, I'll throw in an extra ethernet card so I can network to the Linux box. It's looking like the XP box is going to be the house server....but, I need to find a way to fit more HD's so I can run a JBOD and a RAID in tandem. Oh, and some more RAMBUS RAM...shit's expensive, two bills for a half a gig is bananas.


Okay, I'm gonna be offline for awhile. I'll update on how this went later.

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i'm having trouble installing fruity loops, the "crack" is a registry entry, at startup the program seems to check the registration number over the internet, i've tried a bunch of different cracks, and i was going to try to stop this program from connecting but windows firewall doesn't seem to be able to do that, any ideas?

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Yeah, well, sure....I drink a whole lot less than I did when I was that age, too. I don't have a death wish, or anything....the reason I said no was because I had made plans to go out, and it was, what...5 pm when you went to the store? You know me...I could have done it no problem, but if I had it would have conked out by 10 or 11...about the time I was supposed to be going out.


BTW, you didn't miss much. I'm assuming you didn't go because you would have still been there when I showed up. I really like that house a lot, it's got a nice feel to it. Mostly it was a bunch of hippies smoking dope on the back deck, and offering to get me high...me saying, no thanks...them forgetting, and passing me the joint...followed by me passing it down the line....repeat for two hours. Nice folks, though.


By the time I left, I had a pretty good contact buzz on top of all the beer I drank. I could barely stay awake on the ride home.


But, enough of the fascinating social life of Shai...I'm gonna try dropping that IDE video card you gave me into the Linux box, if I can find a driver for it and figure out a way to bypass the onboard Intel 8180 video chipset. If it works, I'll figure out a way to square up with you on the deal.


I'm kind of waiting for my lady to come by right now...and halfheartedly working on setting up a JBOD array (similar to RAID, except that instead of striping the data it uses disk concatenation and makes the comp read the disks as one large HD) for the XP box with that RAID card now that I can install the drivers for it. If that goes well, I'll throw in an extra ethernet card so I can network to the Linux box. It's looking like the XP box is going to be the house server....but, I need to find a way to fit more HD's so I can run a JBOD and a RAID in tandem. Oh, and some more RAMBUS RAM...shit's expensive, two bills for a half a gig is bananas.


Okay, I'm gonna be offline for awhile. I'll update on how this went later.


umm go into the bios and disable the video chipset. or you can try shorting it on the motherboard.


rambus is overrated. just get some fucking regular ram man.

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Guest spectr

ok so no bad sectors, no software problems, and it has stopped giving me the black screen of doom...

but now its finding new hardware that doesn't exist everytime i turn it on...

it won't tell me what the hardware its finding is...

i know quite a bit about computers to and i am at a loss on what could be causing all these problems.

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Guest spectr

oh yeah shai i didnt go over because i talked to a friend that was there that said there was about 20 people sitting around smoking weed and no half naked extremely horny hot punk girls with lots of tats and piercings.

oh yeah i am looking into php scripts right now...

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JBOD's done. Works great, too.


It's a RAMBUS mobo....and, I have no money to spend on hardware. If you have any ideas, I'm game. New sockets?


The other box seems to be fine, after all. It flips out all the time, I'm used to it.


Okay, that's enough. I'm done.

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Guest spectr
whats the best free anti ad-aware/spyware removal programs??


i rock spybot search and destroy in combination with dll compare and hijack this..

oh and i tend not to go to sites that give me spyware...

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okay: fyi im writing this from a friends house and could really really use any help u guys can offer!!!


What Happened:

- windows xp home, dell desktop...ask and i can give other specs...


So my brother is being a jerk, and since i have the master account, i made his limited account password protected, just for a day so i could get this essay done....


i call it a night and during that time he restarted, pressed the f8 or a key like that during the windows startup....he managed to set the ADMIN and SYSTEMS password!! anc he told me he chose the option that needs knowledge of the admin password to "change" it or take off the password.....


Yesterday i turn the PC on and a black screen appears asking for a password.....so i talk to my brother, we make up- and he gives me the password.


i go to type it in and THE KEYBOARD DOESNT TYPE???!!!! the ENTER key works fine but the letters wont type....Caps lock is not on...the keyboard is USB powered......im sure hes not lying about the password cause hes a good kid...and even if he is i cant type it in anyway!!


i need to submit this paper by 12 sunday night to http://www.turnitin.com !!!- im not trying to fail first semester and dont want to get on the professors bad side...


please please please any advice you can offer is great....even if i bring it to a dell shop it will take at least a week and cost $$$$




i will check later tonight and first thing tomorrow...

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i will try the keyboard thing 2morrow....i will also email my teacher and hopefully he might understand.....

but i did switch the port i use for the mouse (which is wireless, idk if it makes a diff.) and nothing changed.....the thing is the enter key works fine but nothing else....

Its also giving me a message about "7 or more attempts" and shuts down automatically...


thanks again, ill post / im later



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215, if you are able to do so, pull your HD, put it in a USB box, and that way you can access your files on another comp.


The password can usually be changed in BIOS...at boot, press F2 or DEL...one of those should get you into the BIOS. I'm on an old Dell box as well, and these seem to be the common BIOS keys for Dell boxes.

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