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Re: «<< 12Oz Computer Tech Support >>>


hey casek i do not have any rendering programs on my computer at the moment (really dont want any) could you do me a favor and make me a sig... using this name?



{DGC} H(.)(.)chie_momma



"not for me"


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Re: «<< 12Oz Computer Tech Support >>>


umm use pinks as like a funky render how ever you want to design it and add like a solider or something in there


add the game in there called primal2 bf2 battle field2 any of the above


this could be called a even for the memory

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Re: «<< 12Oz Computer Tech Support >>>


WordPad cannot:


* Set double space

* Create headers and footers

* Create columns

* Create footnotes

* Check spelling and grammar



but you know that does not stop me



To double space in wordpad, do this


1) select all of your text. You can do this quickly by pressing CTRL+A


2) Press ctrl+2


this will double space all the text you have already written.


otherwise you will need to press CTRL+2 after every line.

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Re: «<< 12Oz Computer Tech Support >>>





AnyDVD works in the background to automatically remove the copy protection of a DVD movie as soon as it's inserted into the drive, allowing you then to backup the movie using a DVD backup tool such as CloneDVD and CloneDVD mobile. You can also remove the RPC region code, thereby making the movie region free and viewable on any DVD player and with any DVD player software. AnyDVD is capable of removing unwanted movie features, including subtitles and prohibition messages such as copyright and FBI warnings. It also allows you to launch an external application whenever you insert or remove a disc, or prevent 'PC-friendly' software from automatically launching when you insert a video DVD.

This download is for a 21 day trial.

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Re: «<< 12Oz Computer Tech Support >>>


holy shit quick question who in the hell still uses 1.4mb floppies?



some guy came into the store today well let me tell you what got him there first


ok a guy walked into the store on friday and said he was having alot of problems with spyware and missing alot of dll files and he did not have a disk to format the computer and wondered if we would do it (so sure why not) easier way but deleting is always fun anyway we tell him to come back monday after backing up all the data he wanted to be saved. Well he comes in today at 9:30am WITH A FUCKING MOVING BOX FULL OF FLOPPIES AND





for the kicker he ::shakehead:"SAID COULD YOU PUT THIS BACK ON MY COMPUTER" :shakehead: we all fucking laughed and i said you got to be kidding right have you ever heard of a cd burner/dvd burner/harddrive/flash drive/or even a tapedrive you got to know what a tapedrive is if you are using floppies hell you can save it online on a ftp server he just looked dumb founded............




his computer has burner both cd and dvd on it


so we get to charge him out his ass to backup his data for him on a different media (we are not suppose to discuss these types of things to anyone (privicy thing) but it is just to funny and sad really to keep to the shop


alright have a nice day

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Re: «<< 12Oz Computer Tech Support >>>


cooling for you pc


from gotfrag magazine



If you built your own computer, you probably understand the importance of good air flow. You might not have picked up on this on your first attempt; perhaps your computer ran way too hot in the beginning, causing you to make some modifications. Perhaps your computer, even after tons of tweaking and loads of frustration, is still suffering from a lack of air movement. Indeed, good airflow has always been a very important part of building and designing computers.


But, airflow really is a pretty simple concept: keep the air moving through the case instead of... well... stagnating. The underlying purpose of good air flow is to keep your computer running at nominal temperatures in order to avoid any kind of malfunctions or heat-related problems, which impede optimal performance. And with concern for this idea, you can often end up putting a lot of time into assembly and maintenance just to keep your computer cool.


We need only to look at history to find evidence of the importance of good cooling. In 1979, the core of the TMI-2 nuclear reactor at Three Mile Island, Pennsylvania suffered a partial meltdown. Attributed to the malfunction of gauges that measured coolant rates through the core, the meltdown was the worst nuclear accident ever in the United States. Contamination leaked from structures into the atmosphere and the Susquehanna River, leading to massive public health concern, creating a public relations nightmare, and eventually administrative chaos. Had the gauge been functioning correctly, coolant levels would have been maintained, and the meltdown, labeled a Level 5 on the INES scale, would most likely never have occurred.


Seven years later, the worst event in the history of nuclear power took place at Unit-4 of the Chernobyl nuclear power plant in Pripyat, Ukraine. The event was widely considered to be the result of poor judgment and haphazard decisions made by the reactor crew, combined with the flawed design of the reactor itself. A series of explosions and intense heat led to the complete meltdown of Chernobyl-4. It remains the only event ever measured as Level 7 (the scale’s maximum classification). To make things worse, the plant’s design was such that the contamination was not contained to the reactor, and the radioactive cloud spread far and wide across the region. A total of 56 people have died so far from Chernobyl, most from radioactive exposure. There is now an enormous steel and concrete enclosure surrounding the reactor, and a costly cleanup effort has been going on for years. Cooling that was better designed might have greatly decreased the magnitude of the Chernobyl meltdown.


Of course, a computer overheating is probably not going to jeopardize the lives of thousands of people, nor is it going to cost millions of dollars to rectify. But, it could definitely slow down or even permanently damage your components. It’s a risky business that causes some computer enthusiasts to be overly paranoid about their system’s inner temperatures. This concern can lead users to invest in new cooling solutions, which can sometimes end up taking a pretty big chunk out of their wallets. Unfortunately, there are so many different options for cooling solutions that it can make even the most seasoned computer builder feel a bit confused and end up paying too much.


rest of article: http://hardware.gotfrag.com/portal/story/32378/?spage=2








the easy way


toms hardware video (watercooling)


fan mounting, air cooling, and you



A Beginners Guide to Air Cooling Your Smokin Hot Computer


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Re: «<< 12Oz Computer Tech Support >>>


quicktip: noisy fans.

most fans have a sticker on the bottom side (there is unscrewing involved)

peel the sticker off, spray in a tiny amount of wd-40 or silicone spray. use

a q-tip to clean off any excess. mount fan back in computer. and don't tighten the

screws all the way down. just enough to keep them in and flush with the plastic on

the fan.

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Re: «<< 12Oz Computer Tech Support >>>


Hey, stopping by with a quick one for whoever is Linux conversant-



(If you were wondering, other areas of life have been keeping me occupied/away from here...but I'm doing okay, so there you go.)



I recently installed SUSE 10.1 via FTP, migrating from SUSE 10.0. I've noticed the RAM usage in 10.1 is markedly higher than it was in 10.0, to the point that I can't really run more than a terminal and YAST. i suspected a memleak, I've tried to renice and reset all the priorities on everything except for the kernel and X to 20, and it's still not enough....so, apparently there's a memleak somewhere in X, but it keeps denying me access to xdm even in root. I'm not currently on the machine right now, but if you want, I can boot it up tomorrow and try to post a top page, but I'm at the point that I'm willing to wait for the Mepis 6.0 final release on the 20th and install that...I was using SUSE because I wanted to explore an stable enterprise class distro, but sadly this isn't what I thought it would be.


The new Mepis is Ubuntu based, and seems to have a lot of useful features...but, since Novell doesn't offer much in the way of support for its previous open SUSE releases, I'm stuck till they figure out where the bug is (or I come up on enough RAM to actually run it).


It's too bad...I was looking forward to trying it out, but I'm dead in the water unless I come up with a solution to this.


Also, I need to find the rtl8185 driver for a generic wireless card- ndiswrapper hasn't helped a bit, it doesn't recognize the XP firmware (despite the fact that it worked fine under 10.0)...


Oh, hi to Casek and Mainter...as you can see, I'm balls deep in this Open Source thing....and about to walk away from Linux and give BSD a shot. Mainter, how's your BSD machine? Still using it, any problems or comments?

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Re: «<< 12Oz Computer Tech Support >>>


The rtl8180 driver may work. Im not sure what you meant by "its not allowing you access to xdm", can you stop it?


/etc/init.d/xdm stop



Does the memory usage steadilly increase until all memory is full? Does the system become totally unrespnsive? Is it memory or CPU usage that is the problem, IIRC changing niceness doesn't affect mem in the least.

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