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Re: «<< 12Oz Computer Tech Support >>>


i'm thinking about changing my internet service' date=' i have cable and it doesn't work lots of times. i'm checking out this wi-fi service, but i don't know how to secure the connection, also i have doubts about privacy with the service itself[/quote']

wifi is secure if you know how to lock your stuff down

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Re: «<< 12Oz Computer Tech Support >>>


lots of questions.



1) Change Default Administrator Passwords (and Usernames)

2) Turn on (Compatible) WPA / WEP Encryption

3) Change the Default SSID

4) Enable MAC Address Filtering

5) Disable SSID Broadcast

6) Assign Static IP Addresses to Devices

7) Position the Router or Access Point Safely

8) Turn Off the Network During Extended Periods of Non-Use



internerd: you have more problems than you know. try tuneup utilities for a quick fix.

would save mainter and i some time trying to figure out what's wrong with your computer.


moe: go with ati again. get maybe a 9250 if you're not a big gamer and still want superior graphics. it'll cost under $100 newegg.com or tigerdirect.com should have some good deals.

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Re: «<< 12Oz Computer Tech Support >>>


i'm sittinjg here thinking about what just happened within the past 24 hours.


last night: got drunk and shot fireworks off a deck. mortars rock.

today, swerved to avoid a mustang who was in the middle of the road and plowed into a

mailbox. drove off promptly.


this morning, woke up and one of my contacts was stuck to the italian leather couch where i passed out. fun.


i'm gonna go take a shit and then start drinking and coding

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Re: «<< 12Oz Computer Tech Support >>>


hey internerd casek overthinks alittle bit 90% of the time if you are missing icons its windows desktop cleanup wizard you should have a folder on the desktop called Unused Desktop Shortcuts with all your icons in there

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Re: «<< 12Oz Computer Tech Support >>>


my day started at 1230am went to the local races watched streetcars talked bullshit with 100+ people when all the school kid ricers left the real cars came out to play at around 3:00am mopar or no car/cars made with tools not chopsticks/i can go all day but them are some examples...

got home at 3:30 got on here and tryed to answer some questions in a drunken state of mind then passed out and woke up at noon and jumped into a 40 degree pool that was filling up all day yesterday now im sitting here on the computer again waiting for my balls to drop out of my stomach hahaha

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Re: «<< 12Oz Computer Tech Support >>>


hey internerd casek overthinks alittle bit 90% of the time if you are missing icons its windows desktop cleanup wizard you should have a folder on the desktop called Unused Desktop Shortcuts with all your icons in there


ahh, yeah. the reason i was overthinking that is because i turn all that shit off.

i don't have to worry about that crap. :P

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Re: «<< 12Oz Computer Tech Support >>>


my day started at 1230am went to the local races watched streetcars talked bullshit with 100+ people when all the school kid ricers left the real cars came out to play at around 3:00am mopar or no car/cars made with tools not chopsticks/i can go all day but them are some examples...

got home at 3:30 got on here and tryed to answer some questions in a drunken state of mind then passed out and woke up at noon and jumped into a 40 degree pool that was filling up all day yesterday now im sitting here on the computer again waiting for my balls to drop out of my stomach hahaha


haha. sounds fun. there are some race tracks around here. in fact, my neighbors just loaded up their car and headed off to 'em. they suck, though. no drags, just a circle jerk racing thing. i hate that shit. around and around and around. i wanna see flat out speed and spinning tires and blue smoke.


drinking grand dad whiskey today. 93.2.jpg

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Re: «<< 12Oz Computer Tech Support >>>


all street racing here, i have never been to a drag line i like to go to the street races just to get drunk meet some people talk bullshit and leave with a chick (maybe thats how i am hooked on azns????)

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Re: «<< 12Oz Computer Tech Support >>>


all street racing here' date=' i have never been to a drag line i like to go to the street races just to get drunk meet some people talk bullshit and leave with a chick (maybe thats how i am hooked on azns????)[/quote']


possibly. rice burners are notorius for having a following of azn honeys.


perhaps they put some sort of azn magnet device in the cars during manufacture?


there are tons of classic cars here. saw a meeting down town at a hardee's yesterday.

so fly. chop tops, big back tires, pearly paint jobs, rims, holly's, chromed out. so ill.

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Re: «<< 12Oz Computer Tech Support >>>



Coke vending machines are everywhere. They're getting more and more like regular computers with LEDs that show little "ICE COLD" messages and whatnot. Well, there's a lot more to those little built-in computers than you may think. Included in the low-level operating system that these babies run on is an actual debug menu that gives you access to all sorts of machine information and possibly gives you free cokes in older machines.





There's a very strict list of vending machines that have the debug menu. First off, they're all COCA-COLA product vending machines. This means the giant, un-missable picture on the front must show any of the following: Coke, Dasani (Water), Barq's Root Beer, Vanilla Coke, Cherry Coke, Sprite, Evlan (water), Fanta, Fresca, Frutopia, Hi-C, Sprite Remix, Mad River, Mello Yello, Minute Maid, Nestea, Odwalla, Mr. Pibb/Pibb Xtra, Planet Java, Power Ade, Seagram's Ginger Ale, Simply Orange, Sparkletts, or Tab. Of course anything Diet or Caffeine free works too.

The machine must have an LED screen. Some of the older ones just allow the LED to be set to a price amount and won't have the debug menu. You're safer if the little LED is telling you something. Usually it will scroll a little message like "Ice Cold Cokes". Newer machines are more likely candidates.



To enter the menu, there's a button combination. HERE'S THE ONLY THING YOU HAVE TO REALLY REMEMBER:




The buttons are numbered depending on how they are positioned. They will either be vertical (more likely), or in horizontal rows of 4 buttons per row. If it is vertical, the first button is #1, the one below it is #2, and so forth. If the buttons are in horizontal rows, the first button is #1, and the one to the right of it is #2. The numbers work like a type writer after that. In rows of 4, the first button of row 2 will be button #5. So, to review, getting in to the debug menu looks like this:



$1.00 -------


[ Coke ] <-- Hit this button last

[ Coke ] <-- Hit this button second

[ Diet Coke ] <-- Hit this button third

[ Sprite ] <-- Hit this button first

[ And so on ]



Some text should show up on the LED (probably the word "Error", we'll explain what it means next sections). If nothing happens, your machine doesn't have the debug menu.




To navigate from option to option (What they are is next section), remember the numberings we gave the buttons. They work as follows:

Button [ 1 ] - Exit/Back

Button [ 2 ] - Up

Button [ 3 ] - Down

Button [ 4 ] - Select





Depending on the age of the machine, you will get a varying amount of default options available.

On older machines: SALE, VER, EROR, and RTN

On newer machines: CASH, SALE, EROR, and RTN


CASH - Machine Earnings Display

The CASH option will display how much money is in the machine currently. It generally takes a second or two to load. From here, you can scroll up and down through 12 or 16 different options, depending on the machine age. These other options display how much money was spent on each individual item, classified through its button (or slot, as I like to call it) number.

A neat side note about the slot numbers is that there are more slot numbers than there are actual slot, so usually the last 4 buttons contain zero money. This could be so that the same OS could be used on bigger machines, but the newer machines have even more slot numbers.


SALE - Total Sale Count

The SALE option displays how many drinks have been sold out of the machine. This tends to be cumulative, but not on all machines. The stock guy is probably supposed to reset this each time he re-stocks. Also, this has the same sub-options as the CASH option, where you can scroll up and down and see how many drinks have been sold from each slot.


VER - System/Machine Version?

This option will cause a large alphanumeric string to scroll across the LCD. The number looks very much like a serial number, but doesn't vary from machine to machine. It is most likely the OS or machine version number, but of the older machines that have the option, I haven't seen one that doesn't have the same number.


EROR - Error Log

There are 8 different types of errors - COLJ (Column Jams), VEnd (Vend Mechanism), door (Door Switch), sels (Select Switch), CHAR (Changer Errors), acce (Acceptor Errors), StS (Space-to-sales errors), and bVal (Bill Validators). The separate types and actual errors are useless, as you assumably can't get inside the machine, BUT(!) you can clear the errors. Hold the enter (Number 4) button down for about 2 seconds, and it should clear the error.


RTN - Return

This is simply the return option. Selecting this will exit the debug menu. On newer machines, pressing the BACK button at the main menu will not exit, and RTN must be selected.

A side note: The menu can also be exited by pressing the coin return button.



By holding in the coin return button and not releasing, on the newer "big-button" machines, this will display the internal temperature in Fahrenheit, as in "42F".



There are many more menu options that are only accessible if they've either been enabled from the computer inside the machine, or on the internal computer behind the door (Probably not feasible for you to access).


CPO - Coin Payout Mode

You can can dump coins from the coin mechanism, and the various menu options allow you to choose which type of coins (Nickels, dimes, etc.) are dumped.


tVFL - Tube Fill Mode

This is useless to you. This allows you to load coins into the coin tubes, which you can't do from the outside.


TEST - Test Routines

This allows you to test the following various routines:

SE Allows you to test the buttons. Will give you number

of button when you press it

SP Sold-out paddle test. Not quite sure, most likely internal function.

Su Sold-out switch test. Same as paddle.

CO Motor test. Will run various column motors.

Cn Coin test. Put in a coin and it will tell you what kind of

coin it is.

nA Note acceptor test. Same as Cn, but for bills.

dSP Display test. Will illuminate various LEDs.

vErS Rattles off version number.


RELY - Relay test

This tests the relay electronic control of various parts. Do not do, as it will cause damage if various internal parts are not unplugged before usage.


PASS - Password

This is not normally accessible, but allows you to change the menu password from the 4-2-3-1. Whoo!


PrIC - Price Setting

Used to set the price for a drink. Not sure how to work it, but it seems simple enough.


StOS - Space-to-sales routine

Lets you change the STS routine and other options. This means that various buttons will all mean the same thing, i.e. the 6 coke buttons don't actually vend from 6 different columns, but vend from one (changing when one runs out of course).


COn - Machine Configuration/Permissions

This is the machine config menu that decides what of these options you are allowed to access through the outside panel. This is probably only accessible with the door open. I won't go into detail, but I'll list the Config numbers and what each do: C1 sets price menu on, C2 sets special (manufacturer) options on), C3 disables the "ICE COLD COKE" message. C4 is autoviewing of menu when door is opened, C5 is door switch status, C6 is mysteriously reserved for "future use", C7 determines whether your money credit stays in for 5 minutes or indefinitely, C8 is Force Vend, C9 allows multiple vends without putting in more money (i.e put in a 5 and get 3 cokes and then your change), and C10 is Escrow Inhibit.


CCoC - Correct Change Only Control

Adjusts Correct Change only rule to your liking.


TIME - Time Adjustment

Allows you to set the machine's local time.


LANG - Language Selection

Not sure how many languages are supported, but there are apparently more than just English.

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Re: «<< 12Oz Computer Tech Support >>>


i want to upgrade my graphics card. i have a 1 year old PC from EMachines' date=' its a 3400 amd with a ATI radeon 200 graphics card. what shold i upgrade to and is it easy to install by yourself??[/quote']


there'a very wide variety of graphic cards u can chose right now, ask mainter or casek, he should know which is the most bang for ur buck...


and its really easy to install it. just open up ur tower, find an open slot, slap it in there, and ur done...

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Re: «<< 12Oz Computer Tech Support >>>


i posted that vending machine crap so many times


the best place to do it is in a themepark or zoo the places that charge you 3 dollars (fucking bastards) one time i was so pissed a thirsty i went to the food stand at cedarpoint grabed like 30 little packets of salt poured it into this really warm ass water (reason i wanted a pop) and shook it up went to the vending machine squirted the saltwater into the coin slot thing went crazy pop started spewing out and money i do not know how i do not get caught by security it might have been the people climbling over other people to get to the free money and pop that was when i was stupid and immature (kids dont try it)

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