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Re: «<< 12Oz Computer Tech Support >>>


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Re: «<< 12Oz Computer Tech Support >>>


29.9 nm Processor Technology!


IBM researchers announced that they have found a way to extend a key chip-manufacturing process to generate smaller chip circuits, potentially postponing the semiconductor industry's high-risk conversion to an extremely expensive alternative.


IBM scientists created the smallest, high-quality line patterns ever made using deep-ultraviolet (DUV, 193 nm) optical lithography, a technology currently used to essentially "print" circuits on chips. The distinct and uniformly spaced ridges are 29.9 nm wide. This is less than one-third the size of the 90-nanometer features now in mass production and below the 32 nanometers that industry consensus held as the limit for optical lithography techniques.


The semiconductor industry has so far relied on continually shrinking circuits to drive increases in the performance and function of chips and the products that use them. But as chip features approach the fundamental scale limits of individual atoms and molecules, this method cannot continue in the future for very long. IBM's new result indicates that a "high-index immersion" variant of DUV lithography may buy the industry time.


"Our goal is to push optical lithography as far as we can so the industry does not have to move to any expensive alternatives until absolutely necessary," said Dr. Robert D. Allen, manager of lithography materials at IBM's Almaden Research Center. "This result is the strongest evidence to date that the industry may have at least seven years of breathing room before any radical changes in chip-making techniques would be needed."


The record-small pattern of well-defined and equally spaced 29.9-nm lines and spaces was created on a lithography test apparatus designed and built at IBM Almaden, using new materials developed by its collaborator, JSR Micro (Sunnyvale, California).


"We believe that high-index liquid imaging will enable the extension of today's optical lithography through the 45- and 32-nm technology nodes," said Mark Slezak, technical manager of JSR Micro Inc. "Our industry faces tough questions about which lithography technology will allow us to be successful below 32 nm. This new result gives us another data point favoring the continuation of optical immersion lithography."


Microelectronic chips are made by a process called photolithography, which is similar in concept to silk-screening, except it uses light instead of paint or ink. Photolithography transfers the various circuit design patterns onto a silicon wafer by projecting a uniform beam of laser light through a shadow mask and then focusing it onto a photosensitive "photoresist" material that coats the silicon wafer. Subsequent development, etching and materials deposition steps form the circuit features. Making a typical computer processor or memory chip may require dozens of photolithography cycles.


Over the years, the industry has created smaller circuit features, which typically lead to smaller, faster and cheaper electronics, by using ever-shorter wavelengths of light, stronger lenses and most recently, inserting between the final lens and the silicon wafer a liquid, currently water, that enables even finer resolution.


Until now, it was not known if the industry could continue to adapt this optical immersion technique to produce sharp features smaller than 32 nm. New materials required to make such small features were thought to be incompatible with each other or capable of yielding only indistinct, blurred patterns. As a result, in recent years contingency plans are being explored for switching sometime in the future to a radically different, but much more expensive and still unproven manufacturing method that uses soft-x-rays (also known as EUV, for extreme ultraviolet light) and mirrors rather than laser light and lenses.


As part of its efforts to extend current optical lithography techniques, IBM developed an interference immersion lithography test apparatus, called NEMO. IBM's NEMO tool uses two intersecting laser beams to create light-and-dark interference patterns with spacings closer than can be made with current chip-making apparatus. As a result, NEMO is ideal for researching, testing and optimizing the various high-index fluids and photoresists being considered for use in those future DUV systems that would create such fine features. Now that IBM's new result shows a path for extending optical lithography, high-index lens materials must be developed to enable its commercial viability.


When light passes through a transparent material, it slows down in proportion to the material's "refractive index". Light passing through a higher-index material has a shorter wavelength and can thus be focused more tightly. Resolution in immersion lithography is limited by the lowest refractive index of the final lens, fluid and photoresist materials.


In IBM's NEMO experiments, the lens and fluid had indices of about 1.6, and the photoresist's index of refraction was 1.7. Future research is aimed at developing lens, fluid and photoresist materials with indices of refraction of 1.9, which would enable even smaller features to be imaged.

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Re: «<< 12Oz Computer Tech Support >>>


my girl says her dvd player is labeled as "+/-"



explain excactly what is happening again?

what format of the file she is trying to burn?

and we know know the burner will burn both formats so thats not an issue

and if i remember you said the dvd is _-


if you know how go event viewer and checkout the logs of sytem and applications see if there are any red x error logs for the dvd rom drive


if not dont worry bout it

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Re: «<< 12Oz Computer Tech Support >>>


TOKYO - A theater audience in Japan will be sniffing their noses — literally — at a new Hollywood adventure film when it opens here later this month.A new service from a major telecommunications company, NTT Communications Corp., will synchronize seven different smells to parts of "The New World," starring Colin Farrell.

A floral scent accompanies a love scene, while a mix of peppermint and rosemary is emitted during a tear-jerking scene. Joy is a citrus mix of orange and grapefruit, while anger is enhanced by a herb-like concoction with a hint of eucalyptus and tea tree.

The smells waft from special machines under the seats in the back rows of two movie theaters, which create different fragrances by controlling the mix of oils stored in the machines, company spokeswoman Akiko Suzaki said Wednesday.



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Re: «<< 12Oz Computer Tech Support >>>


i dont know just bored and its funny



"Java was invented so low IQ people could write computer programs."


~ Don Licio Lucchesi, "The Godfather III"


"I'm going to fucking bury that guy, I have done it before, and I will do it again. I'm going to fucking kill Java."


~ Steve Ballmer on the Java programming language


"Saying Java is good because it works on all operating systems is like saying anal sex is good because it works on both genders"


~ The Pope

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Re: «<< 12Oz Computer Tech Support >>>


yo i aint tryin to read a bunch a shit but yo one of yall mafuckers maybe got some shit i need to know an yo thats thsi shit right here yo i aint got my own computer a nothin but i use the one at my cousin house but they always be bullshittn an not lettin me check shit cause yo they tryin to play some faggy ass starship games an shit mafuckin controllers like zap zap an shit killin these crazy ass space aliens an shit. but yo um heres the shit um yo is there a way that like i can make that shit so they shit go in reverse kinda but like what i mean is so whenthey tryin to shoot the alien it like mafuckin bounce off that bitch an kill them a some shit so then they be deaded game over an shit an yo then i can fuck with 120z an peep out titties an try to mack sluts on myspace cause yo that is the real shit naw mean! yo i swear straight up if you the type a half a faggot mafucka who cant get no bitchs numbes down at the mall or whateva yo if you get on myspace its like hoes be throwin the pussy at you like a lasso a some shit yo mata fact fuck that they throwin no pussy lasso they throwin the asshole lasso cause yo them hoes be straight puttin it on the glass an lettin you gut em the fuck out like fish an shit. yo straight up fish an chips a bitch! yo thats real them giko mafuckas should straight up change that shit from frrre pie an chips to free dick suckn bitch an shit cause yo i aint got no insurance bt straight id cop me a bitch for free ya heard! yo anyway yeah man if some of yall could lemme know how i can sabotag they game or brake that shit or something that would be mad helpful word up. yo i dont know the name a that shit but it got this bad ass gun in it shit blasts shit yo i kinda like the game but no homo i aint no faggot so i like titties more than that shit ya heard! yo anyway thats my shit lace a mafucka for rilla!



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Re: «<< 12Oz Computer Tech Support >>>


Apple Boot Camp (Beta)


PREVIEW DATE: 04.07.06

Apple Boot Camp (Beta)

Installer Intro Screen Create A Second Partition Resizing Partitions


Apple Computer Inc.



Type: Personal



Apple is helping you install Windows! There is little reason not to get a Mac now, but keep in mind that Boot Camp is still a work in progress.


Easy-to-use interface. You can restore back to the original state. Graphics support for gaming. Speakers are functioning now. It's a FREE download.


Still BETA software. iSight and FrontRow don't work in Windows. Windows partition is vulnerable to virus and spyware attacks.



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Re: «<< 12Oz Computer Tech Support >>>


just wondering' date=' mainter, are you in school right now? you got any certs? or are u just a hobbiest who just knows a shit load about computers?[/quote']


i am in school now i got my a+ software/hardware/net+ certs still going im studing for my msce 70-290 right now took a quarter off to get someother shit done going back next quarter for class to get my msce 70-292 cert

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Re: «<< 12Oz Computer Tech Support >>>


yo i aint tryin to read a bunch a shit but yo one of yall mafuckers maybe got some shit i need to know an yo thats thsi shit right here yo i aint got my own computer a nothin but i use the one at my cousin house but they always be bullshittn an not lettin me check shit cause yo they tryin to play some faggy ass starship games an shit mafuckin controllers like zap zap an shit killin these crazy ass space aliens an shit. but yo um heres the shit um yo is there a way that like i can make that shit so they shit go in reverse kinda but like what i mean is so whenthey tryin to shoot the alien it like mafuckin bounce off that bitch an kill them a some shit so then they be deaded game over an shit an yo then i can fuck with 120z an peep out titties an try to mack sluts on myspace cause yo that is the real shit naw mean! yo i swear straight up if you the type a half a faggot mafucka who cant get no bitchs numbes down at the mall or whateva yo if you get on myspace its like hoes be throwin the pussy at you like a lasso a some shit yo mata fact fuck that they throwin no pussy lasso they throwin the asshole lasso cause yo them hoes be straight puttin it on the glass an lettin you gut em the fuck out like fish an shit. yo straight up fish an chips a bitch! yo thats real them giko mafuckas should straight up change that shit from frrre pie an chips to free dick suckn bitch an shit cause yo i aint got no insurance bt straight id cop me a bitch for free ya heard! yo anyway yeah man if some of yall could lemme know how i can sabotag they game or brake that shit or something that would be mad helpful word up. yo i dont know the name a that shit but it got this bad ass gun in it shit blasts shit yo i kinda like the game but no homo i aint no faggot so i like titties more than that shit ya heard! yo anyway thats my shit lace a mafucka for rilla!




yo damn you dont wanna read well neither do we thats a big ass post i will read this afternoon

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