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sidebust. what are you talkin about that spot was hit years ago in the farher left corner and just recently got buff...so it was hit again..and no diss to binge cuz hes the homie..but if someone wanted to sidebust someone it would be someone other than binge(again no diss cuz hes cool peeps)..but thats some bullshit i dont care if someone planned some shit or not. theres plenty of spots I "plan" on hitting but niggas get to em b4 me and its tough luck..ive done nuttin but respected him any many others..and to but some str8 letters at that. i told to binge so it aint no hard feelins but niggas owe me a spot or im dissin everything in this city dark or no dark.


oh and folie stop hoppin on dicks like u been writin for years talkin bout "thats called regulation". nigga stfu. and the value cty roof been buffed dumbass.

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haha Imma shut up now since im not part of this and have no business commenting on it.

as for the value city roof I was joking, i had the chance to hit that the same night I climbed up to that spot but Im all respectable n shit and decided not to sidebust you or binge, so I walked out that way for no reason. My bad on the whole internet shit stirring, im just bored and not able to leave. FUCK 12oz I wish I was painting

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why didnt you just climb the rest of the way up that billboard and hit it instead of sidebusting, I was gonna do that when I ran into that binge but decided not to since I already hit like 5 billboards that month



sidebustin??? think about it.? why would i sidebust binge(again no diss to him)...as a matter of fact I had a wack ass piece up there back in like 05 maybe 06 in the far left corner b4 the buff. so it aint like a nigga str8 up got fame off another persons spot. i mean srsly.. no different than redoing a spot u hit already..whats the difference?..niggas hit plenty of spots that i had been "eyeing" b4 and when they do, i dont be like "oh imma go over you cuz I seen that shit 1st" its fair game..

but its cool . no hard feelins, iv talked to 2 different ppl already over this ordeal and I still understand the reasoning even though i dont agree on it totally. but its done. shit happens. they both know and respect me as I do them. but this one was a boundary line that all parties came close on. so its cool.. so drop it. its over with

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