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Referring to America as AmeriKKKa


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Originally posted by villain@Jul 25 2005, 11:48 AM


Haha... I've got to wonder sometimes....


Though I wouldn't say all of that was for naught Kabar. Alot of great social progress was made in the sixties. Perhaps not to the ideals to which you were aspiring but great, monumental amounts of progress was made. It was a fight, and there was alot of sacrifice, including a president. But it has improved the lot of us. Everyone wants to lay down arms and live the Amerikkklan dream (I can say Amerikkka can't I? It's still a free country... I think). The house, the picket fence, the two car garage, the trophy wife, the 2.5 kids, the family dog.... Who wouldn't want that? It's just some people realize it's a sham... Some people can't even achieve it in the first place.... But this happiness now is selling off our future. Like in the Devils Advocate, they are selling us a future that doesn't exist.... why? Because we are destroying it. Until ecology and economy are harmonized we will continue to spiral into entropy. Simple as that, and anyone with their ear to the ground and their nose in the wind knows this. So I admire anyone who fights the good fight, instead of succumbing to this succubus of sensual slavery, this earthly, materialistic ideal that we are trained to keep our eyes on, at the detriment of all else. We, especially of the United Snakes, who are indoctrinated into the ideology of Capital, the superiority of the individual over the whole, and the continued commodification of everything around us, to the extent of water now, possibly even air in the future, or shelter from cosmic radiation, and so everything and everyone is subject to the supreme authority of the almighty dollar.


Don't ever forget what you were fighting for.... now that you are old, and settled, and comfortable, is when you are most vulnerable.



can I bump this again..

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Originally posted by dumy@Jul 26 2005, 07:06 PM

can I bump this again..





angelofdeath: did you post that in the wrong thread? I'm well aware of the transition from agricultural slavery in the south to wage slavery in the north. I'm aware of racism in the north. However saying there are more racists in the north is a little far fetched.

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I hear you, guy, but I'm not sure this thread is the right place for it. You are correct, on every one of your counts, but our national conciousness is very near-sighted. We can't remember the issues of 2003, much less 1863.


A while back I got into a big argument on here (I think it was on here) about Jefferson Davis issuing the first Emancipation Proclamation. (It's true, he did, but he did it more to try and stop the South from losing it's black labor force than any animosity towards the institution of slavery.) Lincoln never considered slavery to be the primary issue. The fight was about "preserving the Union." Lincoln even admitted it, and said that if leaving slavery intact was the cost of preserving the Union, so be it. He issued the Emancipation Proclamation to hurt the Confederacy by depriving it's war effort of the slaves' labor. Making "ending slavery" the issue is historical revisionism. The ISSUE WAS (and is) STATE'S RIGHTS. The Confederacy lost the war, and the power of individual states was usurped by the Federal government. Did racism play a big part? Certainly. But most Southerners were not slaveholders. And there were MANY slaveholders in the NORTH. In fact, the Emancipation Proclamation only freed the slaves in areas "in rebellion." Yankee slaves remained in slavery until the 14th Amendment was passed and ratified.


Much of the Southern animosity today towards "Yankees" (it's almost quaint, isn't it?) stems from Northern atrocities during the War Between the States. This is always the fate of the vanquished. A good reson, I suppose, to avoid losing.

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"And I beleive this term came along when good ole upstanding amerikkkan citizens started lynchin naggers BOY!

so don't you forget your heritage!


P.S. Racism is still alive and well in the south."


villian and kabar:

i sorta got a tangent when i read the words above. most folks just think anything that ever happened as far as "racism" was committed by southerners and the northern people (of anytime, not just 1863) are the good guys.


"However saying there are more racists in the north is a little far fetched."


i dont think i said that. i was merely trying to break the allusion of "ALL the good guys are from the NORTH" and "EVERYONE from the south is in the KKK." i dont think we know where there are more "racists." however, it is safe to say a butt load of people in both areas had and still do have racist views. actually most folks in the generation of my grand parents pass the "n word" around freely when talking about any blacks. a cousin of mine who is 80, and is actually from my great grandmothers generation who died recently, casually uses the "n word" when talking about any black person. she also has voted a democratic ticket since she was able to vote. i guess she might of glossed over the fact that the democratic party is practically the NAACP's puppet. however, she isnt racist at all in the KKK sense, actually in any sense, other than she uses the "n word" to describe any black person. for her generation is was apparently ok. actually, if you think about it, she is just like robert byrd i guess. stuck with the democratic party through and through.


and kabar your points are totally accurate. it is ironic when you hear lincolns own comments about deporting free blacks, reserving the "free states" for white labor, free of blacks, and lincolns comment about how he would save the union if it meant freeing no slaves or all slaves or some. people would actually be like "wow" when if they would actually read what people in the north had to say about blacks and minorities. and how slavery WAS outlawed to save WHITE labor, not for moral reasons.


but its all about slavery?

try self government.

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I don't think anyone is unaware of the existance and behavior of our country as a whole during the civil war era and earlier. I went to public school in the Northeast and while the graphic examples you used weren't directly used, I was aware of the overall sentiment...


I think the reason the north views the south this way is that come the 60's where the northern states weren't exactly peaches towards blacks (hence Malcolm X from New York among others) they at least weren't lynching them, killing peaceful prtestors commonly and blowing up children in churches and than after these things happened having whole towns hiding the guilty...


Its all disgusting, what does it matter about the north and south thing? You should stop listening to Fox news and others who create these pretend lines between people. I hold the south accountable for there modern day politics much more than what happened 100 years ago...

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"what does it matter about the north and south thing? You should stop listening to Fox news and others who create these pretend lines between people. I hold the south accountable for there modern day politics much more than what happened 100 years ago... "



sorry man, i just cant help but laugh at this. listening to fox news? cmon now. all im saying his, the quote above i was responding too, just created a big fucking line between "us." perhaps you should stop "holding the south accountable" for todays government and politics and start hoping your party/ideology starts to get some southern votes. you cant win without them... :innocent:

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As far as racism in the north goes, the klan has been strongest in Indiana and Ohio.

I've seen pictures of road repair in NY where construction crews would dig up unmarked slave graveyards from the slaves that built that city.


I know it's never as simple as Black & White, North & South.....

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