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Issac Brock

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somebody wrote fag<--------- next to a fire on this block in brown. I would of flicked it but it was dark, and I am fat, and lazy. maybe some other time. also, I couldn't get a good flick of this water tower, but does anyone know who it is? that's all. please, hate on. talk shit. my name is earl...





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Posted: 1:58 p.m. Jan. 8, 2010

Tear-down is another bad break for Detroit






For a city that smarts every time someone from the national media lobs an insult our way, Detroit sure can't seem to catch a break.


Photo posted on Twitter shows the Lafayette Building in downtown Detroit being torn down.


Check this out. Among the dozens of national media covering the event is a New York Times freelancer who posted this morning on Twitter with the caption: Only in Detroit.


In case you haven't been downtown lately, that wreck in the background is the remains of the historic Lafayette Building, which is being torn down. It is just a block away from the federal courthouse, and adjacent to the parking lot where all the national media have parked their satellite trucks and set up their live shots.


City planners had no idea, of course, that their timing would be so poor. But with a bunch of out-of-towners around, the Lafayette Building is the unfortunate yet perfect backdrop for those who label Detroit the very symbol of America's fall from grace.

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Na. real talk i wasnt even drunk. Come on now nobody thought that was funny?? I got a couple more. I dont be on here all the time so i catch little sections an snippits of shit. that was MY reply to a comment eufoe made a couple pages back. euf's you got my number. whats the problame? Ward I wasnt trayin to diss you but, dont talk disrespectfully

to some one then expect respect.not like my couple freights are healing the sick and changin the lives for all who witness them roll past. dont nobody but a graff head gives a fuck about that shit. It really doesnt matter if its me or Daser. ( which by the way would beat your ass worse then i would any day.) dont you ever in your mother fuckin life talk down on some one then compliment urself. then expect recognition. Espically from me or my crew. WARD- "Yea I dont let the fame get to me!" or " Its kind of a BIG deal!" i got some more of those too. practice dont buy experience. Go paint somethin. Is any one really listing? keep doin what u all do its what makes my world go round. Rule number 1. I AM NUMBER ONE. Rule number 2. Im gonna keep side busting whenever i feel necessary. dont an oars shit does suck " why did u two run from me at the electronic music fest?" and finally every body with an opinion to express, please express it.honestly i really care about how you all feel about my situation. HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA. I do lick pussy. cant stand faggots. hate them fuckin snitchs. KTC kill the champ which means i know theres better. and thats who i strive to deffeat. people will crush me and fools will burn an go over what ever i got runnin. but if i can out due the one i set aside. shit its all gravy baby. oh yea iam drunk now hope all my spelling made since.can write words on a wall all fuckin day but cant spell for shit. my coke dealer just called he got done with watchin a movie an eatin pizza with his parents he'll be by soon. if yall wasted time reading this good then ive kept u an extra five minutes in stlye class an kept you from possibly goin over my most recent burner in the packard. real talk my face hurts an i dont wanna feel it on me any more. its 4 in the morning whats dsd's phone number again. she said that thing is the size of my face how am i supposed to fit it in my mouth i said bbbbiiiitttcccchhhhhhhh.

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NIGGA! I am so glad I dont got that number anymore, but tonight, I would of gladly bullshitted with you. call the homie dems and ask how this retarded night went down.yo, if you know cosmo, tell that nigga he owes me 5 bucks for going back and swoopin him. you're welcome kid. to the fat white kid, you aint the only one with a pistol, nights like tonight is the reason detroit sucks to fucking live in, and someone, although not the intended target, will one day get shot up. but yeah sisto, I dont fuck with cells no more. sisto likes to call niggas at 5 am, drunk, talkin bout, yo, get up, lets go hit a spot. you're all groggy and trying to wake up, when you finally come to your senses he laughs at you, tells you he aint even in detroit, and goes back to fucking your ex, or even current girlfriend. stay up player, glad to see you drunk and on the worst thread on 12 oz. and, its naptime. leezy, crunk, I wont be there today, sorry. hit me up sunday.

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Na. real talk Is any one really listing? Rule number 1. I AM NUMBER 2. Im gonna keep side busting. I do lick faggots. my coke dealer just called he got done with watchin a movie an eatin pizza with his parents he'll be by soon.


there ya go! the remix! :rolleyes: :rolleyes:



remember in sonic when you hit a spike and all your rings go bouncing away? well, start collecting dude...



<----sist is lookin' like eli porter @ 2:29 :lol: :lol:
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