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Issac Brock

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I burn walls to. you ever hear the song by the dead milkmen if you love somthing set it on fire? bitch why you lurking? you aint got shit to do with anything, I FUCKING HATE YOU! go away. you ruin my day/night just seeing your fucking name. sorry.


I wish you would fucking kill yourself already. bump elmer. and paid. and my homie who is moving back to the motherland in jordan. peace.


Honestly.grow a pair of balls. be honest yo, you dont burn shit.

look in the mirror and talk to yourself there instead. you're like a thirteen year old girl bitching about your X to the internet. you have way too many posts for being a member for a year. most of your pics are constant reposts...you mix in a few new ones...then let your oppinions fly like you are something having to do with The scene, or a cause....

.then you bitch about other people not posting anything on this forum for a few hours... well prob because some people have REAL life to keep them entertained. not everyone is as satisfied as you when they see their screen name pop up over and over. high five-n themself- "yeah I got 10000 posts" im the shit. i got mad internet ups.


then some random bullshit about " yo get at me on my facebook. check out my myspace...I hang out with ___________ (<--insert whoever has painted something you flicked)

you are a snitch. you are an ignorant kid who has been misinformed. straight clownin.

your soft and aint got nothin to do with detroit graffiti....you just drive around and take pictures and run your mouth on the internet about your personal life....be honest, thats cool if thats your hobby. anyone else who checks this thread could figure it out...

-I wasn't gonna say shit but, I know how you like the attention, figured I'd show you some love...


with that said. PAID, ELMER, KOSH, PORAB, GASM, TEAD, STORI, FAR, LOAF, DONT... are actually doin shit. word.

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^haha. lets put it out there, for the record type shit. one homie, don't fucking front. you could of gotten at me in a pm, and just made it easier. soft? who said I was hard? not me. I might talk shit, but I know that I can lose a fight to any man. just as much as I truly believe I can win a fight against any man. I do got over 7,000, yeah, 7,000 flicks, of just graf that runs through this city, trains, hands, whatever. insert name here...insert all the cats I have been blessed and privaledged enough to meet, and a close few, I actually call my friends, outside of this thread. like the dude I went and seen today, no need to even drop names, just came through to kick it had to pick something up, one of the realest niggas I know.


AS FOR CALLING ME A SNITCH...that is a bitchmade move, I don't give a fuck what your name is, what you paint, whenever you feel like being a man and not hiding behind a computer screen, get the fuck at me in a pm. I got your snitch right here. just guide me in the right direction hoe, I will be there.


by the way, that whole burning walls comment, was directed towards my love for setting big buildings on fire, not graf, you fucking faggot, bitch made hoe. like I said, don't even respond in here, make me keep going. just get at me like a fucking man so tomorrow when I am out doing nothing I can meet up with you and blow your fucking jaw out.

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^haha. lets put it out there, for the record type shit. one homie, don't fucking front. you could of gotten at me in a pm, and just made it easier. soft? who said I was hard? not me. I might talk shit, but I know that I can lose a fight to any man. just as much as I truly believe I can win a fight against any man. I do got over 7,000, yeah, 7,000 flicks, of just graf that runs through this city, trains, hands, whatever. insert name here...insert all the cats I have been blessed and privaledged enough to meet, and a close few, I actually call my friends, outside of this thread. like the dude I went and seen today, no need to even drop names, just came through to kick it had to pick something up, one of the realest niggas I know.


AS FOR CALLING ME A SNITCH...that is a bitchmade move, I don't give a fuck what your name is, what you paint, whenever you feel like being a man and not hiding behind a computer screen, get the fuck at me in a pm. I got your snitch right here. just guide me in the right direction hoe, I will be there.


by the way, that whole burning walls comment, was directed towards my love for setting big buildings on fire, not graf, you fucking faggot, bitch made hoe. like I said, don't even respond in here, make me keep going. just get at me like a fucking man so tomorrow when I am out doing nothing I can meet up with you and blow your fucking jaw out.



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Honestly.grow a pair of balls. be honest yo, you dont burn shit.

look in the mirror and talk to yourself there instead. you're like a thirteen year old girl bitching about your X to the internet. you have way too many posts for being a member for a year. most of your pics are constant reposts...you mix in a few new ones...then let your oppinions fly like you are something having to do with The scene, or a cause....

.then you bitch about other people not posting anything on this forum for a few hours... well prob because some people have REAL life to keep them entertained. not everyone is as satisfied as you when they see their screen name pop up over and over. high five-n themself- "yeah I got 10000 posts" im the shit. i got mad internet ups.


then some random bullshit about " yo get at me on my facebook. check out my myspace...I hang out with ___________ (<--insert whoever has painted something you flicked)

you are a snitch. you are an ignorant kid who has been misinformed. straight clownin.

your soft and aint got nothin to do with detroit graffiti....you just drive around and take pictures and run your mouth on the internet about your personal life....be honest, thats cool if thats your hobby. anyone else who checks this thread could figure it out...

-I wasn't gonna say shit but, I know how you like the attention, figured I'd show you some love...


with that said. PAID, ELMER, KOSH, PORAB, GASM, TEAD, STORI, FAR, LOAF, DONT... are actually doin shit. word.


and who is to say that your seven posts isn't to much for all of the, at most, 15 days if that, that you've been registered with this site.

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^^^^For real. Don't give a fuck whoever you are, or think if DSD ain't put in work as you see fit. Anyone is capable of destroying in a seconds time. Plus, if you're for real, you know graf has no rules, and you could get love instantly or hate-to-love fame whenever. Rift just did it today. Probably won't carry it out tomorrow, but still....opportunity is there to get into one of the most unruly worthless categories in America's historical genres....graf.


You can be soft, hard, intellectual, or ignorant....but you play your cards right and you can gain fame in this graf shit. Look at Obama's bitch ass. He done did it in a different way, where it shouldn't have been done at all, yet he somehow did it.


Damn...another paragraph of just talkin'! Anyways, bump DSDer. And I DO give a fuck about his ex, and what he has to say about her. That girl has a relationship with me and lives in my crib, and I gotta pay for the lawyers that she calls up to get restraining orders set up against him. Go fuck yourself, DSD's golden up in this bitch.

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400 sqr miles of colorful shit .why? cant we all realize were in the same pit. from your shit to there shit why have a fit! no one cares not one little bit! why arent we all true to one detroit crew?the rest of the graff crews will make us there bitch.from ny to la those bitches are gay the detroit way is the only way to spray! sham knee iago dibs sekt iowa esau hues size .fbsk loaf tec9 pak fud gasm otis-fire-death reft porab amo optrick ender elmer riku seks kayo gheys oral sintex malt feis brunet and even fet.beta ferrari you wish you could meet!trust me my brothas we all dont sit sweet.sist gray @ also.peeps justo dont new. detroit niggas are better than any just one krew! swl get rio far away ya gotta admit kosher shock just made yur day! cant forget turtle when he was fertile.weve all said elya at one time or another, we:ll all admit away is our brother.grim & gram are like thanksgiveing ham and thats how you ended up with a drunk shaM. IF YOU DONT LIKE MY TO THE POINT WAY!I KNEW I WOULD BE BETTER OFF AS A STRAY!

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Good job being drunk, it's a great time and full of memories if remembered. If you weren't drunk, I'd have to put you on blast for being the worst-trying-to-mc drunk fuck in the history of the kwame era.


....plus nutriding would be called out instantaneously by others reading that 'rhyme', if drunkeness were not involved in your post incident. Yet, alcohol saved your ass. Alcohol saved you. Show your appreciation by visiting your friend tomorrow night. He thanks you. Your best friend is now a 40 of King Cobra.

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shit is so tiring. once again, after I cause all the dumb shit, I gotta apologize. I won't even defend myself on the flick comment, because, just go through this thread the last 200 pages or so and my flicks are in your face. everytime someone talks shit, I get mad and want to fight. I did the same thing with kosher. only difference is, I have no ill will towards kosher. or wickedwacko. or anyone else that has had something to say about me. but you took shit to a whole nother level. you're better off calling me a bitch, or a faggot, which still would of stood at a fight status, but we might of been able to talk at least and settle shit. you called me the one fucking thing that should never ride, a snitch. get your shit right bitch, I know every motherfucker talks it, but I would do 20 years with a smile if need be. the first lesson I learned at a young age was a severe ass beating from my pops for tatlle tailing. and you never fucking pm'ed me. maybe you never got back on. but I suspect your just another punk bitch from the suburbs, not wanting shit to do with any ignorant motherfucker like myself. I try so hard to be a good person. I will find out who the fuck you are, and we will see each other sooner or later. I am done with the faggotry on here. from now on, if anyone has something hard, or stupid to say to me, just fucking pm me. I am a man, we can handle it like men, instead of pussy ass internet shit talking. peace to the real. bump that nigga loaf, dems, amo, tek, kosek, sisto, peru, kosher, paid, and anyone else that puts in work. fuck it, bump every writer in this city, and every toy that wants fame. peace.

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I'm saying dude "burned" that wall and it probably took him 3 days to do it at an event that allows people to paint legally at the wall all day long(without the police intervention) that's why you don't see him doing it in detroit...just saying that if many of yall out there had the same amount of time to paint something like he did, yall could pull off a "burner" on that caliber...no hate on rift just stating some obvious things here...not saying anything more bout this...


yeah, cuz theres not one wall you can paint on all day in detroit, not one. great point. :rolleyes:

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