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Issac Brock

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nah, reft was suppose to come through a few weeks ago, but instead he threatened to kill my kid and bitched out. amo told me to come down to fight a few times, the few times I showed, he was no where to be found.


cool thing though, Im really easy to find. as long as you dont come to my crib, in which case I pulling the gauge cause, any of these cats could beat my ass at anytime if they tried.


the biggest reason that I never got to fight is cause reft is to busy doing his ranger training and amo and pak are fucking each other in the mouth somewhere in vermont. they got gay married.


dism and gray were suppose to fuck me up last week, but gray was to busy touching 17 year old gp white kids. that are also snitches. smh. Id rather by a "toy" any day than a bitch.


reft, tell me about how you're gonna kill me with your bare hands again. that was good.

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hahahahahahaha yellawolf looks like some tall retarded detroit writer. got damn i can see it now. yall niggas are whiteboy retard twins! and to answer your question, you are the only one. my whole crew hates me for going on 12 oz and talking to yall. luckily were talking about child molestation and fights with bitches that wont happen, no graf related content. plus my crew cant get mad at me as long as I am out in the streets every night shitting on ld. then it's ok.



silence is golden, but it aint like yall didnt know gasm got shit on the other night. or reft last night. they know. keep driving around the daytime looking for me on the east side. dummies. I live in sterling hts, remember?


yo reft, gasm, remember when yall were in finger banging small kids? whatever happen to that crew. (insert witty loaf/jue joke here, I know that is all you niggas can come up with.)


you niggas are hilarious, my whole afternoon has been dedicated to smoking good tree and making fun of white kids from the suburbs, you know who you are, 586! and the art fag kid that clams to be an aireborne ranger.


yo reft, yo gasm, how them fohr spots coming along? fucking idiots.

now if you'll excuse me, I have to go make a dinorama or gray molesting rayd and the finger banging small kids crew from the 2000's. flicks later.


this afternoons episode of as 12 oz turns with DSD666 has been brought to you by, space crush, seriously get this strain, and white kids from the suburbs who are to bitch to live in a real hood so they live downtown in a nice secure building. oh, and coffee, that kerig is a doozie.

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ok lets air some shit out for the public, the reason I am taking aim so horribly at these fools is we called a truce. it lasted one day. thanks to gray and pak, and my nigga JISM (dism dfw) constantly harassing me on my personal number, after I hadn't said a word to these fools in weeks, on top of a broken truce. so now, fuck all of you. and gasm got the first wave. and until you motherfuckers learn that I do not GIVE A FUCK, and am willing to die to prove a point because I am clinically retarded, I will continue to publicly talk shit about you, and I will smash your fucking spots, that has already been proven.


and yo gasm, reft, amo, pak, gray, and anyone else in your crew that has constantly talked shit but never backed it up, and even after I said really enough is enough, and so did some of your own boys and crew, you still had to cross the line. well, you can have my spots. you can have fohrs spots. take sloes to, he just told me he thinks he might have 2 riding in the city right now. cause believe me, I will continue to fuck yall up in the street. and if you still dont believe me, just take a ride all around the east side and see gasms spots.




enough graffiti babble for the week, unless that is of course I am just making fun of yall. todays photoshop is brought to you by, pe...again, water, half smoked cigarette butts, and of course, yours truly. are we having fun yet hoes?










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I have good news, and sorta bad news. The good news is this is the last time I will pollute this thread with this toys name. I'll save the bad news for later. My annoyance with jue is very easy to see. To start off with, as the distinguished gentleman Mr. bombardierone has pointed out, jue is a fake ass toy. He started off as a documentarian. And now, like some gutter moth, he's drawn to the flame, even though he lacks the artistic ability to draw period. He's gone from recording streetart to actively destroying some of the best work the walls of Detroit have seen in years. It's a disgrace. His excuse that he likes bad graffiti is a thinly veiled admission that jue cannot actually paint good graffiti.


Not long ago jue said that he had Detroit's most innovative letters in the last three years, and even as I read that I was laughing. I honestly thought of gasm. I would pit gasm's g against all three of jue's letters. The s would just watch for historical reasons, because you know the jue will lie. The a and m could just go catch a movie or something, whatever, it's their business. The point is the g wouldn't need help. He would choke the silly out of that j, and stare down that bitch of a u, and fucking treat that e like the shitstain it is. Fact is, jue is a toy.


And I don't even care that he's a toy. Toys are never going away. My issue with the hack is how jue potrays himself as the gatekeeper of Detroit when he shouldn't even be granted permission to carry the gatekey to a dumpster. Graffiti superstars his hypocritcal ass has championed in the past, he now paints over just to garner some weaksauce internet infamy. It's pathetic. Whatever, I'm done with him. I won't photo, talk, look, or see his trash again.


Oh, and the bad news. You know how revs wrote out his life story in the tunnels of new york? Im going to do that here. In a long illeistic ramble. Much how you dueling little birds of paradise like to inject yourselves into the background of society, I'm going to interject myself here. Enjoy!


Though, there will still be photos.

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jealousy... none of your names ever come out of our mouths. ever. maybe pak and amo n gray but shit i dont see there spots dissed so what else is it?!?!?!? its pure haterade...we dont talk about u unless we our talking about banging one of your girls and giving them stds. all u do is talk... on the internet... all day... all we do is paint.... in the streets... its the truth sorry player.

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god it was so good, and I lost it, so lets try one more time....


yo sarcasm, please don't speak to me, because truth is, while I was blindly willing to murder for loaf and fbs at one time, and I took mad flicks, I always painted chill spots. you never painted shit. ever. you ride gasms dick harder than revoks, never thought that was possible. and for the record no matter what I said, my point was, my throw letters, THROWS, all I do, you know what, never mind. sarcasm, you're not a man, don't speak to me.


no onto my nigga elmer, you are so correct. fohr, pluto, wish, and myself, are really jealous of yall. I mean obviously everyone in ld is better than anyone I just listed. but let me tell you why we are really jealous of yall, it aint your graffiti....


reft-niggas a joke. runs ld almost as well as loaf and deth did fbs. learned from the best. oh, and since you're such a safe writer, most of your spots are easy to smash, not really to high profile. thanks. oh, and you went to art school. almost forgot. this nigga actually pays student loans from an art school. can you believe that? damn reft, you're not only a liar, AIRBORNE RANGER! but you went to art school yet can't do much more than a good straight letter. mad jealous.


gray-ya know I never had a bad thing to say about dude. still dont. just so happens he likes young boys, and the nigga is a mexican weeble wobble, real talk. jealous.


gasm-586!!!! and 5 hours a night for 5 nights to actually really smash all his spots. yeah we're actually starting to get jealous more and more.


pak-5-3 126 pounds of straight g. niggas more limp wristed than my sons new born baby sister. nigga takes breaks during the day to put lotion on his hands but he aint ashy.


amo-fight me.


and finally elmer. 36 mile. got his pussy broke open by fbsk. blindly followed just like you do now. nigga you are the present, and you are the future, but god, and we have all known this, and by we, sarcasm, I mean niggas that actually use to chill and be boys, not dick ride from the 12 oz flikr sidelines, fud you are dumb. it's the truth, sorry player.



so yeah I will give you before we got jealous and decided to shit on gasm harder than any local has been shit on in years, and we follow that up with keeping up on all his spots all city, while randomly taking out reft, and pak, and amo if the nigga actually painted a spot more than once a month, yes elmer, I crossed the line. I was even man enough to apologize, to even revok if he ever got the email, and all of the regulars on this thread, and had sloe change my password, I couldn't talk if I wanted to, and called a truce with el refto. that lasted one day. your crew broke that truce.


the truth is fud, you motherfuckers are a joke of a crew. loosely affiliated, no real leader, no real direction. fuck yeah yall crush, and yall crush propper.


now allow me to show you how I crush. yall niggas just go ahead and say you're sorry, and leave us the fuck alone. and it all stops. till that day, I have no allies, I have no friends, and as far as I am concerned your spots are all day to. sorry, but it's the truth player. mince, tek, loaf, and dems. none of those cats will get shit on. everyone else in your crew, fair game.



bump all of dfw before me, on both sides, but at the same time, fuck you if you aint us. Im done trying to reason with your "crew."

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god it was so good, and I lost it, so lets try one more time....


yo sarcasm, please don't speak to me, because truth is, while I was blindly willing to murder for loaf and fbs at one time, and I took mad flicks, I always painted chill spots. you never painted shit. ever. you ride gasms dick harder than revoks, never thought that was possible. and for the record no matter what I said, my point was, my throw letters, THROWS, all I do, you know what, never mind. sarcasm, you're not a man, don't speak to me.


no onto my nigga elmer, you are so correct. fohr, pluto, wish, and myself, are really jealous of yall. I mean obviously everyone in ld is better than anyone I just listed. but let me tell you why we are really jealous of yall, it aint your graffiti....


reft-niggas a joke. runs ld almost as well as loaf and deth did fbs. learned from the best. oh, and since you're such a safe writer, most of your spots are easy to smash, not really to high profile. thanks. oh, and you went to art school. almost forgot. this nigga actually pays student loans from an art school. can you believe that? damn reft, you're not only a liar, AIRBORNE RANGER! but you went to art school yet can't do much more than a good straight letter. mad jealous.


gray-ya know I never had a bad thing to say about dude. still dont. just so happens he likes young boys, and the nigga is a mexican weeble wobble, real talk. jealous.


gasm-586!!!! and 5 hours a night for 5 nights to actually really smash all his spots. yeah we're actually starting to get jealous more and more.


pak-5-3 126 pounds of straight g. niggas more limp wristed than my sons new born baby sister. nigga takes breaks during the day to put lotion on his hands but he aint ashy.


amo-fight me.


and finally elmer. 36 mile. got his pussy broke open by fbsk. blindly followed just like you do now. nigga you are the present, and you are the future, but god, and we have all known this, and by we, sarcasm, I mean niggas that actually use to chill and be boys, not dick ride from the 12 oz flikr sidelines, fud you are dumb. it's the truth, sorry player.



so yeah I will give you before we got jealous and decided to shit on gasm harder than any local has been shit on in years, and we follow that up with keeping up on all his spots all city, while randomly taking out reft, and pak, and amo if the nigga actually painted a spot more than once a month, yes elmer, I crossed the line. I was even man enough to apologize, to even revok if he ever got the email, and all of the regulars on this thread, and had sloe change my password, I couldn't talk if I wanted to, and called a truce with el refto. that lasted one day. your crew broke that truce.


the truth is fud, you motherfuckers are a joke of a crew. loosely affiliated, no real leader, no real direction. fuck yeah yall crush, and yall crush propper.


now allow me to show you how I crush. yall niggas just go ahead and say you're sorry, and leave us the fuck alone. and it all stops. till that day, I have no allies, I have no friends, and as far as I am concerned your spots are all day to. sorry, but it's the truth player. mince, tek, loaf, and dems. none of those cats will get shit on. everyone else in your crew, fair game.



bump all of dfw before me, on both sides, but at the same time, fuck you if you aint us. Im done trying to reason with your "crew."


the gayest wanabe hard ass shit ever read

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