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Issac Brock

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so no one can flick that gigantic elmer gasm roller on the east side. you know, the most proper roller in this city in a quick minute. go get it. I'm lazy, plus I got family shit to do with jesus today. we're gonna smoke a blunt of some space crush and go play bingo, uncomfortably high. fuck yall niggas, I hope you get coal and lumps of human shit in your fucking stockings. and valtrex.

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ya know I know it's only been a month or so since I stopped using this thread as my own personal twitter, but it is fucking boring not talking shit to you faggots. I get high and I have nothing to do. I forgot that today isn't happy birthday jesus day, so without further ado, lets do up the first anual DSD666 yearly awards. now before any of yall read this, and start stroking out in front of your white grandmother, just remember that this is all just imo, and that no matter what I think or say, you are all still a bunch fucking pussies, and no matter what you think, I am right, because I kinged the internet. also, I think I might have a yeast infection...

best writer, all year around-Elmer. I do not think this is even close. I would of gave it to dont, but he must be traveling the world with santa this year, cause even by his work ethic standards, he didn't hit as hard this year as in years past, I notice this kind of shit. the kid sets the tone, yearly, and is one of the realest niggas I have met in this city over the years.


most overated writer-aires. now before you trip out on me, hear me out...first the niggas name, enough said. 2nd, the nigga has all the ability in the world, has amazing color schemes, blah blah blah, but I as a writer, with no artistic abilities, I fully expect niggas with abilities to push themselves. he hasn't. same style , same letters, and the nigga is able, enough said. I'm sure he is a good person, but I am not here to make friends. runner up-jue1.


worst writer in this city-yours truly. I am so lazy, and so over graffiti, I do not even bother filling in my shitty throws anymore. straight hollows. and...the nights I do choose to fill in, I make sure to use the worst color combos possible. also, fire extinguishers, enough said.


best beef-jasp/aires. think it's the only real graffiti in the streets beef all year, with the exception of a misunderstanding or 2, nobody got smashed out, yet. jasp takes the cake on this one. easily. not only is he shitting on a dude that does mostly pieces, and uses multiple colors street side, but for every aires spot, it's just a new jasp spot, and the little nigga already had spots. I always scratched my head on this one. I don't know why someone who is not a bomber would beef with a bomber, but oh well. also, sistos spots are still on smash mode. at least aires goes over jasp. sisto just lays in bed and lets jasp shit all over his chest, no homo.


I could come up with more but now I am getting bored. for the record, although he got a late start this year, I gotta say bump my nigga eater, who in my eyes still has more style than anyone in this city. it's nice to see you out again, and also, nice seeing new sway spots, and a few others that came out to hit after a long layoff.


I'd also like to add 2 things before I leave, one, the out of towners, I will take hollows, throws, and bombing, all day over spots with 17 colors. no knock on msk niggas, yall do your thing, and it's nice to see yall didn't just roll through detroit, smash a few chill spots, and dip.


with that said, the biggest dick head retard move of the year, not even close, askew and augor over jaunt. now I know this is old, but you niggas let these cats just get a pass. if it was a local writer, that person would of been black listed, and beat on site, but since it's those niggas, yall just kinda hopped on the dick, again. when in fact every fucking one of you should of personally got at revok, and told that nigga he has been here long fucking enough to tell his boys not to go over niggas in this city, and who the fuck the dead writers are, aka, know your fucking history.


because of this dick face move, I decided that I will take care of it personally, after the holidays. that is all I will say on that. all in all, it's been a fun year for me. it's been an amazing year for this city and the scene. even though I talk mad shit, all the out of towners were cool for a few minutes, but I think 2012 detroit will start looking like detroit again. either way, once again, fuck all of you. fuck your xmas. fuck your toys. fuck your presents. fuck your dog. fuck you. kneel down and kiss the ring niggas, I aint going anywhere anytime soon. happy fucking holidays. cool story nigga...

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you forgot ...

best red tops in the game: Sloe

best chili: tom1

best smile: Rant

best hair: tie between Rod Stewart and Hafas

best rollers: reverend

best grammer for a black man: Rehab

most original style: Melo


I'm truly disappointed I didnt win best hair and wasnt even nominated for best grammar for a black man, but I guess there's always next year.

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