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Issac Brock

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i second that. Plus i think you need to consider the audience for the piece. Other than dick suckers, pieces up there are for the amtrack passangers to see while the train is moving at like 60 miles per hour. The Grim you would be able to easily read, while the abort would look like a blur. This is not to take anything away from the abort... but thats just my feeling on the matter

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that grim is solid..but should be reserved for the street. who gives a fuck about amtrack passengers. they more than likely wouldnt be able to read it even if the train stopped and they looked at the pieces for hours. that place is a yard. not a graffiti showcase for onlooking passengers. they way i see it...yards are places where you can get loose. try out new shit...expand as a writer...without running the chance of it looking like shit and everyone seeing it.

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the way i see it is that there are pleanty of yards in the city where the amtrack line does not pass by. I understand the majority of people treat that spot like any other yard, but i just don't think it is the right way to treat it. "who gives a fuck about amtrack passangers?" i do. So i guess thats the difference in our opinions. All i'm saying is that two people see those pieces: other graffiti writers and amtrack passangers and i would much rather do something at that spot for the amtrack passangers to see as they role through detroit than for any of the dick sucking graffiti writers in this city. There are pleanty of other yards to do shit for them in. And i'm all for people trying new shit and experimenting to expand as a writer, but why not do it somewhere where people from out of town aren't going to look on at it as a representation of the city.... again any of the other yards or the million abandond buildings would probably sufice.


Again, that abort had mad flava, i'm not trying to take that away, i'm just saying that i don't think Grim was out of line to drop some solid Large readable straight letters on the amtrack line.

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the way i see it is that there are pleanty of yards in the city where the amtrack line does not pass by. I understand the majority of people treat that spot like any other yard, but i just don't think it is the right way to treat it. "who gives a fuck about amtrack passangers?" i do. So i guess thats the difference in our opinions. All i'm saying is that two people see those pieces: other graffiti writers and amtrack passangers and i would much rather do something at that spot for the amtrack passangers to see as they role through detroit than for any of the dick sucking graffiti writers in this city. There are pleanty of other yards to do shit for them in. And i'm all for people trying new shit and experimenting to expand as a writer, but why not do it somewhere where people from out of town aren't going to look on at it as a representation of the city.... again any of the other yards or the million abandond buildings would probably sufice.


Again, that abort had mad flava, i'm not trying to take that away, i'm just saying that i don't think Grim was out of line to drop some solid Large readable straight letters on the amtrack line.


i agree with the greater majority of what you just said. i understand your point about people on the amtrack train. i remember taking a train from north carolina back to detroit back in 1990. i saw tons of graff..id be lying if that wasnt part of the inspiration for me to paint.so on that note(painting for onlookers via the train)agreed. is it my focus why i paint there..no. then again..most writers have different reasons why we do what we do.


as far as pushing yourself...and tryin new shit...as long as it comes out good...then let it be seen. now if you are a writer who is just getting his feet wet..then i see where your argument plays a role. but if you know what you are doing..and have a good head on your shoulders..then a place like the amtrack line is a prime spot(in my opinion) to try different shit. if it looks booty..you should want to paint over it anyways. haha. my thing is...regardless of where it is...if you paint over someone elses shit..i think you should at least burn it. take it a step further than the guy before you did. be it letter form..fill...size..background...ect. it just stings a lil when you paint a wild or semi wildstyle peice and some one goes over it with a straight letter. thats all. now if its dissed..then its a whole nother story.

p.s. im not really a fan of painting in abandond buildings...except for when the weather plays a factor.

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the way i see it is that there are pleanty of yards in the city where the amtrack line does not pass by. I understand the majority of people treat that spot like any other yard, but i just don't think it is the right way to treat it.


no? remind me who you are, and why anyone should care about your opinion?


"who gives a fuck about amtrack passangers?" i do. So i guess thats the difference in our opinions. All i'm saying is that two people see those pieces: other graffiti writers and amtrack passangers and i would much rather do something at that spot for the amtrack passangers to see as they role through detroit than for any of the dick sucking graffiti writers in this city.


'civillians dont give a shit if they can read your name. they probably won't even bother to pick out letters even if they can. they're looking at a drab ass fucked up area; a silver splotch in the middle of it is going to mean as little to them as an abandoned car. but do something in color? do something big and complex. that's something they'd remember seeing. it doesnt matter if they can read it or not. to them it's a 'pretty picture', nothing more.

and dick sucking graffiti writers? so everyone that is not you is a dick sucking writer, right? anyone who walks through there and gets stoked on what others are doing is a faggot, huh? son please. appreciating what others are doing does not make you a 'dick sucker' it makes you a writer. but you're too cool to be impressed by what others are doing, huh? you're some 20 year vet, huh? you seen and done it all, huh? you aint even gotta look at graff no more, cause you're john blaze with your shit, huh? fucking gnarley, dude!


There are pleanty of other yards to do shit for them in. And i'm all for people trying new shit and experimenting to expand as a writer, but why not do it somewhere where people from out of town aren't going to look on at it as a representation of the city.... again any of the other yards or the million abandond buildings would probably sufice.


yeah man, cause it would blow if people mistakenly believed that cats did more than 5 minute silvers in an area where you could do 4 hour burners. my god, that would be horrible if there was some variety up there!! if people were actually impressed or inspired. seriously, the entire graff scene might crumble if someone took the time to actually develop a style, draw up a piece, and then paint it in an area where a large number of people could see it as they rolled through at a snails pace.


Again, that abort had mad flava, i'm not trying to take that away, i'm just saying that i don't think Grim was out of line to drop some solid Large readable straight letters on the amtrack line.


yeah dude, 'mad flava'.


if you'd spent any amount of time painting up there, you'd know that the trains creep through slow as fuck. a burner would not speed past in a blur. infact, you're as likely to get stopped dead in front of a piece, as you are to roll past it. if you want to paint for the passangers, do something different for a change. there are 300 silvers already up there.

feel free to share your opinion, but telling people (who i'll guarantee are better than you) what they should paint and where they should paint makes you look like a sucker. ordinarilly i'm fine with letting that ride, but this was a little much for me.

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if you'd spent any amount of time painting up there, you'd know that the trains creep through slow as fuck. a burner would not speed past in a blur. infact, you're as likely to get stopped dead in front of a piece, as you are to roll past it. if you want to paint for the passangers, do something different for a change. there are 300 silvers already up there.

feel free to share your opinion, but telling people (who i'll guarantee are better than you) what they should paint and where they should paint makes you look like a sucker. ordinarilly i'm fine with letting that ride, but this was a little much for me.



once again...taking the words out of my mouth.

way to get to the point.

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First off, Detroitred, if that took the words right out of your mouth why didn't you say it? its not the most difficult thing to articulate. To me it sounded like we weren't in such disagreement. But i guess that is just taking the actual words from your mouth. (p.s. we all know that the only reason you originally made a comment was due to some ancient beef- which i don't need to discuss any further)


Second, i wasn't telling anyone how they should or should not paint. If you took it that way, trust me, it came out wrong. To me it sounds like you are the one telling others how to paint... but i wont make the same mistake of making the same misunderstanding. I wasn't telling abort not to do his thing. That abort was dope. I was just saying that Grim was not out of line to paint some large buttery straight letters over an already dissed piece. i don't think that it is a requirement up there to throw in a bunch of colors and whatever else in your pieces just to "wild" it up. Abort did it... sweet. Grim didn't... also sweet. I don't hear you criticizing Esau or Hughes for doing the same thing up there in the past.


Last but definately not least, i just wanted to say that you should not expect another response from me on this god-forsaken website that does nothing but make dudes like ansiq seem like graffiti kings when anyone would be hard pressed to find a piece of his in the city beyond the legal wall on the back of st. andrews... this is not to say that he is not old.


Also, before i forget... Cuatro Pound is a chump.

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...i wasn't telling anyone how they should or should not paint. If you took it that way, trust me, it came out wrong. To me it sounds like you are the one telling others how to paint...don't hear you criticizing Esau or Hughes for doing the same thing up there in the past.


Last but definately not least, i just wanted to say that you should not expect another response from me on this god-forsaken website that does nothing but make dudes like ansiq seem like graffiti kings when anyone would be hard pressed to find a piece of his in the city beyond the legal wall on the back of st. andrews... this is not to say that he is not old.



you wrote an entire paragraph explaining how you believe the yard should be painted. you offered alternatives as to where you think things should be done (burners in the other yards, or abandoned buildings) and you explained exactly why you feel simples should be done on the amtrak line. if you did not mean to imply that there was a 'right' way to paint that line, perhaps you should not have stated it in near-exactly those terms.


i was not criticizing grim for going over a dissed piece. i have no problem with that. i was not criticising anyone for painting one color simples. i was simply saying that the idea that they are the only thing that should be painted there, which intended or not, was your point, was fucking retarded. do not put words into my mouth to make up for the fact that you're talking out your ass.


as for finding my pieces in the city, there are still dozens out there (despite the fact i no longer live here). but even if i had nothing running, i've had more of an impact on this city than you could ever hope to. if you did not come up looking at my stuff, then the people you look up to did. i am not king, i'm just a dude who paints (and will still be doing so looong after you've stopped).



now if you'd like to be a man, i'd love to get a PM telling me what you write.

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First off, Detroitred, if that took the words right out of your mouth why didn't you say it? its not the most difficult thing to articulate. To me it sounded like we weren't in such disagreement. But i guess that is just taking the actual words from your mouth. (p.s. we all know that the only reason you originally made a comment was due to some ancient beef- which i don't need to discuss any further)


Second, i wasn't telling anyone how they should or should not paint. If you took it that way, trust me, it came out wrong. To me it sounds like you are the one telling others how to paint... but i wont make the same mistake of making the same misunderstanding. I wasn't telling abort not to do his thing. That abort was dope. I was just saying that Grim was not out of line to paint some large buttery straight letters over an already dissed piece. i don't think that it is a requirement up there to throw in a bunch of colors and whatever else in your pieces just to "wild" it up. Abort did it... sweet. Grim didn't... also sweet. I don't hear you criticizing Esau or Hughes for doing the same thing up there in the past.


Last but definately not least, i just wanted to say that you should not expect another response from me on this god-forsaken website that does nothing but make dudes like ansiq seem like graffiti kings when anyone would be hard pressed to find a piece of his in the city beyond the legal wall on the back of st. andrews... this is not to say that he is not old.


Also, before i forget... Cuatro Pound is a chump.


well well well...once again...someone who feels the need to talk like he knows..when he has no clue. first and foremost....my past beef with grim(which has been squashed long long ago) does not have shit to do with my response. thats my buisness..its not yours. so dont act like you know me when you dont have a clue.if your head wasnt so far up your ass you would have seen that i have already stated that if the abort piece was dissed....then its all null and void. my bad for not being more specific when posting in this thread. i understand its easy for text to get lost in translation. on the other hand, you really think that you wernt tryin to tell me what should be painted where and how? ansiq has already clearly pointed out, you have contradicted yourself.so theres no need to beat that dead horse.

by the way dipshit...that abort was all blue. it wasnt a multi color joint. once again, think before you speak.


i dont know where you are comming from thinking that im putting grim under a microscope. when i made my first comment i had not yet been informed that the abort piece was dissed. in regards to your comment about esau and hughes;considering we are all good friends...any criticizim that is given or recieved between us, is constructive. so dont worry about what i say or dont say to them.

youre presences makes no apperance...like absent students. please humor me with what you write via pm.

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