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Issac Brock

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Its funny to me that you guys are complaining about "the buff" cause there really isn't much of a buff here whatsoever. I'm surprised to hear that something got buffed at all.


actually..most freeway spots will get buffed now. esp. in the downtown/midtown area. the spot that they painted has been getting hit since dubl hit it back in 97. that whole stretch between 94 and 75 is allways buffed. but dont be fooled..kids will still paint that shit. why??

well...death just explained it a few posts ago.

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that snuf one got buffed on the lodge within the past couple months and that shit was killin em. i remember the day it happened' date=' they buffed everything on the lodge including that fohr overpass joint.[/quote']



that wave of buffing was via the superbowl.


R.I.P. betaharps heaven. that shit was my original motivation.

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Yeah, I was surprised to see that Fohr get buffed. It looks kind of weird with one spot being a brighter blue and containing no rust while the rest of the overpass looks like shit.


From what I've seen, the buff usually never paints the I-beams or any metal part of an overpass. You can see this in various spots along I-94.

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