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Issac Brock

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Originally posted by detroit red@Nov 10 2005, 11:39 AM

for all of you sharing your opinons on detroits mayor...let me ask you...do you even live here??


I don't, but that isn't really important. What happens to detroit heavily affects all of the suburbs around it, and Michigan's overall economy is greatly affected by Detroit as well. When detroit gets taken over by the state its going to be a huge embarassment for all of michigan. They're just going to take a red marker and start cutting everything that costs money.

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Originally posted by Issac Brock+Nov 10 2005, 10:45 PM--><div class='quotetop'>QUOTE (Issac Brock - Nov 10 2005, 10:45 PM)</div><div class='quotemain'><!--QuoteBegin-detroit red@Nov 10 2005, 11:39 AM

for all of you sharing your opinons on detroits mayor...let me ask you...do you even live here??


I don't, but that isn't really important. What happens to detroit heavily affects all of the suburbs around it, and Michigan's overall economy is greatly affected by Detroit as well. When detroit gets taken over by the state its going to be a huge embarassment for all of michigan. They're just going to take a red marker and start cutting everything that costs money.




wow....someone doesnt know very much about what they choose to talk about. regardless of who became mayor...detroit was heading for recievership. detroit is stil in debt from never recovering from the riots(socio/economic recovery). and all the shit that the mayor did to fuck the city...every mayor has done...kwame was just to young and dumb to not get caught. im not co-signing what he has done. i just hope he learned from it. and makes better decisions.

p.s. you made quite the bold statment about how what happens in detroit affecting the suburbs....well...you are obviously wrong. just look at the huge gap in econmics and sociological behavior between the burbs and the city . the only things that happen in the city that affects the burbs is how white people feel about the city after they turn off the news or put down their paper.


until you live here.."your presence makes no apperance like absent students."

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Originally posted by detroit red+Nov 10 2005, 06:02 PM--><div class='quotetop'>QUOTE (detroit red - Nov 10 2005, 06:02 PM)</div><div class='quotemain'>
Originally posted by Issac Brock@Nov 10 2005, 10:45 PM

<!--QuoteBegin-detroit red@Nov 10 2005, 11:39 AM

for all of you sharing your opinons on detroits mayor...let me ask you...do you even live here??


I don't, but that isn't really important. What happens to detroit heavily affects all of the suburbs around it, and Michigan's overall economy is greatly affected by Detroit as well. When detroit gets taken over by the state its going to be a huge embarassment for all of michigan. They're just going to take a red marker and start cutting everything that costs money.



wow....someone doesnt know very much about what they choose to talk about. regardless of who became mayor...detroit was heading for recievership. detroit is stil in debt from never recovering from the riots(socio/economic recovery). and all the shit that the mayor did to fuck the city...every mayor has done...kwame was just to young and dumb to not get caught. im not co-signing what he has done. i just hope he learned from it. and makes better decisions.

p.s. you made quite the bold statment about how what happens in detroit affecting the suburbs....well...you are obviously wrong. just look at the huge gap in econmics and sociological behavior between the burbs and the city . the only things that happen in the city that affects the burbs is how white people feel about the city after they turn off the news or put down their paper.


until you live here.."your presence makes no apperance like absent students."




hehe..I love the aggression. So quick to throw insults around. But maybe you should read what I said though before you decide to throw a temper tantrum. Anyway, do some research. Find out how many people that live in the suburbs work in the city. Please do. My parents live in the suburbs and work in the city. Pretty much every one of my friends' parents do the same. But that's merely putting things in perspective; I'm not basing this view off of my experience alone. Big cities in general affect the suburbs around them in multiple ways, that is something backed by economics if you ever get the time to read some about it.


As for your little ranting on about how kwame isn't the first mayor to fuck detroit over, and how detroit was already heading for receivership, that's true, but I didn't ever say that Kwame was the only reason that this is happening. That was just a false inference on your part. You don't think that Hendrix could do a better job in turning detroit around than kwame would? Laugh.

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I live in Detroit. Maybe even near Mr. Red now that he mentions something about some dude fucking up garages. So there.


Even still, yes what happens in Detroit affects the suburbs to some point. When you're from anywhere around here and are visiting, say, Texas, California, North Dakota, Maine, where do you say you're from? Probably a suburb of Detroit. Chances are, no one knows where the hell Melvindale or Waterford is but they damn well know where Detroit is.


Point is, it's an image thing. If I recall correctly, wasn't Kwams semi-popular on the national stage perhaps three years ago before all the bullshit happened? Now look at him, he makes Detroit look silly, even though the city (and it's baseball and football teams) can do that on it's own through it's re-election of him.


And where you think all of the CoD's workers come from? You think the cats that head downstairs after work to spend happy hour at Hard Rock actually live Downtown/Midtown? I'm sure some of them do but face it, a lot of people work here and live in the burbs.

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i don't live in the sudan, but i think it's current state of affairs is a tragedy.

i also dont have a vagina, but i think female circumcision should be outlawed around the world. in addition, i think free refills should be a give-in, and this trend towards $2 fountaint soda's at restaurants is appaling. the restaurants frequently receive free soda in exchange for logo's on glasses and on walls, which means 100% profit off any sales. i don't mind them making pure profit, but what they're doing in this case constitutes fiscal rape, and i can't support such a thing.

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Originally posted by seeking@Nov 11 2005, 11:12 AM

i don't live in the sudan, but i think it's current state of affairs is a tragedy.

i also dont have a vagina, but i think female circumcision should be outlawed around the world. in addition, i think free refills should be a give-in, and this trend towards $2 fountaint soda's at restaurants is appaling. the restaurants frequently receive free soda in exchange for logo's on glasses and on walls, which means 100% profit off any sales. i don't mind them making pure profit, but what they're doing in this case constitutes fiscal rape, and i can't support such a thing.


hi seeking, glad to see you pal. :)

good points. wanna talk about rape though, mention the oil companies. heads making billions of dollars, meanwhile raping the economy of america. when gas prices are high, everyone suffers. there are no exceptions here. it trickles down to the people without cars too. everyone suffers.

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Well isn't this a whole shistorm of dumb.


1. Isor, you are a fucking retard. Nobody likes you. You are still and will always be a clown.


Move to Idaho or something.


2. As far as saying kwame kilpatrick turning around and providing for this city is ridiculous. There are a few groups of people who directly benefit from that ass hat being in office. Small corner black baptist churches and business owners. The only reason they voted for him is because they get some special loans of some sort, i cant remember exactly.


Ive done a little snooping recently and found out that our mayor kilpatrick has an outstanding bill to the detroit news for 1500$.. come on now kwame, its a fucking newspaper bill, if you cant take care of that, how are you going to pay your light bill?


Also, in my opinion, the very 1st rule of politics is maintaing a half way decent image. Once again, as i stated before, if you cant take care of even that, then you are a retard.


On the other hand, Hendrix (much to my dismay) has a horrible financial record. Guys a fuckstick. I would of voted for hanson clark in my opinion, not only was that guy funny but he was a fucking genius. its too bad good people get thrown to the wayside.


not to mention the fact that when i met hendrix last week he had an untaimed handshake that almost left me disabled.


Also, no im no longer technically a detroit resident due to saving tons of money on my car insurance by switching to geico... wait no, i mean progressive.









not that i give two shits about detroit politics anymore.. god i can't wait to leave this shithole of a city.

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kwamie is on some george bush shit, dont hate the playa, hate the game.

politics have always been about smoke & mirrors and empty promises. this isnt anything new, detroit has always been broke in contrast with other major cities. its not the mayor that is fucked up, its the whole city. if you have no ambition, life will continue to suck until YOU go do something about it. im from the suburbs and i help rebuild the city by giving bums change. your welcome detroit.


pop is still under a dollar in the city, and rap snacks are 4 for a dollar.


and i dont like when you refer to us as 'white people', the proper term is "tax paying americans".

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About the oil company thing: one important aspect to look at is their profit margin (see definition 4). The oil companies only have a margin of about 7%.. that's practically peanuts. But because every civilized society pretty much needs oil as bad as I need pussy, it's consumption is through the roof.


People are looking at the overall amount of money they make, not the margin. I mean, yeah, 7% of a metric-fuck-ton of money is a lot but when you think about it, where the fuck are they spending all that money? Who's getting that money that the oil companies are paying? No one's complaining about the sheiks getting mad scrilla in the Middle East.


Anywho, whoever's bitching about discussing other current issues: eat it. Would it hurt to read and learn some shit once in awhile? No, probably not. But I do agree we need more flicks.

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