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“but as much graffiti as there is in my former home [of Los Angeles], I’ve never seen tagging on parking meters or cars. I’ve seen that in Portland,” he said.


Apparently this douche never really looked around LA, or just lived in the rich area. granted, I don't live in Portland, but I sincerely hope dumb kids aren't hitting up cars.....

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Interesting article, thanks for posting it.

I've read several just like it over the years. I find it odd that the police department with rather fight graffiti than drugs. Now don't get me wrong, I know the PPD is fighting drugs, but why waste your time, energy and tax payers money on people preforming art, base on letters? What harm is writing doing to Portland's residents?


And whats this notion that graffiti breeds crime? Will someone please explain to me how drug and violent crimes are linked to graffiti? This is an angle the press and police have used time and time again with no statistic to back it up.


What the hell do the police think?


"I'm a drug dealer, so I'm going to sell my drugs over by that graffiti because it will look cool"


"I'm going to jump this guy for his cash, that tag over on that wall is the perfect place to fight?"


Come on? Wake the fuck up people.


What the people of Portland and the police are trying to say is that they feel like everything is out of control when they see graffiti. Why do they feel that way? Because they dont understand it. People fear what they dont understand. People fight against what they can't control.


Maybe the Portland people and the police should stop trying to fight graffiti and try to embrace it. Even the chief said -and I quote- "graffiti murals were an accepted and beloved part of the community"


The more you fight something the more it fights back. Lets drop all this negativity and be positive about Portland's artist.

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That's cool^

People equate graffiti with a lack of police presence>crime. Graff is crime, but cmon now. watch for the hoods lurking, waiting to rob innocent portlandians and such. Police presence? a writer can catch a tag in like 3.5 seconds right next to you without you even knowing it.. all eye's all the time..

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That's ridiculous. People get mugged all the time (less than most cities, but it still happens), people are buying every kind of drug, and people are breaking into cars all the time in this city, but they choose to focus on people committing an essentially victimless crime. Graffiti may be illegal, but at least it's a legal activity with morals. Other than a few outliers (who are usually shunned from the graffiti community) graffiti writers don't write on churches, schools, cars or homes. Graffiti has no connection to drugs, or violence in this city. Yet, the police focus on them, rather than the people who are really contributing to urban decay...which isn't even a real problem here...maybe that's the problem. PPD is bored.


...Sorry for the drunken rant.

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