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Re: Maine Funk


I'm not goona lie i don't post many pictures, but i really hate all the talk that goes on on this site. i just wanna see some flicks. they don't need to be new or anything. just too much criticism. rags, walken, slush, ofol. hope to kick it with you guys soon. uhghhhh!

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Re: Maine Funk


i hear what youre saying but lets not forget the police presence on these sites

being that graffiti is as harmless as it gets, its still a crime that can get you locked the fuck up and every piece of illegal graffiti on the internet is evidence to convict that ass... i mean, you dont post pics of the cans you racked in front of the store right? I just think that graffiti is blowing up not just here, but across the nation, and law enforcement has changed and updated their tactics, thus we too need to adapt and not hand them all the evidence they need... if you look around you'll see more and more cases of people being fucked over from shit put on the internet, and being such a small and active community (and one with drastic changes in the police force happening right now), I'm hoping that we can all realize this shit and keep the pictures of the freshly painted illegal spots showing the street name, time stamp and the fuckin SSN of the person off this site because it would only benefit those who are involved and make the oppostion actually have to WORK for once... sorry for the rant, but shit is heated and i dont think people are quite understanding




the whole idea is to do it and not get caught. to get caught for something kids would actually have to be doing something... i think we are the opposition and we need to put in WERK son

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Re: Maine Funk


mailed mods and reported cant do much more.


freewall blown up og style, solem reps lack learn thot and bern.


so now order on wall from short to tall is

pbr-reps-lack-reps-lack-reone-solem reps lack learn thot and bern.turdl


toys gotta goto the streets now, sorry no flix

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Re: Maine Funk


Everyone should just nega prop the cop until he gets banned


cant ban a search warrant, i've already read all your PMs its not like i couldnt bust alllll you mother fuckers right now! KABLAM


i see more posts on this thread than i do new graffiti. you worry about what other people are doing more than what you are doing. go paint. less dicks more flix!



why do you want my paint do you not have money for paint? i throw a can or two at bums when i see them n say go trade those dirty graffers for some ganj or booooze

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Re: Maine Funk


was wondering if you hated dank that cartoon styles comin through now

sweet circle T under the K, lack

wenr hot shit




- From Kron1k

How is it going,

New toy to the scene I see.

yadda yadda yaddda ........and I will find you and fuck you up and I will stomp you until you cannot pronounce the word "Graffiti"


Have a beautiful day.



---internet beef nice dude

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