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rusto is good for fill ins but not for detail they have so much overspray and the coverage sucks.


You're doing it wrong.

Stop using Rusto, sounds like you are wasting something I hold very dear.


Molotow Super Skinny works on Rusto. I discovered that at the yard the other day. It also works with tall boys of Montana as well. I like it better then a NYO, but that's just me.


Cap baggies are if you are hustler enough to buy a 100 pack and slang caps in packs of 10.

Thur you go.

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so my homie got some of the 24 karot fat caps.


like same size as an astro fat

tried it on

montana gold


and osh cans


dont use it with osh cans.

not bad caps. just not that much crazyer than astros.

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i am guessing those don't work on ALL Painters Touch.

The only one i found that was most versatile was AP's EZ rider since the stem insertion part is larger and locks on to the wide bottom portion on the can.


Pam cooking spray cap works great (yellow, but there is a red which may be different. comparable to a NY fat but a little wider.) used it myself many times.

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rusto is good for fill ins but not for detail they have so much overspray and the coverage sucks.


now that offends me. the coverage is just fine. maybe YOU just suck at fills, you ever thought of that you turd? try tipping ur can upside down and draining some pressure and use some control when spraying.


im sayin, all you need is rusto and some practice time

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rusto is all i use. the leakiness is due to lumen diameter.


i had to look up what lumen meant




but yeah


cut a large notch in a rusto fat, didn't make a very great difference


the width of the actual line remains the same, but there's a huuuge overspray/softness around the line

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It basically forces more paint to be sucked into the cap. It's not going to make a huge difference in line thickness as the orifice (size of hole in nozzle/insert) remains the same.


You're getting more paint into the cap, and it struggles to force more out but its limited in what it can output.

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Pam cooking spray cap works great (yellow, but there is a red which may be different. comparable to a NY fat but a little wider.) used it myself many times.


Really, I am going to have to test this out.

I am not of the domesticated Mexican Housewife, therefore a trip to the local chinese cornerstone will have to suffice so I can get a few.


I'll especially look for the red ones and let you know.

Hey, you never did what I told you to. Too bad.

Next time.

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i had to look up what lumen meant




but yeah


cut a large notch in a rusto fat, didn't make a very great difference


the width of the actual line remains the same, but there's a huuuge overspray/softness around the line


i might be misunderstanding what you said, but it sounds like you might have done it wrong.


my rusto fats go from about 2.5" line to about 4" at least...

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Hey, you never did what I told you to. Too bad.

Next time.



i sent you a message back like an hour after you sent me a message and you never answered. i asked if you were an employee or something.


my reasoning is this, i think namedropping in itself with intent to get a deal is kinda gauche. (nothing against you, so dont think im like acting better than you)


that is why i asked if you were an employee or not, because if you were REAL tight with them, i would have said something about it, but only so that i could ensure that i get the actual extinguisher caps and not like some ironlak stickers and a pink dot or something (AP is notorious for wrong items and very long ship times in my experiences)

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i realized i was a little vague about how to make caps spray wider without fuckin with the dot in them...


ok so lets say you have a rusto fat, or like a pink dot or an ny fat or anything like that and you want it to spray just a little bit wider.


like for me, i fuckin get boners for rusto fats and boston thins (which i conversely use for a fat cap most of the time) like i love the line with the little dot in the middle and the great flare i get. but i just want them to be a little bit wider...


you can make them easily an inch wider by applying this nifty little technique i learned a while back in broke-nigga-homeschool-phd-program-with-can-skillz0rz


you will need a cap, and a razor blade.


the cap has a stem at the bottom that inserts into the can. most caps have a notch in them.


some thin caps wont have it, but some fat caps have a huge one (like lvl 5 gold caps) i noticed my fat caps had larger notches in them than some of the other ones. so you get the razor and cut a STRAIGHT line parallel to the edge of the notch and make it twice as wide. so like if the notch was like 1/16th of the circumference of the lumen, then you would make the notch wider so that it is now 1/8th the diameter of the lumen.


the cap that responds the best to this is the rusto fat cap. for the size line it sprays, it has a very small notch in teh stem, which is why widening it is so ideal.


a little bit of warning though, make sure your cuts go straight up and down, or you are wasting the cut, and creating a leaky cap.


also make sure you do not cut more space vertically. only creat e more horizontal space in the notch, not vertical. it will squirt paint out the back of the cap every time you press it briefly if you cut it too high.


if every time you spray, you get a little dot of paint on ur finger, then you cut too high.



hope you guys have fun with this one if you didnt already know....


I was surprised at how well that actually work. Thanks

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any advice for popping the dot out of an ny fat?


aight this is how i do it. it will destroy the dot most times, but it will come out.


get a razor blade. (cocaine size, not xacto blade because they shatter)


jam the corner into the area to the side of the spray hole.


so your razor should be iin the diot, not on the cap. you should then try to push on the razor like a scoop motion and pop it out like ur prying it out.



i do this with old clogged silver fats and pink dots and astros and i can get a pretty fat line of about 5 inches wide from about 3 or 4 feet away.

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So, is there anywhere I can find Rusto Fats other than Elmers Glue? Dollar General had the spray glue but the cap was like a german. I went to both Wal Mart and Lowes, neither had the Elmers spray...


Is it time to just order some?


that shit is like $6.50, i ordered 100 the other month. seriously.. not expensive, order them. NY thins are cheap too.

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Actually with my job I'm always driving around, so I just stopped by these places. And plus I racked 2 color places and one of the Rusto 15ozs. I was just wanting good caps to use on it lol. I got all these other caps I ordered but Rusto leaks every fuckin thing...

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So, is there anywhere I can find Rusto Fats other than Elmers Glue? Dollar General had the spray glue but the cap was like a german. I went to both Wal Mart and Lowes, neither had the Elmers spray...


Is it time to just order some?


those ones like a german are GREAT in my opinion and very durable like rusto fats. so go for it!

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i dont use color place since they got rid of silver, but if you will, make sure you use flat, for maximum coverage potential. umm, my fav would be a rusto fat or a boston thin which is the one you said you have access to. and yes it is fat. a little bit fatter than a rusto fat.

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