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also, wtf @ all the "different" euro caps AP has now


yeh dude, its like they are jamming a pink dot in anything now....


crazy. i jammed a germanoutline tip into a grey dot once and it was quite nice. the reason why i did it was because my german outline blew its dot on the first spray and i was like hmmmm what can i do with this? but the outline without the dot in it gets crazy distance tho...

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I like that they've been steady upping their prices to rediculous levels. $3.99 for 10 caps, $25.99 for 100 packs? Fuck off dudes.


yo does anybody know any manufacturers? i dont even need to know who makes them, just give me the name for the cap. like the factory doesnt call it a "black dot" they call it a macclaim or something....


i heard the name for rusto fats once and i was like oh cool! but then i forgot it before i could get home and google a manufacturer.


i would totally cop 10,000 and break em off cheap.


5.99 shipping for something that weighs about as a much as the envelope it came in?





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if you want big tags like your heroes augor and revok then you need the straw. without the straw its just another tip with the inside popped out which you can make at home




looks like a rusto fat with the stem notched wider.


is that what it is?

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yo does anybody know any manufacturers? i dont even need to know who makes them, just give me the name for the cap. like the factory doesnt call it a "black dot" they call it a macclaim or something....


i heard the name for rusto fats once and i was like oh cool! but then i forgot it before i could get home and google a manufacturer.


i would totally cop 10,000 and break em off cheap.


5.99 shipping for something that weighs about as a much as the envelope it came in?






Just a few things:


To buy from the manufacturer is difficult because it is very hard to get an account since they don't generally like selling to graffiti writers/suppliers. Even if you were lucky to get an account, the minimum order is higher than 10,000 caps for most companies.


Just a note on shipping...


Try sending anything through FedEx or UPS for less than $6 - aint gonna happen.

Even USPS just raised their rates. You could still get caps sent to you for about $2 in shipping if you know where to order from and if you don't mind first class mail, but if you go into priority mail status it's around $5-6 minimum per package as well.

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yoooooooo tooooooooooooooooooooooooooooob






artprimos about to pull a pontiac, they are going to release way too much quality caps. flood the market, people will get confused and go back to what they know works. and now look whats happening, pontiacs getting shut down.


and im going to use that analogy until people forget what pontiac was so get off my nuts db because i know ive used it taking to you atleast 5 times.

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Just a few things:


To buy from the manufacturer is difficult because it is very hard to get an account since they don't generally like selling to graffiti writers/suppliers. Even if you were lucky to get an account, the minimum order is higher than 10,000 caps for most companies.


Just a note on shipping...


Try sending anything through FedEx or UPS for less than $6 - aint gonna happen.

Even USPS just raised their rates. You could still get caps sent to you for about $2 in shipping if you know where to order from and if you don't mind first class mail, but if you go into priority mail status it's around $5-6 minimum per package as well.




i agree with the flood of the market with these fat caps being excessive. anything after a pink dot is just a slight difference in hardness of line and spray.


shipping is one of those necessary evils. it just has to happen. for caps 4.99 seems a waste but the mark up for shipping from that 1.52 for your 3oz or whatever package is time, labor, materials and what not.

if you are ordering aerosol there it has to go ups ground, no question about it. hazardous material such as spray paint is only licsinced to be shipped through them.

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to be honest... not much aerosol is ORM-D when shipped... onthe real.



look at all the "just got my huge AP package!!!" videos on youtube.


ive only seen like one or two that had ORM-D on the side, or even any kind of papers....


acer and i went through all this bullshit with the USPS when we were first starting to ship out or mop paint (wont say the name, just pm if you wanna know) which is oil based and very flammable.

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all aerosol has to be orm-d. the sticker is just a flag to ups to let them know hazardous material is contained in the box. not all orders require orm-d. in fact you will be fined if the sticker is on the box and it does not contain said materials.


you should look into ups for hazardous material shipping.

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I use mostly FedEx for shipping out any orders I get. It's got the cheapest rates and they never say shit about what's in the box. I've clearly given them boxes with ORM-D or "Ironlak" all over the sides, and like 10-15 boxes at a time, and they've never mentioned a thing.


Also, having said this and having my own little thing going on. Shipping sucks. I don't have daily pick-ups because I have a 9-5 job on top of the side gig. I run around to the post office, to Fed Ex locations, and its a lot of driving and time to deliver somebody's $10 cap order, especially having NOT added a handling fee on top of the straight shipping cost. Hell a lot of times, FedEx charges ME more than the quote was for the customer on my site.

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what in the hell!?!?!


EVERY shipping company other then usps said it was going to be atleast 60 dollars PER container to ship flammable or combustible liquids. and usps was all crazy about the restrictions.


theres gotta be something im not seeing here because EVERY order ive received has NOT met the supposed labeling and packaging requirements. i think its just james fucking with me again because i KNOW he doesnt follow the rules. talkin bout "i do it so youd better be legit when it comes to shipping"

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Yeah, not good.

If they don't mark the box as being combustible under pressure and it boards a plane, you got trouble on your hands. If you ship it ground, it won't ever see a plane, therefore no problem. Just don't get caught.


I'm not sure the technicalities of shipping ink. USPS wouldn't let me ship a 8oz bottle of some alcohol based shit to a friend international. But that was after I described what the contents were. I just re-wrapped and kept my big mouth shut and it went off, made it's way and was delivered in perfect order.


It might have to do with the quantity that is being sent? If you are shipping large amounts of ink/ paint mixtures? They are hazardous material technically, but I don't believe combustible. To my knowledge I don't believe UPS requires ORM-D on boxes that contain ink/ paint mixtures.


If you are shipping it out, I would box ship it (not in manila/kraft envelopes) and not mention there is 2.7-8oz of ink in the packages you send out.

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fuck it, im personjally delivering every package of paint now myself. its gonna be 420$ shipping and smoking...*























































*see what i did there? no handling charge, people love discounts.

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Yeah, should've clarified that I ship aerosols ground only. I do know that a lot of the old paint heads that ship product to Europe just use the USPS and don't tell them whats in the boxes. Kind of fucked since people are paying a lot of dough for those cans.

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yeah, you could always claim ignorance if caught. the 'i was not aware that this was illegal' might fly. if they aren't required to ask and know what are in the boxes you give them then you cannot be held accountable if they fail to tell you you can't ship certain items? right?


for $420 i'll greyhound a package of paint anywhere in the us and parts of cananda (extra chargesa apply for having to deal with the country's citizens).

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nah, usps dictates that EVERY ink or solvent is combustible. prettymuch. atleast all the ones used for graffiti are hard to ship.


ive had no problem shipping inks its just when one busts and they open it up and smell that solvent, youd better pray the return adress got covered in ink.

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smuggling 101: never leave a correct return address.

may i remind you that i paid my way through school with similar methods... im not suggesting anything, but you can use your imagination on that one.

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