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smuggling 101: never leave a correct return address.

may i remind you that i paid my way through school with similar methods... im not suggesting anything, but you can use your imagination on that one.


didnt you JUST pay off your student loans a little after we started csr?

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nah my first trip through school was when i was on that chemical engineering shit. (i had just turned 16, so at this point i just wanted a cool major) so i payed up everything and got most of the way done, but didnt get enough credits for the degree. (stopped school after a shitty wreck that left me very crippled and very helpless)


i stuck around for a few, learned what i wanted to learn and got out. "dont need a degree for the skreets", i figured. after i revoked my "baller-status" i went back to a different school with a different field of study and graduated, and now i do what i do now..


and if you know what i do, or who i am, dont say what it is, but ace, you know what i do. so yeh. im still paying off this last semester of my last round of schooling, but at least this time, i earned letters at the end of my name, and a license to practice from the health department. (completing the paperwork alone was a feat of might..)


once im done paying though, im going to use all my credits i have left from the chem eng classes and use it towards getting my MD and becoming "Dr.-dBking-Anesthesiologist-at-large"!


im like .0000001 away from being a bachelor of chem eng though... kinda confusing.



im a mess. bleh. more smoke. less talk.



but in the meantime, here are some pictures i have selected for your viewing pleasure, in lieu of meaningful info and conversation pertaining to graffiti.










and last but not least, without much further ado, this is a pic from halloween last year. i had my mom take the pic so i could flex my uber-toned muscles.

muy fuerte'!


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god damnit.


lol its because i called him out on his "exclusive to oink" deal hahaha


thats a good deal,who else is gunna make legit adds for the tube, unless you want 13 year olds doing sweet buff test on cardboard to get your product out there,




but i think its cuz hes a jew.

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thats a good deal,who else is gunna make legit adds for the tube, unless you want 13 year olds doing sweet buff test on cardboard to get your product out there,




but i think its cuz hes a jew.


all tom-joolery aside, those same toys are my bread and butter. fact is, people our age who have been writing this long dont need to buy paint, if they dont know the recipe already, and/or have much more important things to spend our money on.


toys have money, and occasionally they believe in investing their dollar in our concept. sure, eventually a kid who buys my paint will someday know how i made it (hopefully), but for now he doesnt, and i do. and to him, that is worth his dollar. it is a gesture of faith in an effectively-advertised, quality product.


yes im out there to make a buck, ill admit that, but i am not marketing towards graff kings.

they either already know how to make paint, refuse to pay for paint, or have a sponsor of some sort. make hay while the sun shines my friends, if you have a market, then by all means SELL SELL SELL!!!


i would much rather have an army of toys submitting their videos of them using my paint than one video from oink that gets hot for a month and then fades into the periphery by the time the next video rolls around.. im not saying his videos arent dope, dont get me wrong, anton and james do a killer job on the vids, but you dont see me sending free paint to james to make my videos. ill send free paint to youtube toys all day, because i know they will like my product, make a video and most importantly tell other friends, who unlike the rest of us, actually pay for their paint.


have faith in toys man, every king was a toy at some point in their life...

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I agree with you. These kids are going to be the product testers for everything and anything that is put on the market. The little turds will figure shit out you didn't even think of. Granted they are for the most part super retarded, they have a good insight my jaded-by-old-age has forgotten. Recession isn't going to effect them much since they have no bills to pay and they can steal their parents credit cards without getting a felony charge.


DB, you are like the Jedi Knight of graff supplies.

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DB, you are like the Jedi Knight of graff supplies.


that validates every minute i have spent in the middle of the night typing out recipes and tutorials instead of getting blunted or sleeping.


thanks it means a bunch to be recognized.

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And ive noticed that ^, mostly the toys are making reviews on the graff suppplies, its like how the hell they can afford all that shit. they're fallin for the advertisement and thinkin' they're gonna get better by top quality paint. But o well who cares, toys nowdays not gonna get far at all, unless they realize they're waisting there money. sorry im just a random lerker readin and observin

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but as for getting back on topic, i had some silver super fats a while back. the silver round ones with the black dot.


i only use rusto, and when people send it to me, i use ironlak. so naturally the only two silver fats i had both clogged upon spraying. so being a handy do it yourself kinda guy, im like hey, i can fix this. so i tossed them in a bottle of wd-40 with all my old clogged caps and let them sit there. i throw all my old caps into it if i want to have a chance of getting them back. its about a 60% success rate with reclaiming old caps.


anyway long story short, i had these two caps and didnt know what the fuck to do with them, so i got a razor blade (it was conveniently stuck to my shirtless torso from laying on it in bed) and i wedged the corner of the blade into the black dot and pried out the dot.


wow does this thing spray like hell!


from 4 feet away i can get a pretty thick dot with gold rustoleum at a diameter of about 4inches for the solid paint and about a surrounding 3 inches for like residue, semi transparent coat of paint around the edges.


but man, i cant wait till AP sends me those extinguisher caps i ordered. i wonder how these compare.


the caps i made just DUMP out the paint... its crazy. sounds like a fire extinguisher hahaha


i have some gold level 5's that i am going to try it on next, then after that, i will modify the cap stems to make them wider, and then see whats up

ill compare and then tell you guys

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i realized i was a little vague about how to make caps spray wider without fuckin with the dot in them...


ok so lets say you have a rusto fat, or like a pink dot or an ny fat or anything like that and you want it to spray just a little bit wider.


like for me, i fuckin get boners for rusto fats and boston thins (which i conversely use for a fat cap most of the time) like i love the line with the little dot in the middle and the great flare i get. but i just want them to be a little bit wider...


you can make them easily an inch wider by applying this nifty little technique i learned a while back in broke-nigga-homeschool-phd-program-with-can-skillz0rz


you will need a cap, and a razor blade.


the cap has a stem at the bottom that inserts into the can. most caps have a notch in them.


some thin caps wont have it, but some fat caps have a huge one (like lvl 5 gold caps) i noticed my fat caps had larger notches in them than some of the other ones. so you get the razor and cut a STRAIGHT line parallel to the edge of the notch and make it twice as wide. so like if the notch was like 1/16th of the circumference of the lumen, then you would make the notch wider so that it is now 1/8th the diameter of the lumen.


the cap that responds the best to this is the rusto fat cap. for the size line it sprays, it has a very small notch in teh stem, which is why widening it is so ideal.


a little bit of warning though, make sure your cuts go straight up and down, or you are wasting the cut, and creating a leaky cap.


also make sure you do not cut more space vertically. only creat e more horizontal space in the notch, not vertical. it will squirt paint out the back of the cap every time you press it briefly if you cut it too high.


if every time you spray, you get a little dot of paint on ur finger, then you cut too high.



hope you guys have fun with this one if you didnt already know....

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sounds pretty dope on them caps. on my option though, i dont really buy those big fat ass caps n what not, i just use nys n rusto fats, but thats just me, and i know that was said a billion times on this thread . most popular caps out there. i wouldnt wanna dump paint anyways


i wanna dump out the paint because i like writing my name from my toes to 3 or 4 feet above my head real quick like for the swift getaway and the huge letters. they are big and bold.


dont get it twisted, this is not a cap for piecing or for even spraying it closer than a foot away from the wall for that matter.


it dumps out THAT much paint...

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not only that, but here is a link for windows 7 on the freeski








super secret hot preview shit.


dont say i never did anything for you...


i just activated my copy. i have run it for many days already and it hasnt fucked me off yet like vista did.




and hold on before anyone runs their mouth, im a die-hard unix user, so dont give me any fuckin lip about how gay windows is.


install 7 and see what the fuck im talkin about. this shit is butter.


i recommend 2gigs ram, 1 minimum



and good news for those of you who are 64 bit like myself, it takes full advantage of the 64 bit capabilities


taking the kernel to the extreme in my opinion

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but as for getting back on topic, i had some silver super fats a while back. the silver round ones with the black dot.


i only use rusto, and when people send it to me, i use ironlak. so naturally the only two silver fats i had both clogged upon spraying. so being a handy do it yourself kinda guy, im like hey, i can fix this. so i tossed them in a bottle of wd-40 with all my old clogged caps and let them sit there. i throw all my old caps into it if i want to have a chance of getting them back. its about a 60% success rate with reclaiming old caps.


anyway long story short, i had these two caps and didnt know what the fuck to do with them, so i got a razor blade (it was conveniently stuck to my shirtless torso from laying on it in bed) and i wedged the corner of the blade into the black dot and pried out the dot.


wow does this thing spray like hell!


from 4 feet away i can get a pretty thick dot with gold rustoleum at a diameter of about 4inches for the solid paint and about a surrounding 3 inches for like residue, semi transparent coat of paint around the edges.


but man, i cant wait till AP sends me those extinguisher caps i ordered. i wonder how these compare.


the caps i made just DUMP out the paint... its crazy. sounds like a fire extinguisher hahaha


i have some gold level 5's that i am going to try it on next, then after that, i will modify the cap stems to make them wider, and then see whats up

ill compare and then tell you guys


i realized i was a little vague about how to make caps spray wider without fuckin with the dot in them...


ok so lets say you have a rusto fat, or like a pink dot or an ny fat or anything like that and you want it to spray just a little bit wider.


like for me, i fuckin get boners for rusto fats and boston thins (which i conversely use for a fat cap most of the time) like i love the line with the little dot in the middle and the great flare i get. but i just want them to be a little bit wider...


you can make them easily an inch wider by applying this nifty little technique i learned a while back in broke-nigga-homeschool-phd-program-with-can-skillz0rz


you will need a cap, and a razor blade.


the cap has a stem at the bottom that inserts into the can. most caps have a notch in them.


some thin caps wont have it, but some fat caps have a huge one (like lvl 5 gold caps) i noticed my fat caps had larger notches in them than some of the other ones. so you get the razor and cut a STRAIGHT line parallel to the edge of the notch and make it twice as wide. so like if the notch was like 1/16th of the circumference of the lumen, then you would make the notch wider so that it is now 1/8th the diameter of the lumen.


the cap that responds the best to this is the rusto fat cap. for the size line it sprays, it has a very small notch in teh stem, which is why widening it is so ideal.


a little bit of warning though, make sure your cuts go straight up and down, or you are wasting the cut, and creating a leaky cap.


also make sure you do not cut more space vertically. only creat e more horizontal space in the notch, not vertical. it will squirt paint out the back of the cap every time you press it briefly if you cut it too high.


if every time you spray, you get a little dot of paint on ur finger, then you cut too high.



hope you guys have fun with this one if you didnt already know....

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i officially retract most of my previose statements about trout,


i have not ordered from them or any online supplier,


but i will vouch for BMC.


damn db you remind me when i had a sugarmomma no gob and spent most of my time waiting for night and flicking, every thread has your name next to it.

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the cap that responds the best to this is the rusto fat cap. for the size line it sprays, it has a very small notch in teh stem, which is why widening it is so ideal.valves


a little bit of warning though, make sure your cuts go straight up and down, or you are wasting the cut, and creating a leaky cap.


i was under the impression that all caps with wide notches leak on rusto

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i officially retract most of my previose statements about trout,


i have not ordered from them or any online supplier,


but i will vouch for BMC.


damn db you remind me when i had a sugarmomma no gob and spent most of my time waiting for night and flicking, every thread has your name next to it.


i just have alot to say. and like, i feel like telling half the people here to fuck off, but through the guidance of others, (you know who you are) who have encouraged me to tune out the haters, im just applying that negative energy into revealing lil tips and tricks buit by bit every time i feel like telling someone to fuck off, or like if im bored, sober, bored and sober, things like that. basically when im not getting blunted with the homies or making cope 2 cry in the yard....


ok so that last bit was a fib, but hey, i dont know why i post here. but it sure feels good to get props for knowing a bunch of random shit nobody else cares about....


smell what im stepping in?


p.s. i have a job. as a matter of fact i have two. UGH!

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