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Don't Call it Frisco


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chan's a pussy, won't fight like a man... barely touches downtown cause he knows he'll get caught up to. Him and his buddy atari get robbed by the gods, and they're scared for good reason....


i dont know whats more gay. big bad PCF teaming up on atari and chan, who are both a bucktwenty a peice tops, or being the little kid getting picked on.


for a skinny kid who looks like harry potter chan sure does alot of damage.

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chan's a pussy, won't fight like a man... barely touches downtown cause he knows he'll get caught up to. Him and his buddy atari get robbed by the gods, and they're scared for good reason....




The gods? Did you just call PCF the gods?


And didnt they rob them like 3-4 years ago?


Get over it.


(Not sticking up for Chan at all, just saying..)

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Its OK retired?.

I'm fucking up virgin spots you'll never get because your retired?.


No I'm not going to give you my life story but first of all I did wreck my middle school....


I should be retired cause I started killing it daytime fillins on roofs downtown early 1990 in my city and famous hotels making news papers and ish, but its for me and not to put smiles on active members of a stupid graff forum, I come here for the photos and spots, not to be ghey and talk.


This city deserves to be crushed and taken full advantage of, but too many toys dont see that.


The cops here are a joke, and I'm very serious about that....


Those in favor of this forum being about a photo archive of real bombing and tags, say word....


Maybe know one will read this far but thats cool too. It doesnt matter. We need toys too, that way we have contrast to the classically ill...



Learn English.


And by saying things like "Whos gonna kill it tonight?" makes you sound like a toy.


If you are what you say you are you should know better than to say stupid shit.

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