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Don't Call it Frisco


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Fuck 120z




Before we begin, "Steven Free" is a far better name than "Girafa." It's action-packed! But since male artists love, love, love using stage names, he obviously had to get a new one; after all, he was committing illegal acts of painting. We digress.


Yesterday morning, San Jose police announced the arrest one of "the most prolific graffiti artists in the Bay Area," Steven Free, 30, most commonly known as Girafa. Free was nabbed on a $100,000 warrant, charged with "10 felony cases in San Jose involving $40,000 in damages."


CoCo Times reports, "During a search of his San Francisco home, officers discovered thousands of pictures of graffiti with the "Girafa" moniker and cartoon characters of giraffes on several of his social Web sites."


San Jose police officer Jermaine Thomas said that Free "was just causing a lot of vandalism around the Bay Area, anywhere he would find a spot, he would use this moniker." (What's wrong with a little, or a lot, of branding? Sheesh. The fuzz are a bunch of squares.)


Criminal mischief aside, his stuff looked nifty. What I'm Seeing interviewed him earlier this year. When asked why people loved/hated him so mich, Free responded, "I don’t know for sure. I try not to pay attention to it on both sides. It makes me laugh. You can’t escape it. Its part of graffiti [...] It’s not my job to try and change other people’s feelings about me. My job is to do what I do regardless of an audience and what they think."


Filed in News and tagged art, girafa, graffiti, steven free, vandalism


Comments (3)

Free Free!

dondondondon at 10:52AM on 10/30/09[ report this ]

Isn't 30 a little too old to be doing this?

enginerd at 10:52AM on 10/30/09[ report this ]

"My job is to do what I do regardless of an audience and what they think."

I wonder what his salary is.

ethernautrix at 11:03AM on 10/30/09[ report this ]

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Re: Don't Call it Frisco


i honestly never understood the whole "free (insert friends name currently in jail here)". you willingly engage in criminal behavior. is it so hard to understand there are potential consequences? instead of writing "free so & so", it is more advisable to suggest your friend assume they will be caught every time they are painting and to plan every move 3 steps ahead as such - i.e no evidence at the place of residence. 'jus sayin..



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its crazy they did all that in a week or 2 and suentenced him in 2-3 days.... not like the states..



we should all take note. stayin out of jail is more important than your internet propers


^^^^true..we all self promote to some extent, but drawing a fucking road map on some blog or webpage about what you're writing and when you're writing is idiotic..no matter how ill or how up you are, stupidity is stupidity

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i honestly never understood the whole "free (insert friends name currently in jail here)". you willingly engage in criminal behavior. is it so hard to understand there are potential consequences? instead of writing "free so & so", it is more advisable to suggest your friend assume they will be caught every time they are painting and to plan every move 3 steps ahead as such - i.e no evidence at the place of residence. 'jus sayin..




I don't think anyone actually believes that a "free so-and-so" tag will bring about release, nor does it reflect in the writer an ignorance to the consequences of writing. It's simply a symbol, and a heartfelt one, no different than "RIP so-and-so" when someone dies or "for mom" for your mom or "So-and-so loves so-and-so" when you get a new girl or "happy birthday, so-and-so" on your homies birthday. Its just away to acknowledge a specific situation that involves a friend. The "Free" is simply a gesture, even a somewhat facetious one considering it's powerlessness aside from being a simple tip of the hat.

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I don't think anyone actually believes that a "free so-and-so" tag will bring about release, nor does it reflect in the writer an ignorance to the consequences of writing. It's simply a symbol, and a heartfelt one, no different than "RIP so-and-so" when someone dies or "for mom" for your mom or "So-and-so loves so-and-so" when you get a new girl or "happy birthday, so-and-so" on your homies birthday. Its just away to acknowledge a specific situation that involves a friend. The "Free" is simply a gesture, even a somewhat facetious one considering it's powerlessness aside from being a simple tip of the hat.



Well said. I retract my earlier rant.



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