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Don't Call it Frisco


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Jade has the bushopper hand down.


Old style bushopper shit.




Late 80's early 90's


Minis and Ultras.




Why doesnt anyone hit yards anymore?


they still get hit....reaaaal cutty. most of the kids hitting muni these days dont even know about the yards, shit has been going downhill since the late nineties...keep it movin tho i always pack the stainer


by 2008 all the old buses will be phased out...so enjoy them while they last. if im drivin down geary and see an old school tre eight runnin i put my shit in park and go hit panels...the 6 parnasus doesnt run the old electrics anymore...the 2 clement and 12 folsom run an old bus once and while....i fucking hate the new ones mayne!! i grew up on deisal pollution and rattling muni windows...im down to buy an old bus and park it in my back yard and have all my niggas come hit oneflows on it

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Re: Don't Call it Frisco


seriously. retired will hate on anything. must be that whole dysunctional obsessive compulsive graff writer mentality that most of us have. were all a bit fucked in the head.(at least i know i am) and thats why were all on here talking shit to each other like we hate each other like the next guy fucked my sister or someshit.

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