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U will be belted serious one..I promise u that..

U fake ass cunts ..

Anyone that posts on this Perth page.. Wen I get home .. I will hunt youse down

n rape yr sisters..

U ARE FUCKIN VICTIMS...Perth was Always full of soft cocked art fags..

Ayem crew are one of the worst offenders.. Ayre claimed victims of crime

in Canberra wen he got belted.. Yer that's right..

Stood up in court and gave evidnce ..

Piss fuckin weak..




What the fuck man.

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so no1 can post on here nemore jus cause you say so, grow up you talk your self right up, telling everyone youve been to prison for 3 years or wateveer it was are we sapose to be scared or something nothing tough bout bein inside only means youve been done for the crime. and no1 cares about you terrarizn drapht its not like hes got ne form on him hes a weazle


I'll tell u sumthing rite fuckin now.. I've done more for the Perth graff seen than nearly any muthers..

I actually took time out to take on young talented writers and pass on

knowledge that had been passes onto me..

Of the 4 writers that I helped only one is a proffesional tattooist or artist..

Fuck all yr Internet shit.. It sickens me that it's came down to a bunch of soft cock Internet nerds..

We stole EVERYTHINg.. Paint clothes film cameras .. It was a choice and culture of

being outside the fuckin law...

And it was violent. And cause no Internet these types of disscissions were done at train stations and writers benchs..

N it soon sorted out who was commited or not..

The illegal pieces me and dest were doin 10 yrs ago would still burn 90% of

the current shit..

If sumone is disrespectful to me. I don't take it..

I fuckin destroy cunts..

So fuck up..

U toys have made writting a fuckin joke..

Fact.. The COP are sum of the real KiNGs now.. BLESU shits all over u wannabe mummys boys..


U cunts kno nothing of real graff.. U buy yr fuckin paint for fucks sake..

We spent ours on beer..

N wen I come back I'll be makin sum changes in Perth..


But in the mean time SHUT THe FUCK uP..

yr all fuckin toy.. And you've shown u tards don't want direct knowledge from

a cunt that's been fuckin living the life since 1990 faggot..

And i don't mean at my mummys house. I mean out my own..

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Seriousone.. U mite want the last word..

And that u WILL have cunt.. Screaming as I bury a fuckin

claw hammer in yr head..


Check the first page of this thread..

Then ask around till you find sumone that can name a single

writer that's EVER beaten me... Phyisically..

U won't.. Why u think dest n elms are like they are...

Ask em... But their like me so they'd just stab u and take tr loose change


This is for real..

























Yap-yap, yap-yap.

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I'll tell u sumthing rite fuckin now.. I've done more for the Perth graff seen than nearly any muthers..

I actually took time out to take on young talented writers and pass on

knowledge that had been passes onto me..

Of the 4 writers that I helped only one is a proffesional tattooist or artist..

Fuck all yr Internet shit.. It sickens me that it's came down to a bunch of soft cock Internet nerds..

We stole EVERYTHINg.. Paint clothes film cameras .. It was a choice and culture of

being outside the fuckin law...

And it was violent. And cause no Internet these types of disscissions were done at train stations and writers benchs..

N it soon sorted out who was commited or not..

The illegal pieces me and dest were doin 10 yrs ago would still burn 90% of

the current shit..

If sumone is disrespectful to me. I don't take it..

I fuckin destroy cunts..

So fuck up..

U toys have made writting a fuckin joke..

Fact.. The COP are sum of the real KiNGs now.. BLESU shits all over u wannabe mummys boys..


U cunts kno nothing of real graff.. U buy yr fuckin paint for fucks sake..

We spent ours on beer..

N wen I come back I'll be makin sum changes in Perth..


But in the mean time SHUT THe FUCK uP..

yr all fuckin toy.. And you've shown u tards don't want direct knowledge from

a cunt that's been fuckin living the life since 1990 faggot..

And i don't mean at my mummys house. I mean out my own..




If sumone is disrespectful to me. I don't take it..

I fuckin destroy cunts.. take your own advice

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From now on, I only read posts that have peoples real names in them.


Wat I'm was sayin is I'm pretty sure I'm the only real writer here..

I just wanted to kno if it's say "dabue " or watever..

But yr all just toys rite. Living at home wif mummy

lissenin to her getting ridden like a fixie in my lawley..

Is there anyone here besides beans that I kno personally..

Or am I just using an Uzi I'm a daycare roo



The things I said about stormie and drapht I neede to say..

And it's the fuckin truth in black and white....

So protester would I even turn my head if I went past a piece of yrs..

Prob not right.

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Wat I'm was sayin is I'm pretty sure I'm the only real writer here..


No way! Storm boy was part of the buff squad! For realz? What the fuck is this, 2002?


What I'm saying is, putting peoples real name out on the net, or at the train station, is straight snitching. Fuck about the circumstances.

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maknup, just quit or like i said stick to throwys


2wheelwreckers ur coooked cunt shut the fuk up with ur shit of running thorugh houses, ill kik ur dad so hard in the balls ull die u over grown sperm peice of shit,


and nice piece swupe, but yer, i this this pik n urs speak for them selves


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maknup, just quit or like i said stick to throwys


2wheelwreckers ur coooked cunt shut the fuk up with ur shit of running thorugh houses, ill kik ur dad so hard in the balls ull die u over grown sperm peice of shit,


and nice piece swupe, but yer, i this this pik n urs speak for them selves


How fake do u sound tardlord.. Yr def from freo..

Wen u say kick my dad in the balls u mean suck him off rite..

Put up one of yr pieces bitch.. No hiding just let the graff speak for it's self..

U can hear the thumping of yr mum next door now but u jack off wishing u were in her place..

Put up a peAce and I'll either see yra king .. Or wat I kno u are, a wannabe

freo ladyboy..

Put up or fuck up clown..


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No way! Storm boy was part of the buff squad! For realz? What the fuck is this, 2002?


What I'm saying is, putting peoples real name out on the net, or at the train station, is straight snitching. Fuck about the circumstances.


Are u a tard?

Train stations ? WTF .. Before the net that's were writers hung out.. But u knew wat they wrote

.. Get it? I can't tell who's legit or not..


Stormie wasn't part of the buff.. He was the HEAD of the buff..!

Till I caught him goin over me at craigie..I capped him .. He cried..

It was 98 .. And it was called community clean up..

It'll be in the craigie book anyways..


Yr a tard rite?

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Nothing says "I've got a lot going for me, great career, nice house, free weekends and lots of friends" like picking fights and snitching on the internet.



33, prison time and fighting over graffiti.


And to think I wasted my life with travel, work and study with a bit of painting on the side for fun!!


What was I thinking?!

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has been confirmed he hasnt passed away


Confirmed eh...

Hahaa. I just went thru yr posts.. Yr sum little freo groupie..

So how did u confirm that I wasn't dead? Since I didn't answer

my phone untll a day later.. Eh..

Yr that faggoty cunt that hung round the butcher shop and was always lookin gay..

I kno u .. I'll see u at the craigie book launch.. Ok

u faggaty fuk..

YOUR A FRAUD.. confirmed like you'd just talked toe

or sumthing .hahahahahah

yr the biggest geek lookn fag wannabe..





.. Yr turn fraud....

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Nothing says "I've got a lot going for me, great career, nice house, free weekends and lots of friends" like picking fights and snitching on the internet.



33, prison time and fighting over graffiti.


And to think I wasted my life with travel, work and study with a bit of painting on the side for fun!!


What was I thinking?!

Well I'm a tattoost u lybian loving false interlectual.. ..

I make over 100k a year.. I'm lyin back on my 2000 couch in Tasmania where I now

work.. So u were close..

Oh.. And I just live my life.. And for most of it I chose to

paint even wen I had no house of my own.. I turn 20 in casarina prison.. The most

maximum security prison in Australia a that time..

I've not been back..

Graffiti helped me self educate about a bunch of other arts.

It created sum problems but it also saved my life..I do everthing

I choose to do to tha best I can.. And I do ok ..

So yr powers of deduction are way off...

So fuk up u police like character..

Wats yr fuckin story.. All that middle east debate shit..

I'm guessing yr broke rite ?

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