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Everything posted by seriousone.

  1. I'm in need of a good old fashioned blogging. Doesn't matter what it regards...Music, Lifestyle, random abstract shit, photos...whatever! As long as it's oontz worthy I'll start with a cool pictureblog someone posted once before... http://blogspot.steadylivingthelefthand.com/
  2. So, you think people with talent have to a) be literally...insane... b) enjoy places such as clarkson. c) want to bash cunts and steal everything d) rip on dead friends yeah nah
  3. <<<Edited out>>>. *sigh* but I like word pwning ppl. but this guys a bit screw loose. perhaps Ill keep my distance.
  4. ...nobody...cares..? /logoff
  5. im too belted for this strange nonsensical shit, goodnight
  6. go punch a cat or something, fag
  7. you wish, you'll forever linger on the fringes. you eat the poo-poo.
  8. gbh could you be any more juvie. get better looking styles or goto j line. scribbly rankness in my face on the reg. & teto...fuck. killing it but yknow - meh.
  9. go scratch a window dard. gank a cunts shoes while you're at it bru. brazen oner
  10. Lol, I liked Ar**e's hady's, never had anything else to say about the dude. Bombing peoples headstones is fucking wack. I certainly wasn't in 'awe' over his steez. I like it when people do graffiti. I just don't like rank cunts scribbling gayness. If it's simply a matter of high pressuring it off, leaving the artwork unmarked, then my level of caring has just diminished significantly
  11. whoever did that is a fucking lowdown peice of shit that should be kicked into the gutter. Regardless of who did it, you're just some faggot ass dero cunt trying to be hard, thinking your scribbles are the beez-fucking-kneez of perth city. I've got news for you. you're toy as shit. grow up. mature. learn some respect. what a fucking embarrassment. push for more walls to be painted by local artists rather than be a little gay cunt and scribble all over someones shit. cunt should be ashamed
  12. those are some straight up cotton-on bitches right there. dope ass ugg boots yo
  13. Being a dick to people, and thinking your opinions are what everyone else should think..... Yea you're right. You are indeed a wanker. so who's got pictures for the perth graffiti thread?
  14. look at Reno's "N"........look at it.. It's not original, it's FUCKING RETARDED. nice posts thar
  15. contribute by taking pics yourself! that shit is unsightly to look at & dilutes all the good graffiti. regards, perth mayor
  16. Re: All the "stars"love them you just blew my mind.
  17. howww do I reach these kiiiiiiiiiiiiids?
  18. wtf, I was giving the man some perspective. it's not cool to say things like that. if people want to fucking hurt me, why would i stir shit. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=E29iOPSxF94&feature=related
  19. say that to some of your rip friends you hypocritical fuck
  20. no problem, I won't be the one who won't be able to travel out of the country or have a decent job after you/& co. do that. You're being aggressive and lame. convo over, too many stalkers here.
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