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Just down in leederville and saw that dig*s knows whats up. roofies for the win, le buff = le effort.


I think I walked by a blok spray just below at the shop-front, but couldnt take a pic. shitty phone cam anyways.....Nice to see restepable graffers hitting up the places that matter. hopefully the F-line highway gets some attention, so many sweet spots, just need committerz on dem rooftops.

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this thread has better pix than alot of threads on here...

i agree some are ruff, some are killer...

u guys are abit elitist tho...well some are...i would rather see pix of shit than listen to ppl talk shit...and rather than bitch and complain...why not go paint something better?


the other threads on here (especially the city and location 1's...not crews/writers) they show all elements of graff...not just spraying...u get stickers/pasties/stencils...would be nice every now and then to see some of that...there's some cool stickers/pasties round perth and some cool artists!

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Just down in leederville and saw that dig*s knows whats up. roofies for the win, le buff = le effort.


I think I walked by a blok spray just below at the shop-front, but couldnt take a pic. shitty phone cam anyways.....Nice to see restepable graffers hitting up the places that matter. hopefully the F-line highway gets some attention, so many sweet spots, just need committerz on dem rooftops.



yeah but being from fremantle myself. I've learnt that there are wayyyy to many cops along that area, some of it is like the richest parts of perth overall.

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Not so much cops, but security, see security see you, gives you about five minute window along the whole F line. Plenty of time to disappear. Walking past Karrakatta at stupid o'clock with a full pack was like a gauntlet. Nowhere to run. Vending machine at the barracks was a fucking winner though.

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yeah but being from fremantle myself. I've learnt that there are wayyyy to many cops along that area, some of it is like the richest parts of perth overall.


Yeah, I was going to say, F lines dope, but I reckon avoid the Fremantle side of the line. You're right there can be an above average police presence on some nights around that area. But further down the highway, Neddies clarmont way, are much safer and have some insanely great roofies and sidestreets that have walls visible from the highway that cops wouldnt even look for at night..then in the light of day BAM whered that colour come from?? The whole highway can see it.


Not so much cops, but security, see security see you, gives you about five minute window along the whole F line. Plenty of time to disappear. Walking past Karrakatta at stupid o'clock with a full pack was like a gauntlet. Nowhere to run. Vending machine at the barracks was a fucking winner though.

It's worth it..someone needs to bring that underpass to life. However yeah..cops like that karrakatta gauntlet...normally for booze busses though. So I think its more about not drawing attention..about looking somewhat legit..and not wearing like baseball caps air max and hoodies, maybe a dress shirt or some shit yknow.


the other threads on here (especially the city and location 1's...not crews/writers) they show all elements of graff...not just spraying...u get stickers/pasties/stencils...would be nice every now and then to see some of that...there's some cool stickers/pasties round perth and some cool artists!


Couldn't agree with you more. was browsing the melbourne thread and even though it has wayy less active users, even the last 2 pages of the thread is filled with some great diverse graff. Its even pretty inspiring.


Apologies for opinion posting, ill be sure to post rad flicks in next few days.

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Still true today that painters more likely get done on their way to and from spots. Nice post mate. Car for FWY painting is a solid look, but you are pretty likely to arouse suspicion on the highways in the dead of night, especially if there is more than one person in the car. The focus on graffiti has steadily increased since the early 2000's - some of us will remember Operation WASP? Now you see stuff like this all the time;


A WA Police blitz on graffiti has resulted in nine arrests and more than 100 charges.


Assistant Police Commissioner Stephen Brown said graffiti vandals ran a high risk of being caught.


"We have a renewed focus on apprehending graffiti vandals and bringing them before the courts," he said.


Police would continue to focus on catching graffiti offenders throughout the metropolitan area.


Keryn Reid, acting project manager for the State's Tough on Graffiti Strategy, said vandalism was a priority for the State Government because of its significant impact on the community.


"Seeing graffiti rife in our community reduces community pride and can increase fear in residents," Ms Reid said.


Research carried out by First Const. Robyn Cottman shows that graffiti offences are often accompanied by other antisocial and criminal activities.


"If graffiti offenders are caught and dealt with by the law, then we are likely to see a decline in other antisocial offences," Const. Cottman said.


People who provide information leading to the arrest or apprehension of graffiti offenders are eligible to receive a reward of up to $1000.


To report graffiti for removal or to provide police with information, contact the Goodbye Graffiti hotline on 1800 442 255 or visit http://www.goodbyegraffiti.wa.gov.au .


It will be interesting to see what comes of the new CoC for the security companies in WA. Probably nothing, but you never know, worth keeping an eye on just in case.


Anyway. Keep painting.

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