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the paint roller thread

The Hipster

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The following pictures & stories were copied from an issue of "Reader's Digest".

All characters mentioned are, of course, fictional, comic book superheroes & heroines.

Set design: Industrial Blockbuster-Light & Magic.





This was a well planned, but ill-fated mission. We pulled it off, but basically everything went wrong along the way. The connection never buzzed us in, so we had to wait for someone to enter the front door & we kinda just pushed our way in carrying all this shit.OK, so we take the elevator up to the 7th floor, but still gotta get up to the roof, which is locked.The fuckin' people who lived in these lofts should work for Homeland Security or some shit. A couple of guys started hassling us right away but I forget what bs we laid on them. (After we finished painting, the same guys came back, real pissed off & tried to start a fist fight with me & DONA.)

So, buckets ready, rollers ready...of course. it had to start raining, fuckin' hell...DONA'S taller than me & we did ours together, so she held my ankles while I hung over the edge with the extended roller pole. REVS was doin' his own thing on the side with "primo location" that could be seen from Manhattan across the East River. He wound up painting "crasy" instead of "crazy". Working upside down in the rain at night.

It was funny anyways cause they couldn't buff the "VS" under the RE. To take flicks, I literally stopped my truck on the Willy B bridge; cars, trucks, drivers cursing us swerving around. Good thing we flicked it, cause it got buffed later that day. I bet that "VS" is still there too.













I "think" West Side Hwy, way uptown, wasn't there so,correct me if I'm wrong. Real nice job though, they rocked it!!!






This was def "THE" spot to hit on Houston...I believe it made the papers, people were up in arms. "Oh no, not OUR DKNY city mural, heavens to Betsy, these vandals must be stopped". PEAK & DONA!!! Every member of VIC were the nicest, most talented fuckin' people you could ever work with. The men treated all us women as equals in every way. With respect.

Damn, PG was a sweetheart, showin' me the ropes the 1st time we met.








Nobody really bothers you in Chinatown. Since we always first cover the spots solid, we just say we're "eradicating" the hideous graffiti. Mark off even spaces. Outline the letters. Bam! Gone. Haha. Yeah.

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This was my first ROLLER. I forget which /where this lil park was. Near Flushing Ave maybe?. The fucked up part was that this oil-based silver bucket paint splatters really bad when you're way up close to the wall. The ROLLER came out ok, considering as I was VIC rookie I got the behind a tree spot. Also had to go to a nearby industrial paint co & ask for thinner cause we were fuckin messed up, despite the one-piece white painters' jumpsuits. Well. Gotta earn your spots whatever you're doing.


This fuckin silver paint ruined the back rug in the storage area of my suv. It was the END of my spotless vehicle. Ever try n' clean THAT shit? Forget it. Ever try n' get it off your entire face with nail polish remover? DON'T DO IT. #1 it's stupid #2 you can use cooking oil.


DIVA, PEAK, & REVS invited me on this mission. REVS caught a wicked high spot & went back to fix/"maintain" it's integrity several times after.




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