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i didnt hear any complaints when it was JA tags on a tressle.:rolleyes:

shut your fuckin mouth.


That's so true. Like, if a kid just starting to write tells you oh I write this... Most writers would say, stupid name, but if you discover someone from Europe or whatever and he is fucking ill, and you say: Oh he writes this... oh that's a bad name.


If you see JA doing something: Oh that's bad! And he doesn't even have like a sick tag or throw up... so if a kid does that, you will say, hmm... that's a good spot but he waisted it...


I think...

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goddamn....compund fracture or what? how many places did it break in?


jesus, i can;t imagine.....was it one of those things where you were in so much shock it didn't even register at first?


::limping into a local bar::


"jack and coke please...."


"Holy shit! Your bone is popping out of your skin boy!!!"


"Wait, what? no, i just fell a short distance an omigodjesuschristmotherofgod! AAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHH!!!!! AAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!"

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I hope the spot above is indeed in some hot intersection or some place that would justify the work.


I do not get heated when people hit small businesses, houses, churches or your run of the mill city mural but going over old ass hand painted advertisements kind of rubs me the wrong way.


I like to see some history when I walk around.


Just to clarify I am not in any way talking shit here just my thoughts.

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That's so true. Like, if a kid just starting to write tells you oh I write this... Most writers would say, stupid name, but if you discover someone from Europe or whatever and he is fucking ill, and you say: Oh he writes this... oh that's a bad name.


If you see JA doing something: Oh that's bad! And he doesn't even have like a sick tag or throw up... so if a kid does that, you will say, hmm... that's a good spot but he waisted it...


I think...


you just said he doesn't have a sick tag or throw up, your opinion holds no relevance ssh.

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goddamn....compund fracture or what? how many places did it break in?


jesus, i can;t imagine.....was it one of those things where you were in so much shock it didn't even register at first?


::limping into a local bar::


"jack and coke please...."


"Holy shit! Your bone is popping out of your skin boy!!!"


"Wait, what? no, i just fell a short distance an omigodjesuschristmotherofgod! AAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHH!!!!! AAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!"



hahaha....naw....i didnt realize my leg was broken at first....shit was kind of funny.....cause when i did realize, i was more dissappointed that the night was over than i was that i had broken my leg.....compound fracture....broken tib fib....leg was hangin together by like a inch worth of skin...shit really sucked seein as how my bones heal really fukin slow....

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