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Yo berfdog... way to go over the Hesr (Heist r.i.p.) and Fase rooftop.


the spit tags over the pieces were done as a joke by somebody who obviously watched beatstreet and might have been the property owners of the bike co-op. and the spot is generally considered as a good memory spot to laugh at when Heist and Fase would come through town. you could still see what they did underneath, very well. robbing one more memory of a time the two had spent together. Lost had that building lined up as a legal too if i understood... i'm not sure if it fell through or not but i know a select few individuals were going to tribute that Heist spot for sure.


you vh/bak kids seem to be really good at doing that. bak dicking over memorials done for Phrite, dicking over people's pieces that they did with Phrite and Heist right before they passed. I'm including you now in the roster of asshole toys because of this action.

Rest in peace Phrite and Heist.


Although a lot of the pieces that were done with you guys have been dissed by jealous assholes in this city, they will never ever have the heart you two did... and never leave a lasting impression. Flashes in the fucking pan. We still have our memories of the good times. Those punks can never go over that.


I hate this place.

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naaaaaw. u got it twisted. mayb if dudes werent capping off full BAK productions wiht r.i.p. phrite productions there would b no problem. im not getting involved in this shit ur talking about im just stating the fact. if ur gonna say BAK than u need to no what ur talking about. because BAK never started shit over that. they were just gone over. u shouldnt use ur homies death as a way to get over on others.

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RIP HEIST. didn't know, just saw dicked peices. not a toy. who dicks peices for a joke? vh has never tried to disrespect any one. whats done is done no need to be salty about it. heist has been pretty comemerated all over ohio. and i dont think that any one who knows him will ever forget him or the work hes done. there will be a time when there is very little graff left over from our generation, just like how lost has probably seen a lot of his and other fallen writers peices dissapear. no disrespect. bump heist forever.

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Yo berfdog... way to go over the Hesr (Heist r.i.p.) and Fase rooftop.


the spit tags over the pieces were done as a joke by somebody who obviously watched beatstreet and might have been the property owners of the bike co-op. and the spot is generally considered as a good memory spot to laugh at when Heist and Fase would come through town. you could still see what they did underneath, very well. robbing one more memory of a time the two had spent together. Lost had that building lined up as a legal too if i understood... i'm not sure if it fell through or not but i know a select few individuals were going to tribute that Heist spot for sure.


you vh/bak kids seem to be really good at doing that. bak dicking over memorials done for Phrite, dicking over people's pieces that they did with Phrite and Heist right before they passed. I'm including you now in the roster of asshole toys because of this action.

Rest in peace Phrite and Heist.


Although a lot of the pieces that were done with you guys have been dissed by jealous assholes in this city, they will never ever have the heart you two did... and never leave a lasting impression. Flashes in the fucking pan. We still have our memories of the good times. Those punks can never go over that.


I hate this place.


then they should still do a memorial piece there. you said it yourself it was gonna get painted over. dont put my whole crew on blast cause of it. you dont know all of us, and he said it was a mistake and has mad respect for Hesr/Heist. RIP Heist.

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to verfiably hated - that wall i guess fell through a while back. the co/op's not even there anymore. and it's easy to group your whole crew because all of you haven't even seen a 3 full years in the graff game... and it shows by your style and decision making. for fucks sake there's a kid writing Alot. I'm sorry but the only Alot in my eyes is Alot17 R.I.P, research him... that's pretty disrespectful for a new jack to be pulling that one off.


@ tiger hoods - heist didn't die 15 years ago. and i'm sure the majority of us would rather see a fallen writers stuff fade away instead of it getting dicked over by the inexperienced and uneducated.

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to verfiably hated - that wall i guess fell through a while back. the co/op's not even there anymore. and it's easy to group your whole crew because all of you haven't even seen a 3 full years in the graff game... and it shows by your style and decision making. for fucks sake there's a kid writing Alot. I'm sorry but the only Alot in my eyes is Alot17 R.I.P, research him... that's pretty disrespectful for a new jack to be pulling that one off.


@ tiger hoods - heist didn't die 15 years ago. and i'm sure the majority of us would rather see a fallen writers stuff fade away instead of it getting dicked over by the inexperienced and uneducated.



first off, like i said, you dont know me. i dont live there, and i sure as fuck do not have to sign off on what other people do. they are their own persons. secondly, ive been painting longer than you know and if you wanna continue this bullshit talk, pm me or next time im in ohio we can paint it out. dont tell me "my style and decision making", i had no part in it, nor did my crew, and i make great fuckin decisions. i am sure you dont check with your crew before doing shit, and im sure people you are down with have done things you disagree with aswell.


all i am saying is by not taking it straight to him, and blowing it up all over the internet you arent solving shit. be a man, pm the kid next time, and keep it between you two.


and yes i know who Alot17 was and respect him as well as Heist and Phrite.

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wow, im fuckin embarassed to say im from cleveland ohio....home of the most fuckin cry baby bitchin gettin there panties all in a bunch fools....and who fuckin cares if theres another alot.....alot from 216 gets up and does his shit, so take the dick outa ur mouth n quit hatin!!

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