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I really hope ASERT did not side bust that HEIST box.... that would be epic fail on aserts fart..i mean part...


Really dude? REALLY? You think that's a real Heist? Obviously that's Crow keeping the name up. Go look at some old flicks if you don't believe me...and you can't sidebust the dude painting next to you.

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I really hope when I see you again you wont be begging for a flick of your train after I just jacked you for your paint and you ran like a bitch. Now that was an epic fail. Glad your dads a dentist, Ill be seeing you soon. And Im not going to be okay wiht you whining like a bitch how you dont want beef when you see me.

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I really hope when I see you again you wont be begging for a flick of your train after I just jacked you for your paint and you ran like a bitch. Now that was an epic fail. Glad your dads a dentist, Ill be seeing you soon. And Im not going to be okay wiht you whining like a bitch how you dont want beef when you see me.


i remember hearing this story. lulz.

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Hey, why is it that you love starting shit out of nothing, and picking fights with people smaller than you. Does that make you feel better about yourself? what does this shit accomplish aside from driving the culture apart and giving it such a negative stereotype. that's not what i'm about. i made a mistake and didn't look at the flick closely if its that bigga deal, which it apparently is. im sorry,, it happens i seriously have no time energy or desire to be dealing with this kind of negativity within this culture. I have way too much going and many opportunities at stake to be involved with unproductive activity, such as this. Don't you all have lives go to school or at least paint something! Fuck words.....haha f words..

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"I'm sorry" and "I won't anymore" doesn't work, YOU should know that.


As far as letting you sly because of "Someone smaller than you", that's happened...and like the Beatles, we let it be....but Being is old news. This is not Asert's EPIC FAIL, this buddy 'ol pal, is yours.



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