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Incredible find. Did you give that one to Roger for his project yet?


Pm me and let me know or hit me back an answer here.


my dude Atti took that flik. i gave him rogers e-mail to send high rez fliks. he has more and my dude stretch and arise are gonna float me some negetives to scan.


i'll definitely keep you posted offline.









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Just to keep the thread going, I wanted to post this sketch I just drew.( I know, I know, fuck a sketch but I haven't painted in awhile and I'm jonsing to do so with the warm weather here.) I've been hearing all my old chill spots around Cleveland are hot these days so if you've got some wall space for an old man, hit me up. If anyone's interested in trying to get some production walls going soon let me know.





Great last few pages by the way.

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Just to keep the thread going, I wanted to post this sketch I just drew.( I know, I know, fuck a sketch but I haven't painted in awhile and I'm jonsing to do so with the warm weather here.) I've been hearing all my old chill spots around Cleveland are hot these days so if you've got some wall space for an old man, hit me up. If anyone's interested in trying to get some production walls going soon let me know.





Great last few pages by the way.


Looks great and sounds great to!

we will have to organize a gathering of some sort, like maybe a picnic and i can bring the drinks, hahaha.

but yea there are spots to get, bunch of new revols all over town.

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