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dudes a clown end of story....I gots nothing to prove to you crik just 15+ years of work to blast you with, and I can still get nice with it so don't underestimate the kid... go on now lil toy degrade cleveland some more by the mere utterance of the word from your mouth., fuck that you degrade cst ohio and anyone you speak on in your behalf..tip, crik= toy....614killa icu hpd asf tfc holla...sorry to pull your hoe card but I been watching you clown yourself for awhile now you fixen to get fucked up...you have no hands, weak letters, and no throwup style at all.. I will mash you out on any level of the game, and this is coming from the old school....


crik isnt in cst smart ass and as much as a i dont care i heard that pbj was the only crew doing anything i columbus as of the last 2 years. if its not cleveland i dont care

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the picture is at snow trails between columbus and clevo that arise was like 5 years ago at some venue in lakewood that went out of business. and the wild west got painted over because george bush was supposed to drive in down 55th so they buffed a lot of graffiti including the legal wall. besides the owner of that place got shot anyways.

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the picture is at snow trails between columbus and clevo that arise was like 5 years ago at some venue in lakewood that went out of business. and the wild west got painted over because george bush was supposed to drive in down 55th so they buffed a lot of graffiti including the legal wall. besides the owner of that place got shot anyways.


Ah yes...I remember that place, I painted in there a few times.


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crik isnt in cst smart ass and as much as a i dont care i heard that pbj was the only crew doing anything i columbus as of the last 2 years. if its not cleveland i dont care








I could out paint you with my eyes closed any day of the week...






nuff said post flicks or shut up

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i like how this guy lost drops in and thinks he can sum up and fix the problem so easy


i have ignored these post whores forever! fact is they still will not wake up

and got their old school writer is so caught up in someone caring he is alive INSTEAD OF SCHOOLING THESE FOOLS he acts like a juvenille about shit he should know about by now

so we are done with you fools


Got, like BoJangles is caught up in rich pussy and making a nice amount of loot for his work.


but here's a lesson;

smack talk means nothing, the proof is not only in the put in, but also in the recompense.


recompense can mean (preferably) money, fame, recreation or enjoyment.

if you get neither from graff, you need to quit.


who is this anyway?

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Got, like BoJangles is caught up in rich pussy and making a nice amount of loot for his work.


but here's a lesson;

smack talk means nothing, the proof is not only in the put in, but also in the recompense.


recompense can mean (preferably) money, fame, recreation or enjoyment.

if you get neither from graff, you need to quit.


who is this anyway?




^^^^^dude I take it your about my age, your boy needs checkd and I know you rep cst.


I gots respect for cst, otr tase sano lost, but these kids you hang out with talk soo much


shit, and I remember the first time this dude pm'd me about a year ago he was sano this


sano that cst this cst that..I got nothing to prove to these LIL dudes, but them dropping a


respected crews name after they talk so much shit kind of tarnishes what you cst did accompish in my eyes..

..I've seen crews come and go, and Ive also seen crews try and put young kids



down or affiliate themselves with the younger generation to try and get some street cred.


Its not all about the numbers you have because if you affiliate yourself with stupid people then be prepared to suffer the consequences when they act stupid.





This dude feels like he can put people on blast and drop names of respected writers..He


already talked mad shit on asf tfc pbj droids, crews that deserve respect, if your down with that then you are just as bad as him...he's a toy plain and simple and he needs checked so if


you cant handle your troops a real muther fucker like me will..make money I know I do, take


care of your family I know I do..Real recognize real, graff is a hobby not a job and


cleveland is not the only place that puts in work in ohio, too bad thats

the only place you guys seem to care about..


If thats so why are you and crik always on this OHIO thread talking shit

this is OHIO not just cleveland ohio here...


it seems to me when ever I drive thru ender and gerl still got it locked along with droids,


all cool people, all quality work, just like your man said these are the only kids who are really putting in work..



If you feel threats by this put in work like that then you won't have to say shit..

School your people give them some hands and some letters


then maybe they won't have to post their own flicks and some one else will post their work if its good...

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^^^^^dude I take it your about my age, your boy needs checkd and I know you rep cst.


I gots respect for cst, otr tase sano lost, but these kids you hang out with talk soo much


shit, and I remember the first time this dude pm'd me about a year ago he was sano this


sano that cst this cst that..I got nothing to prove to these LIL dudes, but them dropping a


respected crews name after they talk so much shit kind of tarnishes what you cst did accompish in my eyes..

..I've seen crews come and go, and Ive also seen crews try and put young kids



down or affiliate themselves with the younger generation to try and get some street cred.


Its not all about the numbers you have because if you affiliate yourself with stupid people then be prepared to suffer the consequences when they act stupid.





This dude feels like he can put people on blast and drop names of respected writers..He


already talked mad shit on asf tfc pbj droids, crews that deserve respect, if your down with that then you are just as bad as him...he's a toy plain and simple and he needs checked so if


you cant handle your troops a real muther fucker like me will..make money I know I do, take


care of your family I know I do..Real recognize real, graff is a hobby not a job and


cleveland is not the only place that puts in work in ohio, too bad thats

the only place you guys seem to care about..


If thats so why are you and crik always on this OHIO thread talking shit

this is OHIO not just cleveland ohio here...


it seems to me when ever I drive thru ender and gerl still got it locked along with droids,


all cool people, all quality work, just like your man said these are the only kids who are really putting in work..



If you feel threats by this put in work like that then you won't have to say shit..

School your people give them some hands and some letters


then maybe they won't have to post their own flicks and some one else will post their work if its good...


for as long as i can remember 'kids talk shit'. nothing new. if you got it like that, it dont matter. kid gonna do what a kid gonna do rasclot.


why you so worried about shit that has nothing to do with you?

just do your thing man. let shit fall into place the way shit falls into place.



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