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cola come over...i actually like ur throwie skills..maybe u cud hit my book...ofcourse i still have to buy one..


i would but can't seeing as im 13, carless, 6,000 miles away and my parents would be strongly against meeting up with people i met on the internet

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your definetly a good drawer.. u have a lot of potential.. if i were you i'd start w/ simple letters and progress those until u develop a style then can do those crazy wildstyles..

u gotta learn letter structure first..


i like it though

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yea, i pretty much come up with random shit, I have no style, that I can do over and over, except my tags, I seen pros do it without ereasing their letters (wildstyles), which I still have to do. Erasing sux!, hmm... I try not to bite other peoples styles

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The perspective and the colors are good, I like the orange drips you have on the background. The letters would look better if you messed with the thickness like freak said. I dont know, its seems a little too crammed for me.

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chaka the reason good writers can outline a wildstyle in pen is cause they built there style up piece by piece and have it memorized.


they know there letter shape, there flow, what areas of there word make good connections and extensions, usally they also have a favorite style of 3d, fill, and highlight/depth.

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Yea, I see what you mean, I saw this guy do the alphabet with a pen, no mistakes, all wildstyle letters, fucking good too. So I should just stick to a certain style that I like? or should I just come up with new style everytime? I know this is my choice but what do you all think? I personally prefer to see something "fresh" not something repetitive.

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(¯`·._[¿♠HàN9MáN♠™]_.·´¯): what up peoples im jus gonna throw some toys on here then move on to ma good shit



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