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yeahh...more work on ur letters....looks like your can control is aight tho, the mre you paint the less shaky your lines will get, an youll be able to tell when you might get drips an shit. this is a paper thread tho, your pic shoulkd be in the toy paint thread really. you should sketch/paint some simples like this MRT.png

an post em

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^^^ separate your letters a bit more, space them out and let em breathe. Work on ure letter thicknesses too, keep all bars the same width. It probly wouldnt hurt to study some simple letter forms further back on this thread cos that K is pretty out there on the first ones. You wanna construct ure O like a donut, one solid curved block, u dont wanna be missing out the holes in letters right now.


Hope that helps!

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i would suggest not using marker and/or colouring anything in, use a pencil so you can fix things when you recognize a mistake, for example, you might realize that your A is hidden behind your J when your rocking a sketch, and that way you can erase it and play around with where you think it would sit best. have patience and really force yourself to buckle down and keep it simple, you're on the right track. most beginners, if not all, try to jump hurdles that they arent prepared for, and naturally, it sets them back. you'll look back and be thankful you learned the basics of strong letter structure, so you dont have to be one of those cats who hide behind those fancy extensions and know inside you cant rock a dope simple... hope this helps, lets see what ya got.

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mr tv? did you just watch Exit Through The Gift Shop?


your funny. no i chose it because it the name of a character in a comic book i used to draw back in high school. im still working on a name. MR tv was a character always being negative and pissed off. so im using him now to say more positive messages. there's too much negativity in the US and especially in the streets of atlanta. id rather make people smile.


im working on a name rite now that fits but for now ill be MR tv.. lol!

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@ nvs - no. read the advice on this page. no hate, just tone it down a lot.


and @ mr.tv - so you have seen exit through the gift shop? what you're doing now really seems like some hipster, movie inspired bs graffiti...


really? i appologize but iv been doing it since i was 17 if u had read my earlier post. i was shot for tagging a gang affiliated neighborhood @ 17 when i was homeless, and WAS inspired ta get back to it by some close friends now standing at 23 ive got A LOT of catching up to do.

(and like i said before ive moved past that down spot in my life and dont want glory or street cred like 50cent im a suburban kid with heart hats been through A LOT from decisions made as a kid)


i have income, thats why i can afford to use paint to practice... im not just some hipster thats a crazy accusation, passing judgment can only be true by meeting someone 101 IMO. some of my worst enemies are friends now due to miss judgment done on forums. im looking for critics, not just put downs if this doesn't clarify my statements then cool ill just take everything u have to say with a grain of salt.


I have seen exit through the gift shop... good movie... truly crazy story.... and the message is good "DONT BE A SELL OUT" but would i go out and shit on other artists because now i think im a MASTER LIKE ALL THE PPL IN THE FILM?... NAH but i did learn more of the movement that has occurred while ive been couped up in my mind building cars and inventions rather than using paint to express things in color again.


make ur judgments im not looking for friends just advice and tips... ive followed 12oz since 2006 and was spraying 2003-2005 when i was shot, a friend turned me back onto discussing online and now i see why i left it to the trolls.

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ummm, go simpler just a tad.. whats it say, aioe? atop?


aiden...for a mates kid...


just trying new things atm, so id rather ppl give me a honest opinion...


here is a "hot"




and a "nvs"




looking forward to using some color and actually painting 1...

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If anyone needs advice then snotballs pretty much got it down. I have seen his shit in the new sketch thread and it is fucking insanely good.


And SAON, im really feeling your stuff, keep it up! I like the way ure getting that slice of colour highlight in before u go for the black 3D, nice effect.

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