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Thats what I'm asking, how can you just make that assumption if you don't have any criteria to base your opinion on? Does this remis have a lot of ups, is his piecing really good?


I don't care if theres another remis.


I'm going to get so good that it'll make him look like shit..


if your talking about this remis: http://farm4.static.flickr.com/3493/3739999131_404a94e460_o.jpg


Well then , he's anything but PRO. Average letters and an average color scheme.


Now get the fuck out.

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&& remis, im sure thats one of hundreds of pieces remis has done. pro just means hes been in the game for his number of years, however long that is. graffiti is really a skill that improves with time. unless he stops painting, and you paint for 10 maybe 20 years, i dont think youd ever out-skill him. thats not what its about. lets not get cocky. that remis post he did is accualy pretty good.

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How about you pm me instead of filling this thread with your bullshit complaints?


I'm still going to write remis and I'm not even trying to be cocky, cuz I know in a few more months I'll be way ahead in terms of that dudes skill level... I've only been writing for 3 months anyway..

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I have TONS of respect for writers, but just being in the game for a long time doesn't earn you shit..


You could be in graffiti for 15 years and still suck, and I do have examples of those types of people, so longevity is important but it's more the skill level and understanding that separates a toy from a writer..

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