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^^ Hahahaha, he didn't know someone wrote EVOKE already.



:lol: :lol:

Actually, I did know to be honest with you. I've been writing for almost a year now, so I'm plugged into the scene. I only recently joined this forum (as you can see by my join date) and even though I still consider myself a toy, I know what's what. I was looking for a NICE way to tell him that his word was chosen, rather than be a dick like most people would and say something like "Yo toy EVOKE is king don't steal his fuckin name."




and that matters?


anyway. bump


Yeah, actually it does. When you take the name of a good writer, it aggravates our community. It's disrespectful, as you're biting the style and name of a writer who's been around and who's hit spots you'd never attempt in your best wet dreams.


Now, if I were to steal your name, it'd be a tad bit disrespectful, but not nearly as bad as stealing the name of a king. See what I'm gettin' at here? It's sort of a...respect your elders type of deal, only different.

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well. i know kns from another forum. i told him evoked was taken. he said he was sticking with it.

plus evoke is euro(?) and im pretty sure kns is somewhere here in the states

or the other way around.


and its a stretch to call evoke a king.

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Guest theDRIVER
Actually, I did know to be honest with you. I've been writing for almost a year now, so I'm plugged into the scene. I only recently joined this forum (as you can see by my join date) and even though I still consider myself a toy, I know what's what. I was looking for a NICE way to tell him that his word was chosen, rather than be a dick like most people would and say something like "Yo toy EVOKE is king don't steal his fuckin name."



from the looks of it, you arent plugged in to shit. all the int3rn3tz reading in the world cant do that. and dont think im saying i am, because im not. but i have seen what its like and people like you will get fucking killed.

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Guest theDRIVER
yo guys i posted some stuff awhile bacck and didnt get much crits but i write sunk i was wonderin if anyone could help me wit some 3d shit gives me so much trouble >.<


yo sunk you from richmond?

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Tag throw and dead letters first time poster ahaha :p




bump for crits yeah its not the best i understand in the throw the u is bigger then the s and the handy sucks but i had a broken wrist at the time throw me some slack CRITZ PLEASE!

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well. i know kns from another forum. i told him evoked was taken. he said he was sticking with it.

plus evoke is euro(?) and im pretty sure kns is somewhere here in the states

or the other way around.


and its a stretch to call evoke a king.



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