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This is my first sketch... it was done with a pen in a moving car so the lines arent at straight as they should be... and I only had those 3 color markers, i have no idea what I did with the rest of them...

But any suggestions/tips? I'm going to be re-drawing this once I get done making something to eat... Also, I'm not sure where I was going with the lines going through the D and E...



Oh yea, this is another one I did right after i drew that one... I like it a little better


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Aide... while I appreciate you kept your letters simple (which puts you above most toys off the bat) you need to make the thickness of your lines consistant.


Look at how thin the width of the I and E are on the second one compared to how thick the A and D are.


Don't overlap your letters at all right now, make them all the same height, thickness and style, keep practicing, and post that way.

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yeah its not offensive, i know i suck. but uhh thanks i think?


a little tip about the adderall, if you take it wanting a buzz, down two - three beers and you get the most chill drunk-focused buzz... idk how to describe it, just try it out.


be careful with that shit....take too much and drink too much and you might have a mad freak out in a caboose like I did....:huh:



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Here is a new one I just did trying out bubble letters. I like this one the most. I have to re-draw it tho because I'm scared to color it... already know I'll mess up... And I didnt have room for the "e" so it has to be redrawn anyways... But any suggestions or tips on this one?


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