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Ight children, The 3d on this is simple drop shadow..small and simple. HERE YA GO BOYS!


For this style, im not happy with my 3d, maby get a senior to show me how to do the 3d right on this..


critz apreciated


hey sorry i havnt been on for a while im still working on yours, ive done a simple but want to finish the piece, but thanx for that sketch. keep it up!!!

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made some more stickers. the bottom right one with the bow was traced/colored in by my girlfriend. so she wanted to put a bow on it and put from: the g.f so she did. didnt come out bad. im going to start trying to change letters and find different styles. i seem to get stuck really easy though. crits/etc is appreesh'd


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UPS labels --i got lucky. my job uses UPS for all our shipping. they fucked up and gave us two cases of all white giant labels, which was the wrong size for our machine. 1000 stickers per roll, two cases --that equals a shitload of free stickers. only thing i can tell you is this --sharpies and pens dry up on them. cans work well though. you can layer paint on them and all that shit. i recommend cutting stencils if you've got them on the way.

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here's my tip on stencils. get what you want to make, either your own drawing or a print out of something. photo copy it. spray adhesive that to some accetate or cardboard --whatever you want to make your stencil on. cover it up with maybe some clear packing tape, it might help with the stencil bending up from the paint. cut the stencil with your blade. then you can put the stickers down to fit the stencil. so you can do a huge stencil, then put down however many stickers need to fit for your image, then you can just number the stickers and when you go out, put them up in order. this is just in case you want to make a bigger stencil. i'm working on a wolverine (x-men) one right now, and the thing is a bitch to cut. when i'm done, i think it will take at least four stickers to fit. hopefully this helps out, and i'm not just rambling. work is boring as fuck today.


edit: play with your stickers though. ups has so many kinds. the ones i have are for the laser printers UPS puts with their shipping machines. that's why it drys out markers and pens real quick. you might be getting some straight paper ones, and in that case --have fun drawing.

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im thinkin ill prolly make a stencil outta the one on the right, just cause of how i made the fill actually "section off" the letters if that makes sense, and side note, this is the finished product of the not colored one i posted like last page i think, and ignore the lil shit one on the bottom left, just tryin to recycle some shit i pulled off alot better the first time


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